Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Am I More Than You Bargained For Yet?

Ch. 5 He Licked My Face!!!

by annabel-lee 3 reviews

Yeah, I know. It's late. I'm sorry I had extremely aggravating trig proofs for homework. But it's here! :) This one involves some of Gerard and Mikey's friends. Hilariousness and touching moments a...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-01-28 - Updated: 2012-01-28 - 838 words


Thank you MemoryWolf, mychemicalbitchbot, xXLaylaxX, and KilJoy101! Your reviews brighten my day! :)

Gerard's Point of View

That kid's crazy. Completely batshit. School was over, and we sat on the loud, smelly, rumbling bus. 
It's official. I hate school buses. End of story.
"Mikey, if I never ride on another school bus, it would still be too soon." he chuckled a tad and pulled out a book on chess strategies. I whipped out my cell phone. I get a new one everytime we move to stop people from finding us. Mikey does the same. 

1 Missed Message

Well there's only a couple people it could be. 

From: Peteykins ;D

P:GEE!!!!!! Where r u?!?!?

Oh great. Pete's gonna have a fit...



G:Had to move. Mikey killed someone.



P:How is he? :(


P:Poor guy.


P:How's the new school?'s okay.

P:Oh really??! Last time you had to move I believe you said "school is a hell hole and I hate it with a burning passion." R u at an art school?

G:No, it's a public school.




G: lol Mikey's been happy despite the hunger.


P:Are you two on drugs?

G:lol! I asked Mikey if he was on drugs earlier! XD


G:I know, right?XD

P:Guess where I am Pete sent me as I stepped off the bus and into the driveway. As I was walking I typed out "Where?" just before I opened the door.
 Mikey let out a gasp as the door swung open.

 "Peeeeeeetttttteeee!!!!" I heard myself scream. He practically tackled me with a hug.
 "Gee-face!" he screamed. Wow. I couldn't help but laugh.
 "Yes, Gerard. You are my little Gee-face." he said affectionately before kissing my on the cheek.
 "I'm not your little anything! I'm  older than you!"
 "I know, I was trying to avoid drawing attention to the fact you're an old man!"
 "Fuck you!" I said before giving him another hug.
 "PETE! You are INSANE! I am NOT wearing this French maid costume!" Patrick hollered from inside. Then he walked into view and saw us. "Oh. You're here dude! It's good to see you." 
 "I know you two have a lot of catching up to do but could you please detach my boyfriend from your neck?" he ask as he gave Mikey a hug. 
 "Oh, piss off Patrick! You know you love it between the sheets."
 "Whatever Pete. That's only ever happened, like, five times? In a hundred years? We all know that would be considered frequent."
 "Stop bitching and give him a hug!" Patrick gave me a hug and I, with my quick thinking, licked his face.
 "Eeeeechhkk. Did you see that Pete?! He fuckin' licked my face!"
 "I kinda liked it." Pete said giggling. "It's sexy." Patrick just shook his head mumbling and crossed himself.
 "You should quiet down a bit. She's sleeping." Trick said.
 "Who?" I asked, thoroughly perplexed as I walked in. I froze suddenly when I saw that there, curled up on the couch, was my BFF Stephanie. She looked very much as I remembered. Her eyes were rimmed in scarlet and electric blue; her hair, scarlet with white streaks, was a pixie cut with a long fringe. She looked slightly disheveled with her grey skinny jeans and Misfits tee rummpled and her short hair sticking up at random angles. She had curled herself into a little ball, all wrapped up in her wolf blanket. She looked so cute and innocent.
      suddenly her eyes snapped open. Bright and inhumanly green, they met mine. She started smiling immediately. 
 "Hey Gee. I missed you."
 "I'm sorry."
 "Last time I saw you was in the middle of the forest. You promised me you'd find me when it was safe." she said as her smile faded.
 "I'm really sorry." I'm a terrible person.
 "I was only three months in Gerard." I left one of my best friends at a time when she needed me the most. "It's been three years." I could see tears in her eyes. Remembering how we got was terrible. And she was so new to vampirism. I'd changed her, and three months later...I'm the scum of the universe. The lowest of the low. "I've been waiting to see you." she slowly sat up. "There's something I've needed to say to you, and something I've been waiting to do."
 She has every right to kill me. Whatever she does, I deserve. I braced myself, but jaw tight, eyes shut, I felt something different and completely unexpected. 
 I was, once again, in her soft embrace. Her strong slender body held me gentle and I felt my muscles relax under her touch. "I've missed you so much Gerard, and I don't want you to ever, ever leave me like that again." I kissed her forehead lightly.
 "I'm sorry."
 "It's okay." she whispered. "I forgive you."
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