Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Forbidden Love

Forbidden Love

by Sasaki 2 reviews

blah blah blah, just please read the story!!!! '~_~'

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Humor, Romance, Sci-fi - Characters: Arthur Weasley, Draco, Fred, George, Ginny, Molly Weasley, Ron - Published: 2005-05-28 - Updated: 2005-05-28 - 1236 words

Harry: Umm, Hermione? Do you know where we are?
Hemione: This is the opening sequence to a fiction, most often refered to as, authors notes, or information about who and what the story is about.
Sass: @_@ You know to much. You go bye-bye. Hermione disapears WAIT! COME BACK! YOU HAVE TO DO THE DISCLAIMER! Hermione reappears
Hermie (Hermione is too long): Sasaki owns absolutly nothing. Except her computer and other things. Just not anything relating ot Harry Potter.
Sass: I have the movies and the books, but me no own.
Draco, HArry, and Ron in unisen: Thank, God.
Sass: Let the story now, BEGIN!!!!
(A/N: blah blah blah)= authors notes.
(y/n)= your name
~words~= thinking
>wordsShe needs to see him, meet him.< "Of couse. Well, he's at the Weaslys right now, and-", she was saying before you cut her off. "Who are the Weaslys?", you asked. Mum replied, "Your aunt, uncle, and your cousins. You can see them, if you like?" You nodded and ran up to your room to grab some CD's and some headphones, your car had your CD player in it. You pratically flew down the stairs and saw Mum grabbing her keys. You both went to the car and got in. You stuck in some music you know bugged your mum, but she didnt' say a word about it.
~~~~To The Weasly's House We Go~~~~
Once you reached the Weasly's you gawked at the house. It looked like it could fall over any second. Almost as if it was held up by magic, but you reminded yourself, it probably was. You walked up to the door, your mother at your side. You were beginning to grow somewhat nervous. ~What if they don't like me? What if i don't like them?~ And other things like that. You knocked on the door, and a chicken came up to you and rubbed it's head against your leg, purring. (A/N: Do chicken's purr?) The door opened to reveal a woman about your height with a lot of red bushy hair and a plump figure. She looked at your for a moment and then attcked. She punced on you giving you a big hug, so you could barely breathe. You gasped,"Can't", you wheezed, "breathe!" She let you go of your thin figure and looked over you. She laughed when she read what your shirt said. Then she took a long look into your dark blue eyes and beamed with joy. A moment later three more people came to the doorway. Two of them looked like they could both be your father. The other looked about two or three years older than you, he could have been your big brother. All of them had flaming red hair to match your own. The boy looked confused at you, and so did one of the would-be fathers, the other one beamed and smiled wider than the woman. He also smiled at your mum, which made you think that one was your dad. "(Y/n)?", he asked. When you nodded he gave you a really big hug and said, "I'm your father, (y/n). I've missed you so much." "I've missed you too, Dad!", you said. The other man said, "Well, you can just call me, Uncle Aurther." Then the woman who had attacked you said, "And, you can call me, Aunt Molly!" Then the boy spoke up, "My name's Percy." He spoke a bit pompously, you could tell already, he wasn't going to be your favorite cousins of the lot. Aunt Molly put an arm around you and guided you to the dining room/kitchen. There was a bid table right in the middle of the room. There were about four people sitting there and eating. You had just now realized you hadn't eaten breakfast, and you were quite hungry. So, you just sat right down into a vacant chair between to of the older looking ones. You looked up and they were twins! And they were both stairing at you. "Who are you?", asked the twin to your right. "(Y/n)" "How did you get here?", asked the twin to your left. "My mum took me here." "Why are you here?", asked the twin to your right. "Well, let's see, i got a letter in the mail, then my mum told me i was a witch, after that, she told me my dad was here, and i wanted to see him, so here i am", you said, rather quickly. They both looked at you with wonder and the other two at the table had raised their heads and were now staring at you, too. The twin on your right said, "Well, I'm Fred, that's George", he said pointing to his twin, "that's Ginny", he said pointing to a girl about a year younger than you, "and that's Ron", he said finally, pointing to the other boy at the table. He looked about your age. You smiled at all of them, then continued to eat your food. Everyone else took your hint and began to eat, talk, and other breakfast activities. You liked it here. It was cozy, and everyone was very freindly. Everything was going really awsome! So, something has to go wrong, sooner or later, right?
~~~~A few weeks later~~~~
Looks like later. Not the slightest thing had gone even amiss. After your first visit, Dad suggested you stay there untill September, and get familiar with magic. Mum wasn't too happy about it, but gave in after Aunt Molly and your puppy dog pouts. You went back with your mum to get your things. Once you got back, you were to stay in Ginny's room with her. Ginny was the coolest ten-year old, ever! Not including you, of course. You went to Diagon Alley, to purchase your things for school. You had fun with Fred and George. You went into joke shops, and all sorts of other places. They were like the big brothers you never had! They even scared a guy out of his mind when he tried to hit on you. You were having so much fun, you didn't even notice you were being stalked.
~~~Draco's POV~~~~~~~~~
I went into the joke-shop and saw two of the weasels. Oh, look, they're the twin weasels. Who's that? Another weasel? She's got the trademark weasel hair. No, they can't have had another. Not even they are that stupid. They barely have enough money for them to stay clothed! It must be a relative though. No one but the Weasly's have that red hair. She isn't that bad looking. Hmm, i can seduce her and mortify weasel and his family. It's not like it would be hard, espeicially since she looks so innocent. She is with the troublemaking weasel's, and appearences are decieving, i suppose. I will have to keep my eye on this one. She is just like a flame, alluring you to touch it, but burns you for trying. Although, as i got to know her later on, i had no idea how right that first impression really was.
Hermione: o_0
Sass: Lol, sorry, that's off of ! and Teen Girl Squad on the toons section, it's KILLAH!
Draco: Read and Review, or i'll get Crab and Goyle to clober you!
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