Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Two weeks in hell for seven minutes in heaven.

It'll be funner just the two of us anyway...

by RuledByFrerard 7 reviews

"Y'know Mikes, if you really don't want to go on this walk, we can go on our own walk..." Gerard purred, his words poured out like smooth cream from his mouth.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-01-31 - Updated: 2012-01-31 - 1219 words


"Miiiiiiikeyyyyyy," I felt the tingle of Gerard's warm breath on my ear as he acted as my alarm clock. I groaned, my head pounding from lack of sleep. "Get up!" he whined, pawing at my arm with his clammy palms. I turned over onto my back, stretching my whole body out. "C'mon, we've got to go walking," he urged, my eyes fluttered open to see his face hovering only centimetres over my own. I jumped almost out of my skin, causing Gerard to burts into fits of laughter, his warm, coffee scented breath indicated why he was so energetic.
"W-what time is it?" I mumbled, squirming as strands of Gerard's hair fell into my face. He smiled down at me like a maniac, his eyes wide with excitement.
"Climbing a mountain time!" he yelled right in my face. If it were anyone else waking me up this way I would've thrown a hissy fit, picked them up and thrown them out of the window, but since it was Gerard, it was kind of cute.

"Why do you seem so happy about that?" I asked him, palming his face and pushing him up. He giggled, running his tongue along my hand, "GROSS!" I cried, wiping his spit back in his face, he chuckled psychotically.
"I'm not happy about it!" he giggled, "but I've had seven coffees and I feel like I can take on the world!" I groaned as I forced my body to sit up, my eyes meeting Gerard's again. He was already dressed in a baggy red t-shirt and extreemely tight black jeans. I bit my lip as I stared in awe, immediately blushing as I realised he was watching me. "Get ready!" he said, throwing my favourite pair of purple skinnies in my direction. "You have five minutes to get your sweet ass down the stairs or I'll come up here and tickle you to death again, you got that?" He ordered, my eyelids flew open as I nodded shyly, staring as his ass in those tight jeans as he walked out of the door.

Ten minutes later my feet were padding down the stairs. Gerard's eyes sparlked with delight when he saw me. His bottom lip quivered, probably because of the cold. "Uhh... I like- I like- like your outfit..." he stumbled awkwardly over his own words.
"Thanks!" I beamed back at him, "I like your eyeliner," I admired the smudged black rings around his eyes. Since Gerard had already picked my super tight purple jeans for me, I only had to choose a top. I chose an equally tight v-neck top, showing off my pale chest, not to mention the jeans were very flattering everywhere that I wanted them to be. Gerard was staring a little, which once again filled me with butterflies. When he noticed I had seen him, his gaze shot to the floor, his hair making a silky, black curtain over his pale, face. "What's so interresting about the floor, Gerard?" I smirked.

"Okay boys, you ready?" Mum called from upstairs,
"Yeah mum," Gerard shouted back, I shuddered when he called her 'mum'. Although that's who she was to us, it just reminded me how sick I really was. My own fucking brother! I sighed, my eyes burning holes into the floor as I tried to clear my mind. "You okay?" Gerard asked sympathetically, placing his hand on my shoulder.
"Oh, umm, yeah," I mumbled, shaking my head in an attempt to try and enter back into the world of reality.
"Y'know Mikes, if you really don't want to go on this walk, we can go on our own walk..." Gerard purred, his words poured out like smooth cream from his mouth. His voice alone made me perk up,
"Really?" I asked, beaming at him, "Won't mum kill us?"
"We'll tell her we're not ready for mountains yet!" Gerard smiled, "We need to train ourselves up with shorter, less dangerous, life-threatening walks first!"
"Life threatening?" I chuckled,
"Hell yeah!" he yelled, the effects of the coffee kicking in again and turning his smooth voice into an exciteable scream. "What if we slip on a slug or something, could break our legs clean off!"
I giggled, shaking my head at his poor attempt of humour.
"Okay, okay..." I said, "We'll go on our own walk."
"It'll be more fun just the two of us anyway," Gerard smiled sweetly, his eyes were caring pools of melted chocolate resting in his skull. "I've been really looking forward to spending more time with you Mikey."
I gulped, forcing a smile.
"Yeah," I lied, "Me too."

"Fuck it's so much colder than I had expected!" I complained through chattering teeth. It had taken some persuasion, but mum had decided to let us go our own way for today.
"Should've brought a thicker jacket then moron!" Gerard grinned, wrapped up in his thick, black coat. His boots kicked the pebbles on the flat, forest pathway. My black converse surrounded my frozen toes as I hugged myself for warmth, my hands clinging to my thin, grey jacket for dear life.
"I didn't realise it would be 'this' cold!" I shivered, "Fuck, I hate it! Let's go home!" I begged,
"No!" Gerard protested, "We're going to finish this walk, if we don't get used to walking what are we gonna do when mum drags us up a bunch of fucked up mountains?"
"I don't care!" I yelled, coming to a halt and standing awkwardly in the middle of the pathway. Gerard turned around, his cheeks glowing pink from the icy, winter wind.
"You're coming whether you like it or not Mikey Way," he told me, folding his arms. He looked perfectly dominant, which only made me want to behave more mischeviously.
"Actually," I smirked, "I think I'll stay right here." I folded my arms, mirroring him.
"Don't push me Mikes," he snapped, I laughed rudely.
"Why?" I said smugly, "What're you gonna do?" Gerard's eyes narrowed, the bitter wind whipping his hair around his face. He began pacing towards me ever so slowly. His lips twisted up into a devilish grin, his eyes seducing me, drawing me in. I didn't move a muscle, I just stared.

"Well," he purred, his body finally close to mine. I could feel his heat as he placed his hand on the side of my face, his eyes burning into mine. "I could just do this..." his voice was smooth and seductive again. He stroked his hand down my face, my butterflies awoke. His fingers traced down my almost bare chest, moving further and further down. My whole body began to shake, I tried my best to keep it to a minimum. His face moved slightly closer to mine as he opened his mouth just enough, I closed my eyes, not sure what to expect, but aching for it. His hand stroked down my stomach, and then continued further down. Then suddenly, he grabbed my hand. My eyes shot open as he dragged me away. He began running, and I had no choice but to keep up with him. He was heading towards the forest.
"Where are we going Gerard?!" I cried, my insides still being battered almost painfully by butterflies as his grip on my hand tightened.
"We're going on an adventure!" he replied.
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