Categories > Original > Fantasy > Blood Spill

Chapter 1

by Demonstar 0 reviews

Regret is such an intresting emotion. It can fool you into thinking something complete opposite to the situation. It can confuse you and sometimes even steal your sanity.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Humor - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-06-24 - Updated: 2006-06-25 - 1436 words

Everything in this story is copyright ©2006 David Loper (Demonstar) Reproduction in anyway is against the law, you have been warned.

Would you please stop saying that I'm a monster? I'm not a monster! My morals are simply different from yours. I mean, I still have my sanity... at least I think I do... S-Shut up! That doesn't mean anything! I mean, I still know what I'm doing and when I'm doing it! I know what I'm doing is wrong, even if I don't regret it! I'm still a monster regardless? Shut up!!

I mean, here I am trying to tell my story someone before this 'place' completely consumes me and you keep interrupting me with this ridiculous allegations and every second a little bit more of me is consumed! I hope you're happy! I mean-HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! My hand is gone-hurts so bad--! Now please shut up! I don't have much more time left! Please! I need for you to listen; I do not wish to be forgotten! Someone must remember me regardless of what they think of me!


Ever try carrying a body of your back while trying to run? Not very fun, let me tell you, nor is it easy. So damn heavy when your feet are carrying 200 more pounds then they're used too. If I get the chance I am SO soaking my feet in COLD water tonight. Why cold? My feet are on fire, I don't need more heat.

So damn nasty! I'm completely COVERED in this guys blood, I mean doused in it, that's not a pleasant feeling either. Ever been covered in blood? Blood is very VERY sticky and very VERY wet and even redder. Except for the blood on my hands, it's brown now because it's dried. That doesn't feel very pleasant either, all flaky and gross. Sometimes I wonder how I got involved in a career such as this, and then I remember:

It found me.

I would really rather not talk about that little incident for the time being, little emotional for me, and I'm a little scary when I'm emotional.

I come to an immediate halt; this should be far enough into the forest so that if anyone were to find the body it would take them weeks. Then how did I get here in a matter of minutes, you ask? Simple: Magic. I would appreciate if you would stop laughing fore I am not joking. Not the kind of crap ridiculous magic you see in those movies or books. It is impossible for magic to be conjured into a physical form. You know what I'm talking about, right? When in movies they cast a spell and there is a giant flash of light? No, that's not how it works at all. Magic is also very common in this world, and it can't be used for even more of that other fictional crap, Like controlling someone's mind, turning them to stone, that other shit.

Magic can only be used to slightly enhance or decrease power. Or simply destroy, nothing more. We still need to chant a little something here and there, how ever, and do not be mistaken that there are no offensive magic spells: There are many. I know a spell that can slightly halt an enemy's oxygen intake. What it does is slightly constrict the bronchi in the lungs, making it harder to get air, quite useful if you're trying to over power someone or trying to escape.

We also have magicians, of course; Masters of magic, beings of great and terrible destruction. Yeah, we have those. I've seen a mage destroy a building with the flick of a wrist and a simple chant. The magic in your books may be really really special and beautiful, but ours is much more destructive; I can guarantee it.

Now that that little piece of knowledge is know, lets get back to the situation at hand, shall we? I drop the body on the ground with a thud and a crunch. Whoops; think I made him break something, oh well. I never really did understand that whole "respect the dead" thing. I mean, they're dead! What's left to respect? A lifeless corpse who is incapable to give a damn?! Yeah, I can soooo see where you need to respect. Insert my eyes rolling here.

So here I am in the middle of a forest whose name I don't know next to the body of a man whose name I don't know standing here doing whatever. I'm really clueless, aren't I? I've never been really good at "thinking things out", I've always been a spur of the moment kind of guy. Though, you have probably already figured that out, huh? I've always been strangely easy to read once you get o know me, even though no one ever gets to know me, ever. Assassins don't really ever have friends. As much as I would like to make some, it would be dangerous. For example, if I were to fail in killing a target, or one of my previous targets were to somehow track me down, who do you think he would go after to get to me?

A branch breaking behind me breaks my train of though. I whirl around, quickly but calmly, to see a man standing there. He was dressed in a black robe which had symbols marked on it in snow white threads. The symbols traveled up both his arms and met in the middle of his chest. He was about my height, my height being 5'10, and had the purest shade of ocean blue eyes you will ever see. I mean really, this guy had some REALLY BLUE EYES. His hair was in a crew cut, spiky and all, and it was brown. His arms were crossed and he was staring at me emotionlessly.

"So you're the one they've all be talking about," wow, he had a really deep voice too. Geese, was this like 'most masculine man of the year' or what?

I raise an eyebrow and tilt my head at him, "Eh?" that's all I really felt like saying. Don't see why I should ask any really complex questions, he really should explain himself for spying on me. Hmm... wonder if he'll try to report me for this body lying next to me? That would be inconvenient.

He huffs, "You look strong, but not that strong. Seems as if they were over reacting," Oh god, this is one of those guys that only likes to speak in riddles, isn't he?! God damn it, I hate guys like this. Annoy the hell out of me.

I stare at him with an annoyed look on my face, you know, those kinds of emotionless stares you give someone when you just want them to go away? Yeah, that's the one, "So what do you want? If you're not gonna tell me I'm just gonna leave cause I am so not in the mood for this," I have my hands to rub my temples, a headache is beginning to threaten my thoughts, I just ignore the blood this time, I don't really care about getting dirty anymore.

He huffs again and reaches inside his robe for something. He takes out a really really REALLY long sword, as long as my freakin' leg! It's a really nice sword too, it's a double edged sword with magic enchanted symbols running along both sides of the blade. The handle looks like it's made of gold and it's trimmed with magnificently colored jewels, a large purple jewel was at the base. I let out a whistle of admiration, that's a really awesome blade, "Nice...." I swear that I'm drooling. This is just how I get when I see fancy weapons, I love weapons.

He makes a disgusted looking face at me, as if he thinks my reaction is sickening. When he lift the blade over his head, however, that's when I fall into a defensive stance and then remember; Shit! I'm unarmed! Next thing I know the sword is flying at me with inhumane speed and I realize there is no way I can get out of the way in time. I'll be honest, I cower for a moment. I cover my eyes with my arms and brace myself. Hey, Shut up! You would have done the same thing in my position!

The blade land in front of me and I fall down and look around in a panic; the bastard was gone! I twitch in frustration while looking at the sword; This whole fucking scenario is so damn cliché.
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