Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > DeSTRoYa

Louder Than Thunder

by WHiTeNoiSe 1 review

When the world ended, it was instantanious. There wasn't a countdown, a warning, not even a fucking sign; it just happened.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2012-02-06 - Updated: 2012-02-12 - 805 words

AN: Alright, first story. This chapter's just an intro. The REAL fun starts when someone gets shot. Title from Devil Wears Prada. - Noise

When the world ended, it was instantanious. There wasn't a countdown, a warning, not even a fucking sign; it just happened. The radiation had slammed into the Earth before anyone could detect it, instantly killing the unfortunate souls that had been outdoors at the time. One second the future was bright, the next it was white.

At least, that's how Better Living saw it.

After the radiation levels began to stabilize, the residents of California noticed the face of change. That happy little face against the blank background was the beginning of a new Earth. People were desperate to be happy again, to forget the dying screams of family and friends. They hungered for an escape from the truth, and they would pay anything to get it. Better Living Industries offered them a chance to start over, a chance to slip into a long dream that didn't need to end.

In truth, Korse was the mastermind behind a zombie apocalypse.

BL/ind began to spread across the globe, smiling faces dominating television screens and buildings until color seemed like a distant memory. All over the world, humans were slipping into a drug-induced haze that protected them from the harsh outside. They were kept safe from death and sadness, completely under Korse's control as they 'slept'. The Dracs began to build Korse's vision of a perfect world, one where everything was kept under a strict schedual without any surprises. The internet became a thing of the past, radio stations began broadcasting only weather and news, television was a fond memory in the deepest corners of our minds.

Color was dead. The world was dead. Then, a ripple.

The first to rebel was a teenager. Not surprising, considering the drug was proven to be less effective on adolescents. What was surprising was that this sixteen-year-old girl managed to take down three Dracs before she could be 'exterminated'. Her death was shoved into the faces of the new world; an example of what would happen to those who didn't accept that 'everything was fine'.

That girl became the symbol for a new group of heroes. Although her name was never released to the public, many other people followed her example. One by one, men, women and children began to stand up for the right to see what was really happening to their beloved Earth. They refused the drug, choosing instead to venture out into the ruins of once thriving cities. These new areas of wilderness were referred to as 'zones'.

News spread about the rebellion. People dressing in bright colors and living in the wild, completely exposed to the dangers of the unknown. These 'Killjoys' were said to be planning to bring the world back into the harsh reality of the present. There would be no more drugs or painless fantasies, only cruel truth.

Raids were planned. Korse was starting to panic. No matter how hard he hit the Killjoys, more seemed to bounce back in the place of the fallen. Their numbers were growing; it would only be a matter of time before the Killjoys took over and destroyed all he had worked to create.

BL/ind formed a program called 'Potential': a sort of army built of young children that were raised to be 'perfect citizens'. The plan was that the kids would be trained to fight against the Killjoys. Korse was relying on the weakness of the enemy's emotions, hoping that they'd sooner surrender than kill innocent children.

This was not the case.

Although there would be much regret later, the Killjoys knew that the Potentials were already dead. Part of their training had been to spend hours in a windowless room with BL/ind videos playing nonstop. The Potentials had no thoughts of their own, only messages that had been beaten into their skulls over time. Many died. 'Potential' had been a failure.

Sometimes, however, a child wouldn't respond to the brainwashing. They would remain free of Korse's control, only to be exterminated in the most humane way possible. Every now and then, an exceptionally-bright child would fake allegiance to BL/ind and pretend to have been brainwashed by the videos. As soon as a group of Killjoys found these 'Seers', they would take the children into their ranks. Sometimes Seers even managed to escape on their own, running into the Zones to find a new life.

BL/ind was fighting to keep hold of the population.

The Killjoys were fighting to free it.

AN: Might update tonight. Might update tomorrow. It all depends on how good the response is, my friends. The better it is, the sooner we bring in our lovely boys in the leather jackets. - Noise
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