Categories > Celebrities > 30 Seconds to Mars > Did you know I'm utterly insane?


by cyborg-unicorn 1 review

Category: 30 Seconds to Mars - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-02-14 - Updated: 2012-02-14 - 852 words

[A/N I do not own any of the characters, this is purely just for anyone that wants to read it, enjoy :D Please let me know if it's any good, thanks :3]

They arrived in a desolated neighbourhood, the streets overgrown and the houses empty. Jared stopped the car in a patch of weeds that had, untamed, had been allowed to cover part of the road. A rickety old house stood before them. The garden was a tangled jungle of hedges and thorns and high grass. The grey, dull stones that made up the path looked as if a mud monster had bled to death there. The door had once been kicked in and plastered back together. The walls had the occasional absent brick and the entire structure was leaning sideways. There was a giant hole missing from the roof amongst the worn and weathered tiles. The house stank of damp and urine, more than likely filled with both.
Jared opened the door of the car for Amy and helped her out. He took nervous glances around them as he made his way up the path, gripping Amy’s arm a bit too tightly. The neighbourhood was dead silent and obviously had been empty for years, but they felt the presence of someone. Amy tripped over her own feet in the dark evening, almost landing on her face no less than 4 times.
Jared had to heave himself at the door shoulder first to open it and the same to close it after them. Amy stood in the grimy hallway, disgusted. It smelt so bad she thought she would puke. There was rubbish and rubble over the floor, damp patches and exposed floorboards in the ceiling from the story above. There was a gloomy green look to the long room. The other rooms were just the same if not worse, some even flooded with water or splattered with suspicious, blood-like stains. Upstairs there were rooms with small cramped metal bunk beds, a small bag by the end of each.
Amy looked at Jared, confused. He was leaning against the door frame with his hands in his pockets.
“Are people actually staying here?!”
“yes. But you won't be. You're in with me” he beckoned her over to a door on the opposite side of the hall. Inside the room a dirty king-sized mattress took up the majority of the floor space. The walls were covered in maps and folders and important looking documents. There was a broken chest of drawers resting precariously on the uneven bare floorboards. Amy gulped, vile rising in her throat.
“I suggest you familiarise yourself with the house, the boys will be back soon” Jared told her plainly.
“All will be explained later, now out.” he motioned for her to leave. He locked the door after her so she had no option but to wander around the giant house, still confused as to why she was there. She leant against the counter to look out upon the back garden from the kitchen window; the land looked well kept. Suspicious. She inspected the gigantic mound of dirty dishes by the sink and came to the conclusion that there must've been at least 40 of these 'boys' staying in the house. Amy gulped, vile rising in her throat. There was only one reason she could think as

“HOLY SHIT!” she bellowed, turning to look at the owner of the voice. She froze.
There were about 20 men squashed into the kitchen. “uhh” she clutched her heart, breathing deeply. She was stunned into silence, fearing for her life.
“who are you and what are you doing here?” the enormous man in front said, pulling out a gun.
“Woah, put that away”
“I SAID” the man stepped forward and pointed the gun inbetween Amy’s eyes “WHO ARE YOU?”
“A-Amy. Jared brought me here”
“Wrong answer” he said, going to pull the trigger. Amy winced and cried out.
“GORDON” Jared's below echoed around the kitchen. Everyone turned to look at him as he had suddenly appeared at the side door to the kitchen. “FUCK, put down the gun or I will shove it up your arse”
Gordon did as he was told immediately, standing up dead straight with the other men like soldiers.
“Sorry Wolf, sir”
“Jared, what is-?”
“You do not call me that. Here, I'm Wolf”
“Wolf?” Amy asked bemused.
“Yes. Come with me now”
Reluctantly Amy walked over to him.
“Pilot” he called “you come too”
A slim man with a red mohawk and piercings walked over and they all left the room.
Jared - Wolf- sat Amy down in a chair in the middle of the bathroom down the hall.
“what we doing, sir?”
“Use your imagination” Wolf said, sitting back on the edge of the bath. After a moment, Pilot took a box out of the bathroom cupboard. It was a box of hair bleach. Disregarding the instructions, he mixed it and started to put it in Amy’s hair. She winced as she felt it burning her scalp.
Where the fuck was she?!
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