Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance


by Unicorns-are-real 2 reviews

She stands over him, no longer is she the blushing innocent, but the hard cold killer. In her hands she holds a bloodied knife and the boy's wings. She smiles as he howls. She [/smiles./]

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-02-29 - Updated: 2012-02-29 - 414 words

New Story! It's just an idea, but I want to know if you think I should continue or not. It's a fantasy/love story where Gerard, Ray, Bob and Mikey are Elven. Frank and Leigh are both humans and Leigh is the girl Gerard falls in love with. I don't want to give the plot away too much so I won't say anymore! :) But please let me know what you think so far.

-Sara xoxo

Ps. Haru and the Kobra Kid is going to be updated on Saturday ;)

It starts how every love story starts; there is a boy and there is a girl. And they fall in love. But the boy is something different, something that shouldn't be with the humans.

But they are happy together and are in love, just as it should be. Then something changes, as it always does and suddenly the scene isn't such a happy one anymore. The mysterious boy who was once laughing is now screaming. Screaming in pain. Where he once had his wings are deep bloody gashes and his magik bleeds from him.

But this is no work of a monster.

This is the work of the girl.

She stands over him, no longer is she the blushing innocent, but the hard cold killer. In her hands she holds a bloodied knife and the boy's wings. She smiles as he howls. She smiles.

And that crude grin is the last thing the boy sees.

Don't worry though, that's just an elven tale to show why we should never trust humans. Especially the ones we fall in love with.

You humans think you know all there is to know about the world and the Universe, but you don't. You know nothing of nature and how this world came to be.
But I know.

I have seen the world as you have never seen it. I have heard trees scream in despair as they are felled. I have raced with the shadows of the night and waltzed with the beams of the sun. I have seen this world created, I have seen species spring to life and topple into extinction and I have talked to the Spirit of the World itself.

And now I am trapped. Snared between my world and yours. I shouldn't be here, I don't belong here and now I am dying, fading away in a world without Magik.

This is why an elven should never fall in love with a human.
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