Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Ghost of Apartment 27

Coffee and Cigarettes

by ZiggyStardust 0 reviews

CHAPTER ONE "This is the story of how I killed myself." Frikey Multi-chapter

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-03-04 - Updated: 2012-03-06 - 879 words


Frank’s POV:
“I.. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I’m stuck between killing my best friend and killing myself..”

My name is Frank Iero. This is the story of how I killed myself. I was lost in a sea of regret, confusion, and total and utter lust for a man who had betrayed my very soul.

Mikey’s POV
I stood in line at the broken down 7/11 in my home town of Newark, New Jersey. The walls around me were covered in something I would like to describe as mold; it had the same scent of dank, rotting food, but had the look and texture of an almost rocky goo. Although the atmosphere of the building was disgusting, I was shocked that it had still been in business for over 15 years. The only sounds heard were the creaking of the hotdog rotator, the breathing of some old, husky men, and the tapping of my Chucks against the cracked linoleum floor. The line slowly inched forward, and I managed to step up to the front counter.

“Just the cigs for yuh then, man?” croaked the zitty teen who sat behind the counter with an accent I’ve heard too often.

“Yeah, just the cigs for me, thanks.” I quietly watched the zitty teen shove my folded bill into the register and struggle finding the buttons labeling the number 5. He slid the cigarettes back across the counter, and gave me a nod, signaling me to leave the store and have a good day. I nodded back and gave a slight wave as I walked to my brother’s old, unwashed Subaru. I plopped down into the front seat and shoved my key into the ignition. The car rattled and stalled before it jerked and the engine hummed slowly. I grabbed my lighter and the new pack of cigarettes I had just purchased and closed my lips around it while my lighter sparked and lit the end. I’ve never been one to remember things very well, and I reversed the car without looking behind me. I slammed on my brakes and was startled to hear knocking on my back windshield.

“Hey, jackass! You almost hit me with your fucking car! Watch where you’re fucking going!” A small man with black and red hair stepped away from my car and took off into the store with a red face. He wore tight, black jeans and had a doe-like face with two piercings. I drove out of the parking lot with a thumping heart. Fuck! I almost hit that guy! I made a mental note to look behind me when I back up, and headed home.

I was quite desperate to get home. My older brother, Gerard, who was 3 years older than me, was visiting for the weekend with his girlfriend, Lynz. He had called and told me before I left for 7/11 that he was 15 minutes away, so I panicked when it was almost 5:30. I pulled into the driveway, glad that I didn’t see Gerard’s red pickup next to me. I slammed the car door, and fumbled for my mother’s house keys.

“Hey Mom. Hi Dad,” I shouted towards the kitchen, guessing they were both inside brewing coffee or beginning dinner. “You guys home?”

My mom popped her head through the kitchen window and shouted back, “Hi sweetie! Yeah, we’re home! Is your brother here yet?”

“Naw, I didn’t see his truck, anyway.” I was pulled into a hug from my mother and was dragged into the kitchen, where it reeked of burnt food. I was presented with a cup of warm coffee and a jug of creamer. My mother and I sat down in unison as I poured my cream into my cup, causing a swirl of black and white.

“Goodness, I’m so excited to see your brother, Mikes. When he moved out, I thought I had lost it. I’m so happy to see him again.”

“Yeah, I’m happy too. I miss him. I hope he’s we-” I was interrupted by my father, who with a deep, solemn tone said

“Yeah, he’s got himself a new piece of ass now, eh? Who is it, Lauren?”

“It’s Lynz, dear.”

“That’s it. Thanks, Donna.”
She nodded in return and stood to check on the roast in the oven. Gerard had moved out of the house when he was 18 to live with his friend, Ray. I didn’t know Ray very well, but I recalled talking to him a few times in school. I was 17, currently a Junior at Belleville High.

A sudden knock came from the front room.
“Mikes, honey, will you get that for me?”

“Sure, mom,” I walked to the front room and answered the door. I smiled to see Gerard, with his lanky arm draped around who I suppose was his girlfriend. “Hey, man. You’re late.”

Gerard chuckled half-heartedly, “Ha, yeah. I stopped by 7/11 real fast. I had to get something.”

“Someone.” Interrupted Lynz.

“Ha, yeah, someone. I brought someone else, Mikey.”
Gerard and Lynz parted to reveal their friend. I stood, wide-eyed, looking at the doe-faced man with red and black hair, starring back at me.

“Mikey, this is Frank.”
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