Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Pretty in Black

by Lady_Helena 0 reviews

I was just the new girl, who managed to get onto the Badminton team. He was something else. I don't know what he was, but I liked it.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2012-03-15 - Updated: 2012-03-15 - 495 words

I suppose I'll never be able to forgive Father for what he has done. I reckon I shall always hate him for leaving me and Mother to fend for ourselves. It may sound selfish and shallow of me, but I can't help it. I feel betrayed and lied to. Mother calls him brave and noble. I agree, but I also think he was stupid and blinded by propaganda adverts on the TV.

My name is Lily Duquense. I'm sixteen and due to start my new school, Belleville High, in New Jersey. I'm not entirely happy about it. But Mother needed the money, so we moved from Boston Central, to Belleville. The small house we are living in is light and airy, but I feel cramped with all the unpacked boxes littering my room.

"Lily. Your Auntie Caroline is here!" My Mother called from downstairs. I heard her worn voice chatting happily to my Aunt. I slipped my pumps on and trudged down the stairs, past the photo of my Father displayed proudly on the cabinet.

My Mother smiled at me, but it didn't reach her blue eyes. Her once long brown shiny hair is a short bob, with flecks of grey. My Mother was once a figure of beauty, but the past 2 years have eroded that beauty away.
My Auntie Caroline was my Mother's polar opposite. She had stylish cropped black hair with a pink streak down the side. She had brown eyes, with a cheeky glint and wore a strange variety of clothing.

"Lily! I have not seen you since you were a baby. You look so much like your Mother." Caroline's voice was light and bubbly. I smiled warmly at her.

"Thank you. I like your hair." I replied staring at the pink streak. Caroline laughed and hugged me. She then turned to my Mother.

"Oh Charlotte. It's been too long. William will be ever so pleased to see you again. He's gotten really quiet, ever since Henry left for War." My Mother nodded, still smiling.
"It would be great to see him too. You could come over for dinner one time." Caroline laughed again. I stepped aside as the two women walked into the living room. I sighed, shut the door and trudged back up the stairs. I flung myself on the bed and cried. Cried for my Father. Cried for my Mother. I cried for minutes, hours even before drifting off into a uneasy sleep.

"Lunch? Keys? Phone? Are you sure you want to go Lily? You could wait until next term..." My Mother fussed over me as she pulled up outside the school. I smiled at her and put a hand on her arm.

"Mum, I'll be fine. It's a fresh start. Go home and get some rest. You'll need it for work later." My Mother nodded and I stepped out of the car.

"Good luck Lily." My Mother called as I walked up the marble steps of Belleville High.
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