Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Keep Running, Lee

by GerardAllTheWay 1 review

Evanescance-MCR Crossover!!! Amy Lee has never had an easy life. With parents constantly putting her down, incessant bullying, and no clear path in life, who would? All that changes when she runs a...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-03-22 - Updated: 2012-03-22 - 464 words

The last argument I had with my parents went like this. I walked down the stairs, my eyes outlined with blue-black eyeliner. I lived in blue mascara. I wore my favourite "Homophobia is Gay" shirt and black skinny jeans.
"What the fuck is on your face?" My dad roared.
"Get that shit off. My daughter will NOT look like a prostitute in my home!!"
"Get over it, old man."
"And what's that on your shirt? Homophobia is Gay?"
"Yeah, so what?"
"I raised you wrong. BEING GAY IS A SIN."
"You masochistic fucker. I'm outta here." Then Mom spoke up.
"Young lady, don't you dare speak to your father in that way."
"Why? Mom, he called me a fucking prostitute."
"He has the right to do that."
"NO, HE FUCKING DOES NOT!!" I screamed, and picked up a glass.
"Don't you-" Dad's firm voice was cut short when I threw the glass at him.
"Bye." I stormed out the door for school, my stripy red and black jacket unzipped and studded with badges. My scruffy bag was slung over my shoulder, black again. I had an infatuation sight he color black. The only color that wasn't something gothic-colored was the bright turquoise nose stud I had. I loved it, and was glad Dad hadn't noticed yet.
-Time Skip-
I stood at registration, waiting for the receptionist to get off the motherfucking phone and get me my stuff. "Here's your timetable- you have Music, Art and History first." The blondes reception smiled a plastic smile.
I turned and left, making my way to the lockers. I was about there when the hood of my jacket was yanked back.
"You're the new emo girl." I hated the term emo, it was so derogatory.
"Not emo." I replied to the voice behind me nonchalantly.
"Whatever. Don't hang out with us, okay? Or else I'll get Bryce to beat you to a big pile of emo slush." I was getting fed up with this.
"Firstly, I'm not emo! Secondly, I don't hand around with sluts so I don't think I'll be making any plans to even come close to you, and thirdly-" I pulled forward so my hood was let go of- "my name is Amy Lee and I can fucking crush your pathetic boyfriends with words. Physical violence is nothing." I hissed and walked away. I pushed through the crowd formed around me and threw my things in a locker. I had Music first, joy. I actually liked Music, I knew I could sing.
-A little time skip later-
I stood in front of the Music building, quickly puffing on a cigarette. There was no way I could get through the day without at least one. I stubbed it out and then pushed the door open.
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