Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Anyone need a Beta?


by KilljoyMinnieIero 0 reviews

Rules/Information stuff. Just e-mail me at

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-03-25 - Updated: 2012-03-25 - 242 words

Hi again!
So I got a few replies about people wanting me to beta them, but the conversation has sort of died. So I'm just gonna set the rules/things here, and then just e-mail me each chapter okay?(:
So number one. Make sure to tell me how long I have to read over at the most, because I do also write my own fics and I need to manage my time. I'll also e-mail you if I'm unable to beta your story at any time, for some reason or another.
Number two- please don't criticise my beta-ing. You've asked me to do it because you can't, or don't want to or whatever reason, so don't tell me how to do it. Thanks.
Number three- Just e-mail me each chapter as soon as you've written it (send to, because it'll mean I can probably look over it quicker.
Number four- I'm in England, so if you send it inbetween school hours, I won't be able to look at it until I get out of school. If you're lucky, or I really like your story, I might do it over lunch, or while I'm on the bus (:
Number five- don't hesitate to ask me any questions!
So yeah, just e-mail me your chapters when they're ready, and then I'll beta them and send them back as soon as I can :D

Stay beautiful, keep it ugly.
Minnie xo
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