Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance


by MadWorld 5 reviews

I'd like your opinion on this :3 c'mon, click the title. Do it!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-03-26 - Updated: 2012-03-28 - 462 words

I have a lot of crazy thoughts running freely in my head and all about stories I'd like to write.

Most of them include mental disorders (form Gerard's side.)

Torture, or rape. (Whichever twisted kind of thing you like the most.)

Homophobia, the of course, bullying. (Can be anyone you choose.)

Possible suicide. (I'll be careful not promoting it people!)

And hospital scenes. (I love them :3)

So, here's one of my ideas...

(I kind of got from Crack... Who got it from AgentEpidemic LOL.)

Gerard is a troubled teenager (16-year-old), who's schizophrenic and has gone through all kinds of intensive therapy's. But nothing has really worked. He slowly and painfully starts falling deeper into his mental disorder without anyone really taking notice...
He's driving himself into madness and is not aware of it.
He and his brother Mikey are taken to live with their aunt, Constance, due to a complicated familiar status. Constance hates the kids for some reason, and does not approve them staying, therefore, dedicates herself to make their lives impossible. Making it each time more difficult for Gerard to see the surface. This becomes into a nightmare and constant torture unable to escape from...

That's one of them. What do you think...?

Here's another.

Gerard lives a complicated life since his mother's death, not so long ago from lung cancer... He remembers...
Now that his father has become an alcoholic and fallen into depression, they're going bankrupt, Gerard has to face a cruel reality in between finding a job, keep good grades at school, feed his brother, and trying to keep what remains of his family together, but he soon looses any hope of keeping with this challenge, he's scared, sad and helpless.
That is, until he meets with Frank Iero... Can a good feeling have the power to keep going?


Gerard was diagnosed with cancer at the young age of 9. Ever since, his parents didn't want him getting to close or attached with his brother, Mikey. He grew up slowly untill the age of 16, (all this time trying to avoid close relationships) until he meets Frank Iero (I want to have a different way of meeting them up, ideas?) But to bad for Gerard, that cancer comes back to haunt him, too bad he can't help his feelings torward this boy, and as time passes, decides to hide it from him, afraid of what his reaction must be.
Sooner or later, his physical and mental state reveal his disease...

So... Yep, that's about it... I'll be updating whenever I get a new idea or whenever any of you wither vote for these, or suggest something new. I'll be more than happy to accept your requests. Remember, you can also go on my Tumblr as box :3

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