Categories > Original > Drama

Runaway Orphan chapter 1

by Qhodi 0 reviews

An intro into the life of Zoey Dais, its kind of boring, but im just getting started. So please accept the boring in this chapter, the next chapter is where she actually takes her chance and runs a...

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-03-26 - Updated: 2012-03-27 - 829 words


I wonder what my foster family would say if I ran away, if I just packed my bag, grabbed my guitar and left, letting them wake up to my bare and lonely room. I doubt they would say much, I mean, I'm not the first foster child to run away from them. But let's not talk about that just yet. Why? Well because you'll learn about them later so please be patient.
Anyways, let me explain my reasons for contemplating running away. My foster mom, Kimberly or Kim, to me.(I don't plan on calling her mom) and Peter Longdeshanks(I don't plan on calling him dad either. Oh! And Longdeshanks pronounced LONG-DEH-SHANKS) are strict, extremely strict, and because to Peter and Kim, children(aka: younger people they can control) should obey anything and everything they say.
Which means: NO loud music. NO watching cartoons on Tv. NO back talk from me. NO freedom of expression. I can't wear pants or shorts, only dresses skirts and blouses. After school I have to immediately do my homework and then straight onto doing my chores. Finally dinner and then 'quality' time with my foster parents(watching the news with Peter and Kim) until bedtime. Once the lights are out I am not allowed to roam around the house for anything.
Also, Peter and Kim introduce me as Tina Angie Longdeshanks(call me Zoey instead, Zoey Dais).
Now you know my boring day-to-day routine but you still don't know that much about me.
Hey there, I am Zoey, I'm about 5ft.2in. and I'm currently in school. I was born May 3rd 1991((Qhodi aka the writer of this story: This story doesn't start in present time, ok? Good. I will be posting the first few chapters when Zoey is still 17 and in highschol. Then prepare for a time skip to the present))
I have waist length black hair and sky blue eyes ringed with forest green. I am left-handed which Peter believes is a sign of the devil, so he won't let me do anything lefthanded(including my homework). I have slight dyslexia so I practice super hard on my English and spelling. I'm also a bit scatter brained, my mind wanders like a hummingbird wanders between many different flowers for nectar. Some people would possibly consider that I have ADD or ADHD along with my dyslexia. Peter and Kim just call me a daydreamer or something like that.
Now let me describe Peter and Kim as strange but I just think they're lost in the 50's, they only play classical or 50's music in the house occasionally. They're house is decorated like in those old 50's movies, they say words like "swell" and "Golly". The only time Peter says curse words is when he's furious, so furious that he has to teach Kim and I our proper 'place'. Which means he knocks us around to show us women are weak and that he is our boss and that we need him. Afterwards he'll say "You have to learn from your mistakes, I do this because I care"((Qhodi: I know I'm taking a long time to describe them, but I just want whoever reads this to know what Zoey runs away from))

I(Zoey) pause while writing in a small and very flimsy notebook I use as my diary. Nothing
would be worse right now than to be caught writing by the light of the moon shining through my window. According to my clock it's 11:32pm and I should be sound asleep, but my nightmares of possibly living here forever with these people who can't move along with the rest of humanity into the modern world keeps me awake.
I quietly slide into a laying position, storing my notebook/diary and pencil underneath my pillow. I stare blankly up at the ceiling as I think of possible escape options. I have no destinations in my mind that I could go to. No family, no friends, no one who could take me in. That's why I'm here at all.
The faint squeak of mattress springs and clumsy footsteps walking down the hall has me closing my eyes as Peter, I believe, stumbles towards the kitchen for a midnight whiskey call. Not realizing how tired I actually am, I quickly fall asleep, clutching my notebook under my pillow

Chapter 1 -DONE!-

((Qhodi: ok so tell me what you think, and I know Zoey doesn't have much personality in this chapeter, but thats because she hasnt really developed her own individuality. But trust mebshe wil gain likes and dislikes, fears, and more goals besides running away. Just dont give up on my crappy story just yet ok? Thats all I ask. Wait a couple chapters or so. Lots of hearts- Qhodi))

Anarbor - You and I(I was listening to this song for a while during my writing)
Hot Chelle Rae - I like it like that( is stuck in my head)
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