Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Break Your Little Heart

Break Your Little Heart

by mychemicalpony 1 review

Gerard somehow manages to break someone's heart without even knowing.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] - Published: 2012-03-29 - Updated: 2012-03-29 - 2339 words

Another story that I thought of whilst riding my horse. Don't ask why, I was concentrating on doing shoulder-ins for you people who are horsey and it just came to me. It's not actually gonna be depressing (I hope) and might occasionally be funny... Enjoy! Oh, and the titles are random songs that come on shuffle, and I'll try and base the chapter on it! And Gerard and Mikey aren't related in this...

Change Your Mind

Another painful day at school was approaching for Frank. He groaned at the thought of seeing the most hated person in the world at the moment for him: Gerard. He hated his guts so much, he didn't know why he just held his tongue while Gerard put him down and bullied his other friends - Ray and Mikey. Brendon didn't help either, he teased Jared and wasn't very nice to Bob. Frank didn't know why he was friends with them.

He got up and got dressed in his favorite Iron Maiden hoodie and skinny jeans, even though he knew that all Gerard would say was that he was copying him. Which was bullshit, according to Frank. He did his hair and smudged eyeliner around his eyes, and wished desperately he had a lip peircing. He couldn't have one though, because Gerard wanted one and was getting it done in 3 weeks time. Frank sighed to himself and packed his back for school, making sure that last week's Kerrang was visibly showing for when Gerard 'accidentally' got the wrong bag.

He trampled down the stairs and his mum, Linda, yelled at him to 'STOP MAKING A SOUND LIKE ELEPHANTS ON THE RAMPAGE!' Frank sighed again and thought 'Even my own mum is against me.'

(By the way, this is what I do, my mum goes absolutly mental and she doesn't realise I do it on purpose XD)

'Now, honey, come and have some breakfast. I got you some Special K especially.' Linda rambled on. Frank liked Special K, even though it was meant for 30 year old fat women trying to lose weight. It wasn't enough to make him want breakfast though, he felt sick at the thought of food. He pulled on his converses - which were also Gerard's style and therefore Frank shouldn't wear them - and plugged in his earphones. The comforting tones of Muse filled his ears and smothered the sounds of Linda trying to get him to eat breakfast. He headed out of door, and found that it was a surprisingly warm day. He hated the sun, but of course, he wasn't allowed to say so to his friends because Gerard and Brendon hated it so no one else could. 'Dickheads' he muttered to himself quietly at that thought.

He walked the short journey to the bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive. A rather unpleasant jock who shared the bus stop told him to 'Turn that fucking shit you call music or I'll smash your fucking face in so it doesn't resemble anything like your fucking face any more!'

'Why don't you fuck off and listen to the girl in denial sing 'Baby, baby, baby oohhhh!' and keep your nose out of things you don't understand?' Frank replied, as he knew that Jack didn't actually have the guts to do anything apart from taunt him. Frank, on the other hand, was fearless when it came to fights but Gerard was good at it as well so Frank couldn't be good at it as well. Obviously.

The bus came and Frank passed the journey imagining him talking back to Gerard and being kicked out of the group, but one or two scenarios featured Gerard admitting defeat and letting Frank live his life the way he wants to. When the bus pulled up outside school, Frank put away his iPod, and felt sad at the thought that Paramore couldn't help him through the day because iPods were banned.

He made his way over to where the gang hung out and found that Ray and Mikey were already there. 'Hey, how was your weekend?' Frank greets them with a warm smile, reserved for those who don't treat him like dogshit.

'Not too bad. It was good to get away from Brendon, jesus that boy is infuriating. Have you talked to Gerard?' Mikey replies, and we carry on talking like that, with all three of abusing mainly Brendon and Gerard but also Josh and Bob until the four mentioned turn around a corner and make their way over to us. Frank tried to make a conversation where they weren't bitching about them, and failed, so they sat in silence until Gerard and co joined them.

As usual, the talk was of how great the weekend was, and how Gerard was coming along with singing. Frank was insanely jealous of the little band that Gerard, Brendon, Bob and Alex were in, because he had heard them play before and realised that they needed another guitarist to make it sound really good. But Gerard didn't think he was good enough - he had been playing for 7 years - and so wouldn't let him join, even though Alex wasn't as good as him.

The bell went and Frank went off to the Geography block for form time with Josh, even though they weren't in the same form. Frank slipped inside the warm class room and wished that someone would open the windows. He took his usual place next to Lindsey and Tay. There the four of them, social rejects, on the front row. Tay, then Frank, then Lindsey and finally Jamia. Lindsey and Jamia were some of the biggest nerds in Frank's year, and Tay was a German exchange student who was coming over to America for 2 years to learn English a bit better. Why she didn't go to England, Frank had never guessed.

The first lesson was Biology, and Frank smiled to himself as he realised that it was with Mikey and Ray, and best of all, the teacher from hell. Miss Higginson. Frank took great pleasure in winding her up, and the best moment had to be when she asked for a genetic variation and Frank said 'Your face!', at which everyone burst out laughing and it took several minutes for her to gain control of the class after that. On the downside, he was sitting next to Rian, the most annoying boy in existence who had a squeaky voice and loved flies. The little buzzy things that annoy you, not anything else, just flies. He was weird.

After successfully making Miss Higginson red in the face when he corrected her explanation of eye colour being 100% down to genetics - which it wasn't and Frank knew it - Frank made his way to PE with Ray. They were doing trampolining, so Ray and Frank just stood at the side hoping they wouldn't get noticed not doing anything. Ray asked him 'ask, whatcha gonna do bout Gerard?' quietly.

'You know the song If You Run? It makes me REALLY angry, so we could sing it and then I'll confront him about everything. I'm just getting fed up with being told what I can and can't like, and he's so frustrating!' Frank says quickly, and he feels pretty angry already.

'Same, I think we should start singing now!' Ray agreed. After a count in from Ray, they started singing:

They say the problems come,come and pass, and I am number one, so take a look at your friends, oh envy is a terrible thing...

They finished it and immediately started singing again, and Ray looked progressively angrier. Frank could see that if Ray got any angrier, he'd start yelling at the teacher for making them do trampolining. 'Ray, let's stop now. I am sufficiently angry and you look like you are too!' Ray didn't have a chance to reply as the teacher dismissed them and there was a scramble to get to the changing rooms. Mikey, Gerard, Brendon and Bob had PE together and they were already in there by the time Ray and Frank got in there. Gerard was in the middle of changing and Frank couldn't help looking at the body that belonged to Gerard Way. It was gorgeous, all pale and creamy and there wasn't a part of him that wasn't perfect. Frank realised that it was Gerard and they were both guys and Frank hated the other, so why the hell was he staring at Gerard's body? Frank managed to drag his eyes away and focused on getting changed himself. If he turned around, he probably would have seen Gerard staring at his back, because Frank had got a tattoo and not told him. It looked so damn sexy as well, but Gerard couldn't accept that Frank had got it without talking to him first.

Frank turned around at the same moment that Gerard started talking to Brendon. Frank couldn't help a little stir in his stomach area, as Gerard and Brendon were flirting. Not really obviously, but enough to tell that it was classed as flirting. Frank couldn't believe it, because Gerard laughed at two younger guys who hugged each other a couple of weeks ago. Because they were 'gay'.

They crossed the road back into school and met up with Jared and Josh. Frank watched a little enviously as Gerard linked arms with Brendon, and hastily told homself that he hated Gerard. He hated the guy who made his life a misery. Within a couple of minutes, Alex came over and Gerard flung his arms around him like they were a couple, not just friends. Alex stayed for a bit until he claimed he had some 'researching' to do, which Frank knew was his code word for looking at pictures of Matt Bellamy. To be honest, Frank couldn't blame him because Matt was VERY sexy and was an absolutly amazing singer.

The conversation turned to coffee, and Frank got a bit excited because coffee was his favorite thing in the whole wide world! He started to say 'You know, I can't go a day without 4 cups-' before he was rudely interrupted by guess who? Gerard. 'What would you know about coffee? I've never seen you drink it and you've never said about it before.' Was his scorching comment, and something inside Frank snapped.

'Just because no one's told you they can't drink coffee doesn't mean I don't like it! I fucking love it, and if I never told you, it's because I knew this would be your reaction! You tell me how to do fucking everything, Gerard, and I can't like anything that's even mildly linked to you. I can't wear this, I can't wear that, I can't listen to this music because you fucking like it! Well, I'm fuckin fed up of being told what to do and I'm not taking any of your bullshit anymore! Don't think you're innocent, because you're not and Brendon's just as bad! You constantly ignore Mikey, even though you used to be best friends and you put him down every. Fucking. Day. And I dare say he's had enough of it. Ray's in this as well, because you never alknowledge his existence! You barely do mine, but at least you find the time to make me feel like shit every single day!' Frank screamed at him, fed up of Gerard being the boss of the group. He was tempted to punch Gerard, but then maybe Gerard would punch him even harder and he wouldn't be able to take that.

'Is anyone else really annoyed with Andy? I mean, he's been her for two fucking weeks and he's flirting with Hayley like nobody's business!' Brendon started up a conversation again and everyone carried on like normal. Like no one listened to Frank, and he couldn't help punching Gerard in the face when he started to join in Brendon's conversation.

Gerard looked at Frank, and could tell that he'd gone too far this time. Frank just wasn't having any of it, and he'd have to apologise before it was too late. 'I'm sorry Frank, I'll take more notice of you from now on. I never meant to make you feel like that, honestly. I just thought you'd want to be individual, not copying me.' Gerard stated.

'Yeah well, just because I like the same stuff as you doesn't mean I'm copying you.' Frank said with a gentle smile, glad that Gerard would notice him from now on.

The 3 last lessons and lunch passed without incident, apart from Brendon talking to Andy about Hayley. Brendon made sure that Hayley was his, not Andy's, and scared the living shit out of Andy for good measure. Frank climbed on the bus and sat down. He thought about what happened in the changing rooms, and came to the conclusion that it was hormones playing up. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that he'd die for Gerard and that he just wanted to be next to him. Frank got very confused and gave up trying to figure it out.

When he couldn't get to sleep that night, his thoughts drifted back to Gerard and how sexy he looked. His mind started to think stuff that he wouldn't dare let himself think in the daytime, and when he finally went to sleep, he had changed his mind completely about Gerard. He was falling for him, and there wasn't anything he could do to stop it.

Please review because I don't know whether to carry on with this or not, seeing as I'm already doing The New Kid Is In Town, so I guess my life'll be busy updating these stories now! I know the tenses might have skipped between past and present at the beginning but I'm too lazy to scroll up and change it - I'm on my phone. So yeah, please let me know what you think! mychemicalpony :D
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