Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Break Your Little Heart

Perfect Weapon

by mychemicalpony 0 reviews

Ray, Mikey and Frank do some plotting.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2012-03-31 - Updated: 2012-03-31 - 826 words

Title is from Black Veil Brides. Holy shit, that band is good. Anyways, I hope this chapter isn't shitty because it's in a different style to the other ones, but I'll let you decide because I'll say it's crap anyway.

Perfect Weapon

Mikey: Hey guys, how cha doin? :P

Frank: Hey, I'm good thanks :) apart from a certain person... :/

M: Ahh same, but I think it's a slightly different person annoying me. You know Boyd?

F: What? Ohhhh yeah, Arthur's annoying me a LOT. He's just so fucking arrogant >:(

M: Ikr? I think the pair of them are stupid twats.

M: You know them stands in Science that you use for experiments and stuff? :D

F: Umm yeah...?

M: I think we should stick it up their assholes. It would serve them right...

F: Ew! No way, that's disgusting! Why would you even think of that? Just ew. Brb throwing up :/

Ray: What's all this talk of Boyd and Arthur? Do I know them? :/

M: Haha, silly Ray. It's code names for the most horrid people on the planet :P

R: Oh, so Hitler and Osama bin Laden? ;)

F: Jeezz Ray. I didn't know you could be that thick. Boyd is Brendon and Arthur is Gerard DUMBASS!

R: Ohhhhhhhhhh. That was a bit of a fail on my part, wasn't it... And Mikey, that torture thing is DISGUSTING.

M: It's not! They'd get what they deserve, at least...

F: Thank you Ray! I told him it was sick, but no, apparently it's fine. Oh, and I actually was sick, by the way.

R: Mikey, I suggest you go and sit in a corner to think about what you said.

M: Fine! You two have a good time and keep me outta it! :(

F: You can still talk to us, you just need to think about that disgusting torture method of yours...

R: Sooooo guys, what are we actually GONNA DO ABOUT IT?

F: I was hoping you'd tell me that, Ray ;)

M: I say stick the poles up their asses.



M: Fine, but still... Maybe we could like, retreat on the violence front, seeing as you two are WIMPS and focus on verbal communication?

F: One: we are not wimps. Two: violence seems to make Gerard pay a bit more attention to me, so maybe violence is the answer. They won't listen to anything we fucking say.

R: I'm fine with violence as long as I don't have to do anything myself...

M: Okay, maybe me and Frank could do the beating and then Ray says some stuff?

F: Er yeah, that would work. But I don't think that just beating them up will get through to them. We shouldn't make it seem like we want to kill them, even though we do.

R: Acting all depressed doesn't work, so maybe a mixture of both?

M: How the FUCK would that work? You can't be a sycophathic murderer and depressed at the same time...

F: I dunno. We could like, get a knife and threaten them with it?

R: No, that would be too terrifying.

M: Either way, we need to say some powerful shit to make them listen to us. Actually, I like the idea of knives, it's a lot more dangerous than our bare fists and we wouldn't need to USE them.

F: I agree, Mikey. Me and Mikey could hide knives in our bags tomorrow?

R: Fine. But just promise not to do anything, please.

M: Yeah, I don't actually want to physically hurt Boyd. And I doubt Frank would want to hurt Arthur?

F: Nah, I could do without actually hurting them. Ray could say that if they don't think we're worth their time, we'd do something with the knives.

M: And not tell them what, so they keep on guessing.

R: Yeah, and then see what they do and go from there :)

M: So we're agreed on that? Frank, you fucking will remember the knife!

F: Have no fear, but I also think we should listen to If You Run before, because it gets us really really really angry. And get to school earlier than usual ;D

R: Cool beans. Hang in there, my ghost buddies, I've got to go now :/ xxx

M: I'll have to get it on my iPod, but sure :) And bye, Ray! Xx

F: Yeah, bye! Xxx

M: Seriously, what are we gonna do with the knives?

F: Let's just wait and see what comes to mind tomorrow?

M: Sure :) I'll go and get a good night's sleep now, so ttfn x

F: Night night :) x

Frank got changed into his pyjamas and climbed into bed, thinking about what they were gonna do tomorrow. He didn't really want to hurt Gerard's feeling - or him full stop - but he thought about it and figured that things would get better after this. He sighed and fell asleep thinking, this is the perfect weapon.
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