Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Timetables and rude receptionists.

Authors note.

by LatherTheBlood 2 reviews

Authors note? :L

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2012-04-03 - Updated: 2012-04-03 - 199 words - Complete

Guys, i am so sorry. This is an authors note. As you may or may not have guessed from the title and summary.

Your gonna have to give me some more time. Because my life is extremely busy at the moment and to be honest, writing is my last priority. Also that i haven't really got a great idea about what i'm going to write about yet. ChemicalKilljoy helped me though so i have a vague idea where i want it to go.

Speaking of ChemicalKilljoy, thank you for editing and putting authors notes on my new one-shot. I was on my way to the hospital for reasons i cannot disclose and she did it. You didn't make them too nerdy so its okay :P Jokes, love you.

So yeah, i promise i will get a new chapter out to you guys by next Monday at the very latest.

Sorry for any troubles this may have caused. (I see these all the time at the shop and I'm just like 'yeah, you will be sorry for not stocking my favourite chocolate!' and i have always wanted to hassle people :P )

Again, sorry guys. Love you all :3

LatherTheBlood xo
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