Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Skype Messenger


by xxFamousLastWordsxx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2012-04-05 - Updated: 2012-04-05 - 685 words

Guys im just going to say

Can someone please review this? I want to know what your thinking of it :)
And also if you think i took a wrong turn or maybe you could suggest something for me to do in it :D

Even if its just one word please review :)

I wont upload the next chapter until i get at least one review on it.



- SarcasticCulprit logged on -
- TheJoker logged on -
- Mikeey logged on -

SarcasticCulprit : today was...eventful
TheJOker : =/
MIkeey : lets just hope it does not happen again
TheJoker : if it does im committing suicide for real
Mikeey : frank dont fall into that again.
TheJoker : as long as you promise not to cut again
Mikeey : okay
SarcasticCulprit : i wasn't even friends with you guys back then but i could sense that it was pretty bad
TheJoker : oh hell it was
Mikeey : Let's hope it does not ahppen again
TheJoker : as long as Nicola is safe i don't give a shit, remember Barbara?
Mikeey : oh dear lord
SarcasticCulprit : i remember her. She was nice
TheJoker : good soul that fell in love with the weong guy
Mikeey : It was the drugs that took over his moods, we knew he loved her
TheJoker : yeah, she wanted to beleive it and now we dont even know where the fuck she is
Mikeey : It's actually heartbreaking if you think what had happened to Barbara
TheJoker : if he does the exact same thing to Nicola i will literally chop his ballsack off.
SarcasticCulprit : what exactly did he do to Barbara?
Mikeey : should we say
TheJoker : i will tell her
Mikeey : okay
TheJoker : Caitlyn, he basically abused her and told her that she enver loved him that she was just using him and that she didn't give a fuck about her when basically it was the other way around when he was on the drugs. Now that he is speaking to Bert again i pray for Nicola.
SarcasticCulprit : thats why she moved
Mikeey : i still cant believe he told Nicola what had happened
TheJoker : dude she broke down when she found out.
Mikeey : im aware i was with you
SarcasticCulprit : damn me for having to go on a music trip
TheJoker : dont damn yourself she wanted to be alone

- SweetRevenge logged on -

SweetRevenge : i think im okay now, but by god if he gets him back into that agaon i will go mental

Mikeey to TheJoker : obviously he didnt tell her about Barbara
TheJoker to Mikeey : i can see that
Mikeey to TheJoker : dont say anything
TheJoker to Mikeey : good idea

TheJoker : so will we
SarcasticCulprit : We will just have to watch him
Mikeey : and make sure he makes proper decisions
TheJoker : and not ones that he will regret
SweetRevenge : sorry guys i have to go ill talk to you later okay?

- SweetRevenge logged out -
- BuryMeInBlack logged in -

TheJoker : ..
BuryMeInBlack : hey
Mikeey : glad you decided to tell nicola
BuryMeInBlack : in a way i am kind of regretting it
Mikeey : dont

- TheJoker logged out -
- SarcasticCulprit logged out -
- Destroya logged on -

Mikeey : allo alicia xD
Destroya : all mikey :D hey gerard xD
BuryMeInBlack : hiya
Destroya : can i add a friend?
Mikeey : sure

- Ellie424 was added by Destroya -

Destroya : this is my friend Eliza, your friend Bert's friend
BuryMeInBlack : hey
Destroya : Eliza this is Mikey and Gerard
Ellie424 : hi!
Mikeey : nice to meet you

- Mikeey logged off -

BuryMeInBlack : his internet must have died
Destroya : but ur in the same house o.O
BuryMeInBlack : sometimes his laptop can be fucked up
Destroya : oh
Ellie424 : so ur brothers?
BuryMeInBlack : yeah!
Ellie424 b: awsome :)
BuryMeInBlack : what school do you go to?
Ellie424 : the Jersey Academy
BuryMeInBlack : cool :P
Ellie424 : =)
BuryMeInBlack : imma add bert :P

- Used1333 was added by BuryMeInBlack -

Used1333 : supppp
Ellie424 : aloha xD
Used1333 : hi eliza xD
BuryMeInBlack : hey man
Used1333 : alright gerard?
Destroya : so wua?
Used1333 : nm you guys?
BuryMeInBlack : just chatting
Used1333 : gerard
BuryMeInBlack : yep?
Used1333 : come over to my house wanna show you something
BuryMeInBlack : alright
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