Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love, it's a pain in the ass

The Kids From Yesterday (part 1&2)

by RockMusic 1 review

Who would've ever guessed that the once spiky haired boy, that sat alone during recess (well with his brother) would become the social king in high school.UPDATED

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Sci-fi - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-04-06 - Updated: 2012-04-30 - 1035 words - Complete

AN: don't know where this story is going, so it's flashback time :) this might be a few parts. Like 3-5. This one is short, but only because I don't wanna get into it too fast. The next part will be longer.

I was reading this story over and noticed a few mistakes, so if you read this one already, don't bother again. Nothing changed. I just fixed some spelling mistakes and awkward sentences.
Storyteller mode

Gerard and Mikey were sitting at the playground during recess reading comics. They were nothing like the other kids at school, no no, the Way brothers were not. 

Gerard with his long messy raven toned hair, as if he hadn't ever heard of a barber in his short life. Mikey, the tall scrawny one with the spiked hair who seemed to have a permanent twitch.  They Way brothers were not normal. While the others kids ran around and played Gerard stayed put flipping through the pages of his beloved comics. Mikey  quietly half pretending to read his comic book, occasionally running into big words he didn't understand yet. 

Mikey  was smart. Very very smart, but he liked to take his time with everything. Including learning how to read. He liked everything to sink in, so they'd always, always have a purpose. It had never ever dawned on him that a third grader should be able to get through one dumb comic book. Mikey will always take his sweet time... 

That quality never ever changed as they Way brothers grew up. Mikey became more outgoing and got many 'friends', he became semi-popular, if you will. Mikey became the role-model to younger boys at his school. 

Who would've ever guessed that the once spiky haired boy, that sat alone during recess (well with his brother) would become the social king in high school. 

Gerard had already graduated.  He got an apartment not that far from his parents, because they wanted him close. He liked living by himself, he like being alone. Sometimes he thought he'd die alone. 

Gerard had one friend then and only one, his brother Mikey. Every Monday when Mikey was done with school, he'd come over for Movie Madness Mondays. The raven haired boy was beginning to hate this tradition, he was content with being alone. The quietness gave him a comfort. His creativity was free from the vicious snarls of the wikis world. So he would draw and write and sing, until he was spent. 

Getting bored with lying around, he did something he considered rebellious and dangerous. He left the house and started walking aimlessly around the streets of New Jersey. It was dangerous, one could suppose. These are the streets of New Jersey and it's not as if he lives remotely near the good part. 

Part Two
Summary: Screams pierced his ears suddenly. Awaking him from his daze. Gerard didn't realize he was still  walking, let a lone how far he walked. He hadn't the slightest clue where he was or if he was even in Jersey anymore. 

Storyteller Mode
Gerard wondered around aimlessly. Wishing for a change. Something new. No 19 year old should be this bored with life.  He wanted to go out and party, be normal. But he didn't. 

For Gerard was used to the loneliness now, it became all to comforting. The idea of actually /LIVING/  scared the young man. It scared him out his whits.  

He reached into his pocket, pulling out the trash that resides there from various occasions of lazily not looking for a waste bin. He picked through the gunk carefully, searching for his life saver, and maybe if he's lucky he hoped for a spare cigaret. 

With no luck finding any of these he carelessly through all the contents from his pockets into the next bin he saw. Could have been a recycle bin, could have been trash, could have been a mailbox. He hadn't cared. It didn't matter to him at the time.  

Nothing really mattered to him at the time. He wanted to be reckless and stupid and party and get drunk (again). He wanted to live. He wanted to be the average nineteen year old. He wanted to dig himself out of his protective shell. 

The shell caved in on Gerard. It was suffocating him, he couldn't stand it anymore. It confined him, it was killing him slowly.


Gerard being the kid that kept to himself never heard many sayings. One of which being "Be careful what you wish for," that saying, was the explanation of Gerard's  life. 

When Gerard was 8 he wanted to go to the zoo, his parents kept saying no. He kept pestering and pestering and finally they went. He broke his foot that day and it was the first time he was ever stung by a bee. 

Once, when Gerard was 14 he wanted desperately to learn how to drive. Gee begged and begged for his dad to teach him until Mr.Way finally gave in.  Gerard loved driving, even if it was just an empty school parking lot. He was proud of himself. 

Mr. Way told Gerard he was a good driver and a natural. Gerard was pleased with this. The cars air conditioning broke down suddenly. It was one of those hot Jersey days. When it gets hot. It gets hot. So Gerard ran down the window and kept practicing. They could go about fixing the air conditioning later. 

That was the second time, Gerard was stung by a bee.

 Needless to Gerard hated bees almost as much as he hated needles. It seemed that whenever Gerard wanted something real bad and finally got it,mother fucking bees had to go ruin it. 

When he realized he loved to draw and that he wanted to be an artist, his parents bought him was he considered to be the coolest notepad ever. Whenever he had it, the bees couldn't harm him. He'd wished that he had that notepad on That Night.


Screams pierced his ears suddenly. Awaking him from his daze. Gerard didn't realize he was still  walking, let a lone how far he walked. He hadn't the slightest clue where he was or if he was even in Jersey anymore. 
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