Categories > Original > Poetry


by lorddepresser 0 reviews

'All i ask is "why me"

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Published: 2012-04-19 - Updated: 2012-04-19 - 122 words - Complete

I wrote this a while ago,i never intended on uploading thisbut my friend was snooping threw
my conputer and found it, and has been pestering me to upoad it, so here i am.

I know its short but pease read, and please be nice about it these are my honest feelings



broken incomplete, lost
Lies fall my from lips, like water
I say I'm ‘okay’ but what is ‘okay’
Is it what you want me to be or what I am
Now I am neither

Dark, black, dirty
Clones are made one after the other
Will I be another?
Will I go against your wishes?
Will I carry on pretending?

Hurt, pain, torture
All I ask is “why me
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