Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Together

Racing Away

by DisenchatedDestroya 3 reviews

"I’m the weak one." Read, review, rate and feel my love! :P

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Mikey Way - Published: 2012-04-23 - Updated: 2012-04-24 - 1030 words - Complete

Ten – Racing Away

Pete’s POV

Gerard’s going to kill me. ‘Trick too, probably. I know I’m meant to be getting Sweetness to school and then going home, but there’s absolutely no way on this Godforsaken rock that I am about to make sweet little Mikey go through with something that, to be perfectly honest, scares the poor thing shitless.

Shitless enough to give him a goddamn panic attack. He looked so frightened, like I was taking him to the guillotine rather than to school. But I guess that I might as well have been; going to school just to get beaten up every day must surely kill him inside, so I guess you could call it a slow form of execution. And there’s nothing, not even a lifetime supply of Pop-Tarts, that could ever make me assist in killing Mikey Way. He’s far too cute for that, especially when he’s blushing. Even more especially when he’s smiling like he was when I pecked his forehead.

I was going to take that further, trail it down his nose and to his mouth, just like I’ve been seeing myself doing every time I shut my eyes for the past three days. I couldn’t though. I don’t for the life of me know why, normally I do first and think later when it comes to boys, but I just… it would have been wrong to properly kiss him whilst he was still so upset. Kind of like using or taking advantage of him because he wouldn’t have been in the state of mind to push me away if it wasn’t what he wanted. Anyway, the peck’s given me a good idea that he does want me to kiss him like his life depends on it, so now I at least have the knowledge that I’m doing all of the right things for Sweetness. He really is sweet; like an innocent little lamb too weak to take on the big bad wolf of the world.

He’s not weak, actually. In fact, compared to him I’m the weak one. I don’t have to put up with getting bullied every day of my life, or with a dead mom and a dad who’s God-knows-where.

That’s a point; I don’t know anything about Mikey’s father. ‘Trick told me once that the guy wasn’t all that nice, but other than that I’ve got no idea about the man who raised my boy. But for ‘Trick to say that he wasn’t very nice means that he must have been horrible; it takes a lot for my best friend to talk badly of someone behind their back. If Mikey’s dad were still around, would he have let Mikes fall into the slippery slope of the depression that so clearly haunts him? Would he have let Sweetness stop eating?

I don’t care. The man abandoned someone like Mikey Way.

Hey! Perhaps that’s why he got so panicky about it when Geetard wasn’t in the room with him; he honestly did think that he’d been left behind. Because that’s what someone’s taught him will happen to him. And then that, to some extent, goes some way to explaining who Mikey is. Not that there’s anything wrong with who he is, not at all, just that he’s way too shy and jumpy for it to be a good thing for his mind to deal with. It’s like there’s something more to him, something that is always lagging a half-step behind his thoughts and waiting to pounce. I just have to figure out what it is so that I can make it all alright for him.

So that I can make him smile and blush and laugh and be happy and be mine. Be the property of Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III. Forever. For good. That way I know that he’ll never not be happy because I’ll be right next to him to put a smile onto his pretty little face, to protect him from all of the scary things, to make him eat before he wastes away into the nothingness that he’s fast becoming.

At that thought I look away from the road and fixate my eyes on Mikey. He’s still as he was half an hour ago; staring contently at the hand that’s resting on his thigh, the closest I can allow myself to get to being obscene with the cute little kid through fear of doing something that he doesn’t want, with his lips upturned in the small amount of happiness and pleasure that I’ve managed to give him by simply being me. It’s a smile that should never get wiped away by harsh words or cruel punches; it’s the kind of smile that makes everything seem alright because the adorable sincerity behind it makes the world feel like a better place for being a place that allowed such a smile to happen. Apart from it didn’t. It tried it’s hardest to stop that smile from happening.

I just tried twice as hard to make it shine through. And I’m so fucking glad that I did. Because, if possible, it just makes me love Sweetness a million times more now that I know he trusts me enough to get this relaxed around me. To almost be a normal kid.

“Where are we going?”

“You’ll see, Sweetness. You’ll see.”

A/N: I am so, so sorry for the length of this chapter. I try to make a rule about no chapter being any less than 2500 words, but I’ve been at a friend’s house all day (murdering pancakes and falling asleep on his sofa) and I really wanted to post something today. I guess this is just a kind of filer chapter, sorry. Because of the shortness the next chapter will probably also be in Pete’s POV. Again, sorry for the length/quality but I hope that you liked it! :)
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