Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Of Comics and Coffee

Nerds and Pens

by GAClive 4 reviews

Deep inside him he felt a stirring he hadn't experienced in a long time...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-04-24 - Updated: 2012-04-25 - 876 words

Lauren warmed her hands on the ceramic mug and smiled up at Grant, “Thanks for the tea, my stomach is feeling better now.” When she had thrown up on him she had ran back to her dorm room in embarrassment and madly brushed her teeth. She had just started swishing mouth wash when she saw Grant standing behind her in the bathroom mirror with a small nervous smile.

“Uh, your door was open and I wanted to see if you were ok,” he said while jerking his thumb towards the main room on the other side of the bathroom door. She spit out the mouth wash into the sink and faced him with puffy eyes. “I'm so sorry about your shoes!” She sobbed and buried her face in her hands.

“Hey! Hey it's ok!” He pulled her into a hug. “How about I go change my shoes and then we get some tea to help calm that stomach of yours, ok?” With a hiccup she managed to stop crying and nodded. “Great,” he said, “I'll be right back.”

Grant smiled at her from across the round table, “I'm glad it's working.” He nervously twirled his thumbs and tried to find something for them to talk about that wouldn't remind her of the mess up. “So... how was your day?”

She placed her mug down on the table and ran a hand through her hair, “Well, aside from the getting sick it went pretty well! I got a new job!”

“Oh?” Grant was thankful for the ready change of subject, “Where at?”

Now Lauren felt awkward again, “Um... at the comic book store near campus.”

“Westwood Comics?” She nodded. Grant raised an eyebrow at her and smiled a little, “So... you like comics, or something? I mean, what kind of social life do you have?”

As soon as he saw her cheeks pink up he realized how rude he sounded. Her hand went up to play with her hair and she kept her eyes on her drink, “I actually don't read them... yet. I'm starting to now though. And I'm not sure what you meant by social life, I mean I'm here with you aren't I? And Gerard doesn't seem like a hermit.” She obviously didn't know him well but he seemed socialized enough when she met him. This whole date just got worse and worse.

“Hey look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put you down or anything. Nerds are cool and all,” Grant nervously laughed as he tried to ice over the mess he made.

“Frankly, how do you even know if I am a nerd? All you know is where I just got a job I've been really needing,” if she was truly honest with herself, she would have realized she was not actually offended for her own sake, but for her new boss. In a way, she felt her identity was now connected to his and to the world he and his store represented. If Gerard had been so kind to welcome her to it, she sure as hell wasn't going to let anyone bash it.

“Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you, and I was wrong to make assumptions,” Grant raised his hands up as a sign of peace. “I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable and I think you're awesome and...” he coughed once to clear his throat, “you're really cute when you're upset.”

If his intention was to make her blush, he succeeded. All thoughts of arguments or offense fled her mind and left her a giggling, pink faced mess. Smooth, Lauren, real smooth.


Gerard looked over his lecture notes and wadded up the recent draft. He was getting nowhere with this. In interviews he usually felt free with his words and he always seemed to know what to say. But in those interviews he was free to be himself and to cuss and muck up his sentences as much as he chose. This was not like an interview, he would be speaking in front of some of the best music students in the state and at a prestigious university. Swearing was out, slang was out... “Crap... I actually have to sound smart!” He balled up his fists and rubbed them into his eyes, trying to push out the growing headache within his skull.

The only words written down now were his pathetic attempt of an intro, “When I was a young boy...” He picked up his pen to write again but soon threw it down in frustration. The ball point pen rolled off his desk and landed on the ground next to his foot. With a huff he bent down to pick it up but on his way back up his eye landed on the framed first issue of Black Parade on the opposite wall.

His eyebrows drew close together in concentration as he stared at the illustration of the dark marching band. Deep inside him he felt a stirring he hadn't experienced in a long time and the simplest of melodies ghosted past his lips.

A/N: About time I updated something. Oh college, how I love thee and thy ability to suck up all my time... and facebook, you're not helping either you jerkface.
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