Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 100 Ways To Torture Gerard Way

56. Judas Cradle/Impalement

by theescapist99 4 reviews

"As he would discover, every edge of the pyramid was razor sharp." Suggested by Sleeping7Beast, janelovesmcr.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2012-04-25 - Updated: 2012-04-25 - 1097 words - Complete

A/N: New story next week? Maybe.

56. Judas Cradle/Impalement

They allowed Gerard to endure the clogging of shit in his rectum for a few hours, presumably just until he could possibly die from it. He moaned and groaned for the entire duration, his entire abdominal area feeling ready to burst at any moment.

He also made a mess of the place.

Gerard had tried to vomit it all out, sticking his fingers down his throat and aiming just about anywhere -- but that did nothing to evacuate the mad amount of diarrhea that congested his bottom.

But the blackbirds had a different solution.

Just when he was certain he was going to die, a blackbird came in and, after a long moment of simply staring, lifted him up into his arms. He carried Gerard out of the room, who too delirious with pain to comprehend what was happening.

He was brought into another room, just to the left of his own. The journey there was marked with very bright lights, tinted white. Gerard had to squint until he was placed down, and no longer looking up at the ceiling.

Waiting there were two other blackbirds, both standing on either side of what looked to be a silver pyramid. The pyramid was supported by a narrow table beneath it, and the table looked to be made of metal. Just above the pyramid's tip was a cobweb of ropes. In the center of the ropes, a harness, or a large collar of some sort.

They lifted him again, although not quite carrying him. They lifted him as though he was a child being hitched onto Santa's lap. One blackbird held him up, and the second one brought the harness to encircle his waist. He fastened it around Gerard, and fit was so tight, the edges of it pressed into Gerard's skin uncomfortably. The third blackbird, the one who had brought him in, grabbed both his ankles, and began to tie one of the many branches of rope around them. The rope led to the ceiling, and so lifted his legs upwards. A blackbird came up from behind, and tied his wrists so that they would stay together behind his back.

Once everything was secured and fastened, Gerard was left to dangle from the harness, while the ropes held him as though he was being cradled. He was hanging just above the silver pyramid, it's tip directed right at the crack in his ass. He craned his neck and saw the blackbirds now hovering over a lever. There was a bundle of ropes around the lever, and they led to the ropes that held him. He looked again at the pyramid below him, and his body began to tremble. He could only tell from the slight way the ropes began to shake.

After a minute, the ropes gave a start. He could hear the noise of the rotating lever as one of the blackbirds worked it, the craning noise that it made. Gerard could feel himself being lowered.

It was not long, before the tip of the cold, metallic pyramid came into contact with his skin. It was clear from the slightest brush with it that the point was very sharp, possessing the ability to cut or penetrate hard surfaces.

But no part of Gerard was a hard surface, and so would take even less time to slice open.

As he felt the tip begin to enter in between his buttocks, Gerard began to writhe. He tried to make it so the tip would miss -- and although it would just end up hitting something else, Gerard was, quite frankly, tired of his anus being fucked with.

Of course the harness was fastened so tight, that no amount of wriggling could have spared him from the pyramid's razor sharp wrath. In less than a minute, the tip had gained contact with Gerard's stitched together asshole and had begun to tear at it.

Now Gerard had had anal sex before. Plenty of people have had a ride of his ass, some of them very big. And anal sex can be really quite painful, due to things going in places where they shouldn't belong. However, being penetrated through a hole still needed to be ripped open was, Gerard learned, a new kind of pain entirely.

They were slow with lowering him, making it so the tip really only came in less than an inch at a time. Gerard could feel the stitches break apart, the muscle being massacred. As he would discover, every edge of the pyramid was razor sharp. He let out a horrible noise as they tore into him, his ass swallowing almost half of the thing.

The shit that had been confined in his ass from the previous act came flooding out, and the relief would have almost been ecstasy had it not been for the pain of being cut open.

Finally, he felt the ropes begin to lift. He himself began be lifted. The razorblade pyramid sliced him more as he was removed from it. Once he was off the thing, suspended in mid air, fluids dripped from his bottom --- but he could not tell if it was blood or feces. The shit that had come from his bowels were so watery, it could have been either or.

He thought the ordeal might be over, yet the blackbirds were not done. They were never really done. When Gerard reached the position he had started in originally, they began to lower him again.

The sharp edges of the pyramid hurt about ten times worse when they came into his ass a second time. The pain from the first penetration was overpowering enough, while this second time added on another layer of it. Gerard's screams seemed endless.

They took him off it again, and lowered him again. And there was added a third layer of pain, a fourth, a fifth, and a sixth. None of the proceeding went as deep as the first one had, but it was enough.

At moments, they teased him by dropping him suddenly, and then lifting him without forcing it on him. But the times they did let it enter him, they always did so slowly, so that Gerard could feel every little slice of his massacred sphincter.

Next chapter: "And addicted to the knife she needs a little help with the agony. And a little help comes in a little glass vile in a gun pressed against her anatomy. And when the gun goes off, Miss Sweet is ready for surgery! Surgery!"
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