Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Camp Destroya

Chapter 7

by EilzC98 5 reviews

I think many people will like this chapter.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-04-29 - Updated: 2012-04-29 - 1583 words

Wow! considering this is probably my longest chapter, I wrote this quite quickely. Um yeah that's it and I've got a good reason for chapters taking forever! I'm self teaching myself guitar and that takes up alot of my time! That's why chapters take forever! anyway enjoy! :)

Gerard’s POV

“Are you ready to talk about Brendon yet?” Every class for the last six of them, Frank will ask me this question, I’ll say not yet, and we will sit in silence for the rest of the class. I was expecting the same result, but not Frank. I could tell he was getting irritated, so he pushed me this time.

“Please Gerard. Let me know about what’s going on inside that head of yours. I won’t judge or anything, just please tell me.” I heard signs of desperation in his voice. He really wanted to help me.

“I’m just scared about what everyone else will think. I get so much shit at home because of this and I really don’t want it here. I know you won’t judge, or anyone else in our hut for that matter. But the people from other states might not be so understand. You know what I mean right?” He must have heard the desperation in my voice for him to drop it, but my wish was not his command as he didn’t drop it.

“Don’t be scared Gerard. No one here will judge you. And if you really don’t want anyone to know, just tell me and everyone else in the hut. Or maybe just me. Just tell me something, please. You might feel better.” Frank was so persistence. Why couldn’t he just leave me alone?

I am going to tell Frank, I just don’t know how. I don’t know how he will take it. The fact that I am gay, my ex-boyfriend that abused me just died from a drug overdose and that I think he is gorgeous.

Wait did I just say that? When did these feelings happen? I must be making faces cause I started to hear Frank laughing. I pulled myself away from my thoughts and Frank was on the floor laughing.

“Why are you laughing?” I was so confused. But even I began to laugh, plainly at the sight of Frank on the floor. It was also a bit of a turn on... SHUT THE FUCK UP BRAIN!

“You were in such... a deep... thought and... you made... faces... hahahahahahahahahahaha!” Frank continued to laugh. By this point, everyone was looking. But I couldn’t help but laugh with him.

“Hahahahaha! You don’t look too normal yourself. Hahahaha!” I didn’t realise at the time, but this was the first happy moment I have had since Brendon died. I noticed Mikey smiling at me. He obviously knew about my ‘feelings’ towards Frank. I can’t believe I just said that.

Frank finally regained control of his own body again and sat back down again. He tried to look serious, but that made me giggle... really girly. I hate my giggle. I sound like a girl and it really shows off the gayness that I try so hard to hide.

I went bright red and Frank giggled. God his giggle was worse than mine. I found it cute. It made me feel more comfortable around him. Like I could trust him with anything. That is why I decided to just come out.

“Brendon was my ex-boyfriend. He got into heroine and began to ‘hurt’ me. They sent him to this rehab centre in LA and his family liked it out there, so they stayed.”

“So your gay?” That was a bit of a stupid question. I think he just wanted reassurance. Just so he knew in case he wanted to try something, at least I hope that’s why. SHUT UP BRAIN AND ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION!

“Yes Frankie. I’m gay.” I smiled at the thought that at least he knew. And Frankie smiled back.

Frank’s POV

Gerard is gay. Well who would have thought it? That’s what he was hiding from me. I was surprised at first, but it did make sense. The fact he went red every time I caught him looking at me. His strangely feminine giggle. I mean his giggle isn’t as feminine as mine, no one’s giggle was as feminine as mine, but it was still extremely feminine.

I wanted to lean over and kiss him right there and then, but decided against it. His ex-boyfriend just died. That was enough to deal with right now.

And he’s started to call me Frankie for some reason. I quite liked it actually. I wanted to return the gesture and give him a nickname. I had been thinking up shit names for ages now, but I think Gee might work.

“Gerard, you know you’ve started calling me Frankie?” I saw a look of shock spread across Gerard’s face. He obviously hadn’t noticed. “No it’s not a bad thing. I was just wondering if I could call you Gee sometimes. Is that okay?” The shock across his face changed back into that gorgeous smile that I adored again.

“That wonderful Frankie. Gee, I like the sound of that.” We both broke down in fits of laughter again and the rest of the session went well. We talked a lot about general stuff and I at least was feeling better.

During the session, me and Gee decided to ‘talk’ to Mikey. Just to find out the real reason he lied to me. So that night we asked Mikey to help us get some extra ‘food’. As he wasn’t expecting anything, he came with us. That was his biggest mistake.

We took Mikey next to a tree that was in the middle of the camp. We thought that this might be a good place to get answers. We stopped Mikey in his tracks. This was probably when he realised that we didn’t come here to get food.

“Mikey you’ve probably guessed that we didn’t take you out here to get food. Am I right?” I asked smugly. We were going for a bad cop, bad cop. We thought it would be funnier that way.

“I got the just of that. What do you want then?” Oh feisty.

“Why did you tell Frankie that I was a homophobe Michael? There must have been a very good reason for it, or you wouldn’t have done it in the first place.” Gee is fighting back. Mikey knew it was serious when Gerard called him ‘Michael’.

“I didn’t say you were. I said that you’re something like that. So ha.” Oh dear lord.

“Frank knows about me being gay Michael. So you can just tell us the truth.” Gerard must have gotten to him. Obviously Gerard hadn’t told many people about his sexuality. Gerard must really trust me.

“I told Frank you were homophobic cause I could see him developing feelings for you. And I knew that you weren’t comfortable about your sexuality, so it was the only way I could think of him not trying anything. I’m sorry, I was just doing what I thought was right.

“Please forgive me Gerard. And you too Frank, I didn’t think about the other options that could have stopped you.” He was properly begging. I gave Gerard a look to tell him to take Mikey back to the hut. I stayed out there for a little while, just to clear my head, before heading back to the hut.

Gerard’s POV

After Mikey had stopped crying, I decided to ask him about Frank.

“I saw him looking at you. He looked intrigued by your shyness. He looked like he really liked the look of you, but I knew that you would be scared to admit your feelings back, so I took matters into my own hands.”

“What do you think I should do Mikey? I have feelings for Frankie and now I know he feels the same, I don’t know what to do.” Mikey looked at me. He began to smile.

“Tell him.” That’s all he said. That’s when Frank walked in. I felt a strange feeling prop up in my stomach. I knew Mikey was right. I stood up and went to Frank,

“Hey Frankie. Can I talk to you in private?” Frank nodded and followed me. We didn’t go too far away from the hut, just far enough for the privacy we needed.

“So what’s up Gee?” I really did love that nickname.

“You know that Mikey said that you liked me? Is that true?” Frank was deciding in his head if he should tell me or not. He was making those ridiculously cute faces again. They were really cute.

Frank had made up his mind know. Here goes nothing.

“Yes it is true, but if you don’t feel the same way that’s fine. I wasn’t expecting you to, hell I thought you were straight until you told me otherwise. Can we at least still be...” I didn’t let Frank finish, because I leaned straight in and pressed my lips against his perfectly smooth lips.

I hope that was good. Um Yeah so R&R please and yeah! I'll update as soon as I can! :)
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