Categories > Original > Drama

Bewitched (Blood On The Dance Floor fanfic)

by BOTDFlovers 0 reviews

Based on the music video for Bewitched, this fic is about Jayy's love for Dahvie, and how Dahvie is caught in a relationship with Lady Nogrady.

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2012-05-18 - Updated: 2012-05-18 - 504 words

Chapter 1- Warped
Jayy and Dahvie had just come off stage at Warped Tour in England. They were received surprisingly well by the English, yes there were a couple of shouts from the haters as expected, but a good part of the audience sang along to most of the songs. Their props had been great too- at one point a cannon fired candy floss into the crowd, covering the audience in pink fluff. That was just another of Dahvie’s great ideas.

Jayy’s POV

Dahvie’s with his girlfriend Lady Nogrady, she’s helping him take those spectacular raven black wings off and I’m standing here watching- turning green with envy. He’s so perfect in every way: his perfectly styled purple and black hair, his carefully applied make up which he was hardly ever without, the way he could cheer Jayy up no matter how down in the dumps he was, and those kissable lips... No Jayy just don’t go there, he would never fall for you. Besides he’s taken isn’t he? And you don’t want to ruin your friendship with Lady Nogrady right?

Dahvie’s POV
“The show was so amazing; the fans were so awesome...” I’m explaining to Lady how brilliant the gig was while she’s helping me take of my stage gear. God she looks so hot right now. She’s so perfect in every single way, I can’t believe I found her, but now I know I’ll never let her go. I just hope she loves me as much as I love her, which is a hell of a lot.

Jayy still stood watching every move Dahvie made, he looked like a mental patient, the way he just stood still staring was quite alarming. The stage crew were getting ready for the next band, and they were getting really weirded out by Jayy. Soon Dahvie spotted Jayy gawping and quickly made an exit.

Dahvie’s POV
Jayy’s staring at me, in this really creepy way, his eyes are all big and his face expressionless. I wonder what’s up with him; he’s been acting really weird recently. Come to think of it he’s been acting weird ever since me and Lady started going out. It’s probably because him and her have been best friends for ages... he just needs time to adjust and get comfortable with us. But still, he could be a little more.... understanding, I’ve always given him and his boyfriend space. Don’t I deserve it back? He just always seems to be around whenever Lady is; we hardly get any time to ourselves.

Jayy’s POV
Great he spotted me. No wonder he walked off, I look like the biggest prat ever right now. But I just can’t stop thinking about him.... and how I’ll never have him. It’s like some kind of spell that I can’t break; it’s like a disease of the mind.
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