Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > And As These Days Watch Over Us Tonight

Chapter 1

by FaithChan 0 reviews

Chapter 1(Doesn't actually have the band member in this chapter.)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror,Sci-fi - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2012-06-02 - Updated: 2012-06-03 - 558 words

Chapter 1

December 1, 1878

She screamed as she ran away from the horrible creature as he lunged at her; his golden eyes never leaving her. He jumped up onto a table and let out a low growl as he jumped quickly down near her. She tried to run away from him but he grabbed her pulling her back against his chest. Tears began to fall down her face as she felt his arm snake around pulled her head and pulled it to the side. She screeched as she felt his fangs plunge into her neck. She could feel her strength fading slowly. Then her arms dropped to her side. She finally stopped squirming in the vampire’s arms. The vampire finally stopped drinking her blood and laid her onto the floor of the small room she had. He smiled down at her then made a small cut on his wrist with his long, sharp nails.
“Since I can’t bear to see such a beautiful creature such as you die, I’m going to make you like me; Strong, immortal, beautiful, and best of all deadly.” He said as he leaned down moving his arm to her mouth.
“What makes you think I want to live like that?” She asked her voice weak and raspy.
“You’ll enjoy this I ensure you. Just trust me.” He said.
“Oh like I did when I let you come into my home because it was cold and storming out?” She said.
“I am not going to lie to you my dear. You’ll like this.” He said as he twisted his arm and the blood began to drip onto her lips.
At first she turned her head away, not wanting to give in but then she felt the sweet taste work its way into her mouth. She couldn’t take it. She grabbed his arm and drank deeply.
“Ok dear, that’s enough.” He said.
She let go of his arm and he pulled away, ripping some of his shirt and wrapped it around the cut. Then looked down at her and smiled.
She laid there looking back at the vampire blinking as his image started to get more and more black; until she finally blacked out completely.


+ Few Hours later +

She had woken up again. She felt oddly strong and the undying hunger for blood. She moved her hands up to her face and felt the different bumps and gasped. She jumped up from the floor and ran to the nearest mirror. To her surprise there was no reflection. She backed away from the mirror, scared.“What has happened to me?” She said to her self.
“Vampires don’t have a reflection and that’s your vampire face. You can change back to your normal face also. See?” The vampire said from the corner of the room.
She turned around and looked at him as he changed his face to normal then back again. She looked at the floor and frowned.
‘How will I be able to face my family again looking like this?’ She thought.
“Come now, I’m going to show you very thing there is to know about our kind and how to hunt.” He said as he walked over to her and moved his arm out. She took it looking at the ground as she was lead outside.
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