Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Guardians of the Eternal Phoenix

Arrival at Private Drive

by bladeraider 1 review

A mysterious character arrives at Private Drive

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-06-10 - Updated: 2012-06-10 - 1170 words

Chapter 2: Arrival at Private Drive

9 years later

On a scale of 1 to 10, Private Drive would rate 10 in terms of averageness according to its residents, especially one Mr. Vernon Dursley. Apparently! But deep within his heart and his home, he hid an ‘abnormal’ secret and it was his greatest fear that someday his ‘normal’ neighbours would find out his secret.

This secret was often the cause of his bad mood or anger. As was today.

Vernon Dursley seethed as he locked his secret in the cupboard under the stairs, ordered his wife not to let it out before noon and stomped towards his garage. He cursed under his breadthfor having the bad luck of ending up with the ‘abnormality’ 9 years ago.


Vernon Dursley was a big beefy man who looked like an overgrown pig with an enormous walrus mustache. He had a wife, beautiful in his opinion, and a 2 year old son who looked like his duplicate, except the mustache, even at this young age.

It was the morning after Halloween’s Eve and Vernon was extremely happy, more so than usual, because he was promoted yesterday and today was his first day in his new position. His wife was giddy with pride and happiness at the news and therefore, he expected to wake up to the kiss of his wife, not her scream.

Vernon hastily got out of bed and rushed towards the source of the scream. Taking the stairs two at a time, which was quite a feat given his size, and almost falling over in the process, he skidded to a halt behind his wife, who was standing stock still at the open doorway.

“What’s the matter Petunia?”, Vernon panted, nearly doubling over.

Petunia seemed unable to answer and merely pointed at the front steps of the doorway. There, lying on the front steps was a baby in a basket with a letter poking out from the side.

“Who the hell left a baby at our doorstep?” shouted Vernon.

“The letter” Petunia replied faintly.

Vernon bent down and picked up the letter. The paper was not of the normal kind…it appeared to be thicker and rougher. Recognition flared in Petunia’s eyes and it seemed to widen. Vernon, noticing this, asked,” What’s the matter Petunia?”

Petunia merely shook her head. Vernon shrugged and began to read the letter. As he read, his eyes seemed to widen with each line and the color of his face changed to red to purple at an alarming rate. By the end of the letter, Vernon was shaking with barely suppressed rage and looking at the baby with hatred.

“What is it, Vernon?”
Merely holding out the letter to Petunia, Vernon continued to stare at the baby. If looks could kill, the baby would have been dead.

Petunia took the letter and started to read.

Dear Petunia

It is with great regret that I must inform you of the death of your sister, Lily, and her husband, James on 31st October ,1981. As you may be aware, the wizarding world was at war with the forces of an evil Dark Lord, Voldemort. Unfortunately, Lily and James were a thorn in his side and were murdered by him on the night of Halloween.

He also tried to kill Harry, but was miraculously defeated and fled. However he will return. But even now his followers are on the lookout for Harry and anyone related to the Potters, including you family.

Therefore, it is my request that you let Harry live in your house and take care of him. I have erected some protections around your house which are tied to the protections given to Harry by Lily. As long as Harry calls your house his home, he and your family will remain protected and safe.

Yours sincerely
Albus Dumbledore

“Vernon, this is Lily’s son”

“Yes Petunia, it is your freak sister and her worthless freak husband’s son, who I have no doubt is also a freak. No way we are keeping him here. Let me get the car, we can dump him outside some orphanage”

“No Vernon, we must keep him”, Petunia said tonelessly.

“WHAT! Petunia are you mad? How can you talk of keeping a freak in the house?”, sputtered Vernon.

“Do ypu think I like it?”, snapped Petunia, “He is a reminder of my worthless and abnormal sister. But it is for our own safety. I know what their kind can do”

Vernon paled at the implication. Then grumbled, “Fine! Bring him in” and stomped towards the kitchen.

End Flashback

This was Vernon’s greatest secret, his 10 year old nephew, Harry James Potter. Oh, how he hated that boy with his messy & untamable jet black hair, his freakish lightning-shaped scar on his forehead and all the other abnormalities of his kind. Weird things always seem to happen around him.

Take today for example. He had cut the boy’s hair yesterday and this morning it had grown back to its original length.

Mr. Dursley continued to grumble as he drove out of No. 4. He was a little distracted with his musings, so he missed the fact that a figure suddenly appeared out of nowhere a short distance down the road. It was not until the figure raised his hand and motioned to stop the car, that Mr. Dursley noticed.

Cursing under his breadth about hitchhikers, Mr. Dursley pulled the car to a stop beside the figure. The figure turned out to be a boy in his mid-teens. He was wearing a blue t-shirt and tight fitting black jeans. His face was oval shaped. He had slightly tanned skin and his hair was slightly long and midnight black in color. But the most prominent part of his face were his almond shaped eyes which were adorned by light blue orbs. They seemed to sparkle with warmth but at the same time seem to judge your very soul.

“What do you want?”, grunted Mr. Dursley, “You don’t seem to be from around here”

The boy smiled, “That would be because I am not. I am just moving in this neighbourhood today. The reason I stopped you is because I am in need of some directions. Do you happen to know where No. 10 is?”

“Do you know how to read?”

The boy nodded.

“Then read the numbers on the signs at gates and follow the sequence. Stop wasting the time of us hardworking people”, snapped Mr. Dursley.

The boy face-palmed, “Ah! My mistake. Sorry to bother you, sir. By the way, my name is Drake Jones. He extended his hand.

“Vernon Dursley”, grunted Mr. Dursley, not taking his hand, and drove away.

“Charming personality”, chuckled Drake. “So this is Vernon Dursley. He seems to be even more unpleasant up close.” He shook his head and kept walking.

A/N: I do not own any of the canon characters. However the non-canon characters and story are mine.
This is a shortish chapter. The next one may be a long one. Enjoy!
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