Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Never Coming Home

Well, It Rains And It Pours When You're Out On Your Own

by Chemicalle 0 reviews

Frank is getting recovered when he meets Gerard, his scars are starting to fade away and his smile is widening. But Frank is insecure...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [?] [Y] - Published: 2012-06-22 - Updated: 2012-06-22 - 846 words

"I told you what you wanted to hear, I don't have any more to hide. I couldn't leave you with a lie that I am straight" Frank exclaimed.

"Frank, listen, this is just a phase that you're passing and this will surely go away," Mrs.Iero proclaimed. "You're going to get through this. Being gay is wrong."

"You're both so fucking wrong! Being gay is totally okay, you know what is wrong? Homophobia is wrong!" he preached. "And if you have a problem with me being gay, I shall leave this house. I can handle life by myself."

His parents looked at each other, stood up and left his bedroom.

"You have one night to get out of this house, Frank, you ain't no son of mine," his mother said, with tears in her eyes, slamming the door shut behind her.

Frank grabbed one of his guitars and smashed the window with it of anger. He couldn't take it any longer. He took any bag he had in sight and packed all the things he need. He grabbed along his favourite guitar and jumped out of his widnow and landed safely on the ground. First thing he did was call Gerard. He wouldn't pick up his calls. That got Frank upset.


He knew exactly where Gerard lived, he gave him his address and said that if he needed four-eyes talk, he should come. This was not about any four-eyes talk anymore. He needed help.

Frank climbed the tree, crawled to the end of the branch which leaded straight to Gerard's window, there was just a 1cm distance from the end of the branch to his window.

Gerard opened the window for Frank and offered him a hand.

"Here you go," Gerard said cheerfully with a smile on his face.

"I have nowhere to go, my parents threw me out of the house and you're the only person I have left, I need your help."

Gerard helped Frank off his floor and gave him a secure hug.

"I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't feel too uncomfortable, about, you know, me being gay," Frank whispered, biting his bottom lip.

"Of course I don't mind, you would be surprised. I'm not any different, I understand you perfectly well," Gerard answered, hugging Frank even more.

The two stood there hugging for a long time until Gerard took one of his hands and started going up and down Frank's face with his fingers.

"You're beautiful, and the world is ugly," he whispered.

"Gerard, I don't know what to do with my life anymore."

Gerard shut Frank's mouth with his hand, and kissed his forehead gently. Frank felt safe, smiled. It made him happy that Gerard cared.

Frank took Gerard's hand off his mouth and kissed him, he couldn't believe he really did that. He could feel his heart racing as he moved his lips gently against Gerard's. He slowly made his way into his mouth and the tongues were tight together. Frank felt that he needed to stop, he would loose control of himself.

He didn't stop thought, the two fell on the bed, their kiss didn't break off at all. Frank slowly started to undo Gerard's shirt. Gerard repeated the movement on Frank.

"You're such a princess," Gerard grinned. Cuasing Frank to giggle.

The two were shirtless, as Frank started undoing Gerard's tie, one of his hands went down into Gerard's troussers, which caused him to give out noies.

"Is anyone home here?" Frank asked.

"No, it's only me and you."

The two were undoing themselves until they were gradually naked, their lips were tight together in a kiss all the time and they were so close to each other that they could feel each other's hearts beating.

"We went too far," Frank broke off the kiss.

Gerard got off Frank and the two got dressed back into their clothes.

"Would you like to live here, because there is no place you would go to..."

Frank broke Gerard off with a kiss and nodded. He sat on Gerard's lap and the two were making-out until they heard the entrance door shut.

"It's just my brother, Mikey, he got back from his friends house, I see."


The night was cold and Frank didn't tell Gerard about his Insomnia, he just lay there with Gerard's hand around him. Frank loved Gerard, but it was too difficult for Frank to admit to it, he would wait. For much longer.

The clock was distructing Frank from his thoughts, suddenly, the bedroom door swang open. Frank had his eyes opened just a bit just so it wouldn't show that he was looking.

A woman looked into the bedroom, entered and smiled at the sight of Frank. She grabbed the blanket which Gerard won at their nights blanket fight and put it over Frank. Her smile wouldn't fade away, she left the bedroom with an even bigger smile.

A:N: I'm not sure if this is worth continuing so would you let me know what you think so far? thanks. Love
xo, Chemicalle
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