Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

I'm New Here. Profile of a Ficwaddian: BringMeToLifexx

by BringMeToLifexx 9 reviews

Is this still going on? I hope so. I'm new and thought this was a good chance to introduce myself.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-06-22 - Updated: 2012-06-23 - 687 words

You have never seen me before, but I'm introducing myself. I'm new here.

Real name: Mallory Lynn

Username: BringMeToLifexx

Gender: Female. It would just be awkward for a guy to have the name Mallory.

Country: U.S.A

City: Dayton, Ohio

Religion: ...

Relationship status: that is only for me to know.

Picture of yourself: I'm posting five so you don't think I'm fake. Just to let you know, I had a Andy Biersack moment in one of them. Stop. Andy time!

Favorite musicians/bands:
Avenged Sevenfold
Blood on the Dance Floor
My Chemical Romance
Get Scared
Icon For Hire
Picture Me Broken
Black Veil Brides
Linkin Park
Britney Spears
Stitched Up Heart
Falling In Reverse
Brooklyn Allman

Favorite movies:
All of the Fast and the Furious movies
All of the Scream movies
Just Married
Bad Santa
The Runaways
Wise Girls
Jennifer's Body
Joy Ride
The Hangover
Alpha Dog
Sorority Row

Favorite TV shows:
Pretty Little Liars
Mob Wives
Law and Order
Two and a Half Men
Big Time Rush
Kenan and Kel
WWE Monday Night Raw
Everybody Loves Raymond

Favorite books:

My best friends
My dad
Andy Biersack
Gerard Way

Bandoms you write for: MCR. You get used to writing things about them.

Pairings you ship: any, but mostly Frerard :3

In your opinion, what is the best story on Ficwad you feel you have written?: Well, I haven't posted anything yet, but I am making a Frerard story called Dear Diary, and I'm hoping it will turn out great. Look out for it.

Favorite authors on here: Don't know yet

Favorite stories on here: Don't know yet.

Sample of your writing:

Dear Diary,

That is how most people start off, right? I'm new at this, but I guess I should start using this notebook. My mom bought it for me, just so that I can write down my feelings and thoughts. I'm just glad she didn't buy something that says "DIARY" plastered on the front, or else I will never be able to show myself in public again. Anyway, on to the point.

I'm supposed to write down my feelings and thoughts, so I'm going to do that, right now.

Today at school, a new kid showed up. Yeah, another new kid. I bet if you were real, you would just simply say, "So what?" But there is something about this kid. He isn't like any other kid. He is different, just like me. An outcast.

I didn't have the guts to talk to him, and ask if he wanted to be my friend. Honestly, I wanted to talk to him, but I didn't know what to say, and I was afraid I would make a fool out of myself.

But the bad thing is, I did make a fool out of myself. It was at lunch. Those stupid jocks tripped me, and made me fall over, getting my food all over me. Everyone was laughing at me. I even saw the new kid chuckle a little bit, but I hope that was my imagination.

Now, how am I supposed to deal with that? I don't want to be a drama queen (king I should say) but no way would the new kid want to be friends with a walking pile of crap like me...

You know, I'm glad my mom bought me this notebook. It feels good writing down my feelings and thoughts. I'm going to use this more often.

And do you want to know something else? I am going to talk to this new kid. Hopefully, I won't make a fool out of myself.


I hope you enjoyed reading. Sorry if I bored you to death. I hope you guys will accept me.
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