Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > every rose has its thorn

things are starting to clear up now

by Zeldafan 1 review

Brendon tells Ryan what he has to do in order to get his life back on track.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-06-23 - Updated: 2012-06-23 - 1053 words

I sighed. The birds outside seem to be happy, cheeping with their families that love and care for them, I wish I could have that.

"Fine." I say bluntly and look away at the chair in the right corner of the room and I begin to sob.

"look Ryan.." he sees my face and can take no more of it.

"eugh fine Ryan you leave me no choice. you are here for a reason, a.. mission per say"

I look at him confused.

"carry on." we sit down onto the big red single bed and he tells me something I would have never thought of.

"Ryan well, I know that every night when you got abused by your dad that you would wish on a star to hope and pray for your mother back"

I nod.

"well we cannot leave a wish left behind.." he begins. "I will tell you a few 'tid bits' to help you know what is going on"

"why not all of it? why just 'tid bits?"

"shhh" he says softly and puts his middle finger onto my chapped ruby red lips.

we sit there for a moment in silence and then he starts again.

"you are here to persuade your mother not to kill herself, I know this might sound a little bit much but this is what you are destined to do, to have your family back and a- and your life back Ryan."

I sit there, frozen for a few minutes which felt like hours to me and then I start to talk.

"h- how am I meant to do that?!" I say putting my hand onto my cheek.

the man rubs the back of his neck.. "umm well that's the thing, you are meant to come up with this I am only here to help you and answer a few questions and give you a home etc. you know? keep you company I guess." he stops and I swear I saw a tear forming in his eye when he said this. "but Ryan, you only have 6 days to persuade her not to kill herself otherwise you will die to."

I stare into his salty-teared eye and begin "but, if my mum committed suicide already then how am I alive now?"

"this is the confusing part okay, so you only just survived when your mum stabbed herself in the neck, you only just made it out of her womb, but if you do not persuade her then your mission is in-complete I guess and you will die with your mother which means she could do anything to you."

"oh god." I say with horror in my eyes.

"I need to plan this right" I quickly stand up off of the bed and begin to walk when the man stopped me again.

"what is it with you and stopping me doing my 'mission'?"

I sit back down, he grins and says..

"at least have some dinner or something and we can start all of this tomorrow, yeah?" the man with beautiful brown eyes says.

I nod, not knowing what to say any-more.

"here take my hand" he says and with that he pulls me off of the bed and he takes me into the living room.

"Oh and by the way, my name is Brendon" he smiles

Brendon. that is the prettiest name I have ever heard.

we walk into the living room, still holding hands. Mine began to get sweaty and Brendon noticed. he had a huge grin on his face, don't know why though.

"So Brendon, any other little 'tid bits' I need to know?

"not yet Ryan, we have to let the news you have already heard sink in, if I give you to much infomation, you might explode with different emotions."

"ahh I get it now, I just thought you didn't want to tell me anything"

I let go of his hand because I was holding it for too long and we sit down onto the comfortable leather sofa with red fluffy pillows on each side and stared at each other for what seemed to be hours. until Brendon finally looked away and said.

"do you want something to eat or drink?"

"Umm, sure what are you having?"

"whatever your having" he winks at me and then stands up and races into the kitchen

I laugh as he does a silly run and then he says to me "do you want a cup of tea my good sir" he shouts in a posh voice

"yes, that would be very content" I say back jokingly

I look around the room as I hear Brendon singing on of my favourite songs. Fall Out Boy Thanks For The Mmries hmm, maybe he doesn't know much about me or we just have a lot in common.

I see pictures of flowers and one of Fall Out Boy itself, I carry on looking and I turn around to see a table with a flowery white cloth on it and wooden chairs around it. The floor is made of wood as well but its white, who would have guessed.

Brendon walked back in with the steaming cup of teas and placed them onto the coffee table which has a nice rose design on it.

"Thank you" I say with a smile.

I can't believe this time an hour ago I was crying to go home and now I am fine, I guess Brendon might have that effect on me, ahh well. I place the hot white mug to my chapped lips and take a sip. 2 sugars how did he know?

"yum this is nice" I say taking another sip. he looks back at me and smiles. he stares at me for a while and I blush.

"you do know that you have the most prettiest eyes a man has ever seen" he says with both of his hands on his chin and his arms connected to his knees.

I don't talk, but I blush like crazy.

after about 10 minutes of talking about how much Fall Out Boy is amazing and how we both want to make a band I decide to go to bed to sleep things through and have a fresh start in the morning.

"good-night" I say with a grin on my face.

"sweet dreams" he says.

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