Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > No Heroes Allowed [Frerard]


by StormVandal 4 reviews

"Just jump," Gerard said finally. "Jump?!" Frank cried. "I can't jump!" "I'll catch you," Gerard assured him.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2012-06-26 - Updated: 2012-06-28 - 503 words


I can't help but miss the days, and I'll write on every page... My hero, she's the last real dreamer I know. -No Heroes Allowed, Mayday Parade

It was a hot day in late May. In the distance, smog hung over New York's skyline. A slight breeze rustled the leaves on the trees in Gerard and Mikey's backyard and caused Frank's cape to flutter around his legs. Frank beamed. His cape totally looked super cool. Like a real-life supergero's.

Beside him, Gerard finished tying his own cape around his neck. the second his fingers dropped from the knot, Frank started to run. "Come on, Gee!" he yelled. "We have people to save!"

"I'm coming!" Gerard hollered back, running after him.

The two boys raced around the backyard, colourful capes flapping behind them. This was their favourite game. It always had been.

After about half an hour of running around and saving people, Frank got a little bored. He set his sights on the tree at the end of Gerard's backyard and zoomed over. Gerard followed him. They stopped at the base of the tree.

"Whatcha doin', Frankie?" Gerard inquired.

"I'm gonna climb this tree!" he replied.

"Be careful," Gerard warned him as he began to climb. "Don't fall."

"I'm not going to fall." Frank rolled his eyes at his best friend as he reached the lowest branch of the tree.

But when he got to the third branch, he began to get scared. Suddenly the ground seemed so far away. He peered timidly down through the leaves at Gerard, who looked concerned. "You okay up there?" he called.

"I don't think I can get down," Frank replied, his voice wobbling.

Gerard was silent for a long moment. Frank tried not to cry.

"Just jump," Gerard said finally.

"Jump?!" Frank cried. "I can't jump! I'll... I'll die if I jump! I don't want to die! I'm only eight!"

"I'll catch you," Gerard assured him.

Frank hesitated. Gerard had never lied to him before. Surely he wasn't lying now.

He steeled himself. He could do this. He would be brave. Like a real superhero.

He took a deep breath, squeezed his eyes shut, and dropped himself off the branch.

He fell much more slowly than he would have expected. He wondered if maybe he was falling in slow motion, like in the movies, but he wasn't sure- it felt like he was being buoyed up by something. There was a light pressure at his back that he thought was possibly keeping him from falling too fast. He didn't know what it was, but he didn't dare open his eyes to check what it was, or if he was indeed falling in slo-mo. He kept them firmly shut until he landed in Gerard's arms.

He slowly opened one eye, then the other. "I'm not dead!" he exclaimed joyfully.

"I told you I wouldn't drop you," Gerard said triumphantly.

Frank giggled and planted a small kiss on Gerard's cheek. "My hero," he said, and Gerard beamed.
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