Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cigarettes and sass

Double date

by XxlovefrankieroxX 17 reviews

Gerard and Brian finally go on their date, but it doesn't exactly go to plan (sorry it's a bit rushed guys, explanation inside).

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Erotica,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-07-02 - Updated: 2012-07-02 - 6399 words

Gerard gazed out his studio window with a dreamy expression on his face. His cell was in his hand, resting against the desktop though Gerard was focussing so little on it, it was in danger of sliding from his fingertips and falling to the floor. Gerard had been planning to text Frank, but two hours later he was still clueless to what he should say.

He wanted to let him know how much fun he’d had over the weekend... he wanted to thank him properly and maybe meet up again, preferably soon. But Gerard couldn’t think of any way of putting it without sounding creepy or clingy. After all, he had only met Frank for a few minutes on the Saturday and even though they spent the whole of Sunday together, that was still only one day... They weren’t even at ‘friends’ status yet, let alone anything else.

Gerard knew that the only person who would be capable of telling him how to play things cool and yet score a second date would be Brian. But thanks to Gerard’s stupidity asking Brian was completely out of the question unless Gerard wanted to ruthlessly hurt him. He knew that if a guy he liked had agreed to go on a date with him and even pretended to be thrilled about it, then made it clear he liked someone else, he would just be left heartbroken... He knew he needed to find a way to let Brian down gently but he hadn’t figured it out yet, and he really didn’t want to hurt him.

Gerard sighed and turned away from the window to rest his forehead against the top of his desk, closing his eyes as he groaned. It was already the middle of the week and he still hadn’t managed to text Frank, and his date with Brian was looming closer and closer. He hadn’t emailed Mikey back yet, he hadn’t heard back from the board as to whether The Breakfast Monkey was go or not, and he had been completely slacking on all of his work in favour of stalking pictures of Frank on the internet and trying to come to terms with the fact that he had met him. Hell, kissed him. Gerard felt as if his world had just been flipped upside down and he wasn’t sure if it was a bad thing or not.

Gerard sighed and looked at his phone, trying to summon up the courage to text Frank but whenever he opened up a new message he found himself growing panicky at the thought of even trying to write the text and he would give up.

Frank was a famous porn star, he could have anyone. Why would he want Gerard?

Gerard groaned and put his phone down again, almost having a heart attack when it suddenly started vibrating against the desk, the vibrations going through the wood amplifying the noise. Gerard snatched his phone back up, his heart racing in horror before lurching at the thought that maybe Frank had somehow got his number and was calling him.

Of course, Gerard could never be so lucky.

“Hi Mikes.” Gerard sighed as he answered the call, wincing when Mikey’s sarcastic voice drawled into his ear.

“Oh so you are alive then. Not like I’ve been worried or anything about the fact you haven’t been replying to my emails or texting me back for the past two weeks.”

“Yeah, sorry about that Mikes I meant to –”

“Oh don’t worry about it. I’ve only been worried sick. I’ve been missing lectures, getting behind on assignments, I haven’t even touched my bass for a week. I thought you, my very own brother, had actually died, or been abducted or something. But it’s not important, I’m sure you must’ve just been really busy right?” Mikey scoffed, Gerard smirking to himself and rolling his eyes fondly.

“Oh come on Mikes, you were that worried about me and you waited until now to call?” He chuckled, an amused look of scepticism on his face as he heard Mikey bite back his own laughter.

“I was worried about you when you didn’t reply to my email as quick as you usually do... but I spoke to Grandma and heard you’re like, chasing some boy or whatever so I knew you were fine.” Gerard groaned and rolled his eyes, Mikey’s laughter filtering into his ear. “I thought I’d leave it a while to make sure I didn’t call at a crucial moment,” Mikey’s voice was full of amusement as Gerard scowled. “I figured now would be okay though since you’re at work, and I had a gap between lectures so I figured I’d kill some time.”

“Nice. Thanks Mikes.” Gerard sighed, still frowning to himself. “And for the record I’m not chasing anybody, grandma is over exaggerating again.”

“So you’re not going on a date with some guy called Brian?”

“Well I... How does she even know that!? I didn’t tell her that!” Gerard squeaked, Mikey laughing loudly down the phone.

“Well, she said the guy was trying to get into your bed. I figured by now he might have made some headway. When’s the date?” He asked innocently, Gerard scowling as he leant back in his chair and picked up a pen to twiddle between his fingers. He was going to kill Elena.

“He is not trying to get into my bed.” Gerard scoffed, blushing at how obvious a lie it was, but he wasn’t about to go into details about his sex life – or lack thereof – with his little brother. “And it’s on Saturday, but I’m not exactly excited about it.”

“Well after what Grandma said I figured you probably wouldn’t be. Why’d you agree to go if you’re not interested?” Mikey asked softly, his voice more serious though still slightly amused. Gerard sighed and shrugged, gazing out the window again.

“I dunno... I haven’t been on a date for years and Brian’s really attractive and... ya know, nice enough. I just thought maybe I should give it a shot.”

“Well that doesn’t sound too bad.” Mikey responded, the sounds of people bustling around in the background making Gerard glance at the clock. It looked as though afternoon lectures had ended. He hoped Mikey’s next lecture wasn’t too soon, now he had him on the phone he remembered how much he missed talking to him. He always told him everything...

“Yeah I guess...” Gerard mumbled, a small silence following before Mikey spoke again, his voice softer this time, completely serious.

“Tell me.” He said gently, Gerard blushing and feeling a ridiculous lump in his throat. Jesus, he was getting far too gay, if just the fact that Mikey still knew him enough to instantly tell when something was wrong was making him teary.

“Tell you what?” Gerard didn’t know why he was playing dumb, Mikey wouldn’t let him get away with it.

“Tell me about the weather.” Mikey responded sarcastically before snapping at Gerard to ‘tell me what’s wrong, you moron’.

“If you’re not nice to me I’m not telling you anything.” Gerard snapped back sulkily, before telling Mikey everything immediately after before his brother could even open his mouth. Gerard just couldn’t help it, he always told Mikey everything and he just really needed some advice. Mikey never seemed to be the type to know anything about these situations but Gerard knew better than to underestimate his little brother.

Mikey was silent as Gerard told him about going to Las Vegas to a convention. Mikey didn’t know about Gerard’s obsession with porn, or more specifically, Frank; so Gerard just told him he had been going to a Comic con that weekend and that Frank was just a random guy he had met there and got chatting to. Gerard then told him about their date on the Sunday and how much fun he had had, spending a while just gushing over Frank and how amazing he was before concluding with the fact he hadn’t talked to him since and he had sort of made out to Brian that he was super excited for their date.

Once Gerard had finished talking he took a deep breath and waited for Mikey to respond. His younger brother was quiet for a long moment, clicking his tongue quietly as he thought over everything before he began to speak.

“Well... I think the obvious point to make here was that telling Brian you were really excited for Saturday was a pretty stupid idea.” He said simply, Gerard rolling his eyes with a scowl.

“Yeah thanks for that Mikes, I am aware.” He purred moodily, Mikey chuckling softly.

“Well you can’t take it back now.” He pointed out, Gerard nodding sadly. “If you really don’t want to hurt him or shoot him down in flames or whatever, then just go on this date on Saturday, smile, be happy, have a nice time. I mean shit Gee, you can still have a good time with Brian. Just make it clear at the end of the night that even though you’ve had a lot of fun you think you’re both better off as friends... If it was me I’d ask him out for drinks or something another night but with a group of people, that way he’ll feel like he’s being invited into your life which will make him happy and lessen the blow that you don’t want a relationship.”

“I suppose...” Gerard agreed slowly. It was good advice, but he seriously doubted he would take Brian out for drinks. For a start Gerard had no one else he could invite since he never went out for social drinks with people. He was practically a recluse. He just went to work and then went home and watched porn.

“And,” Mikey continued, oblivious to the fact Gerard was still sulking. “As far as Frank is concerned, if you want to keep in touch with him and want to meet him again then... Well, not to point out the obvious or anything but... maybe just text him.”

“It’s not that easy.” Gerard pouted, bowing his head and running a hand through his hair as Mikey chuckled softly.

“Gee, I know you’re a complete social retard but even you can handle sending a text. Just say hi, thanks for the weekend or something. If he’s as great as you say he is then he’ll run with it.”

“But I can’t Mikes... I want to I just... What if he doesn’t want to hear from me?” Gerard mewled, practically hearing the way Mikey rolled his eyes.

“Gerard... He took you on a date, gave you his number and kissed you. I may not be an expert on gay relationships but I’m gonna guess that he’s been giving you all the signals that he wants to hear from you.”

“But Mikey he’s a really popular guy. He could have anyone he wants, why would he want me?” Gerard whimpered, Mikey scoffing in response.

“For God’s sake Gerard, you like the guy and it seems like he likes you too. Instead of worrying why he likes you, why don’t you just be happy that he does and chase him up? You’ll only regret it if you lose him because you’re too nervous to send him a freaking text.”

“I know that.” Gerard groaned, resisting the urge to bash his head against the desk. “I just –”

“Gerard – oh, sorry.” Gerard looked up at the young girl in his studio doorway and quickly shook his head, holding his phone away from his mouth.

“Oh, no it’s okay, sorry I’ll just be a second.” He quickly apologised before turning back to his call where Mikey had fallen silent. “Listen Mikes I gotta go, I’ll call you later.”

“You better.” Mikey warned, Gerard chuckling and promising he would before he hung up and turned to smile at the girl looking nervously in at him. He recognised her vaguely from around the building, from what he could gather she was a work experience kid or something.

“Can I help?” He asked politely, wondering what had brought her to him.

“Erm... Mr. Snyder is here to see you.” The girl said gently, Gerard’s eyes nearly bugging out of his head. Instantly his heart began to race erratically, his hands growing shaky as he jumped to his feet as if he had been electrocuted.

“Alright, erm... Now?” Gerard felt himself growing flustered, his problems with Brian and Frankie completely forgotten as he felt himself growing panicked. If Stuart Snyder was here then a decision must have been made on his cartoon, and the fact that the president of the company itself was coming to inform him could only mean one thing...

“Mhmm. Come with me.” The girl turned and left the room, Gerard stumbling along behind her. He struggled to keep himself composed and appear confident and blasé as he followed her silently down corridors and into an elevator. They said nothing as they rode it up to the top floor, Gerard pushing his hands into his pockets in the hopes to stop his palms from growing clammy.

The top floor of the building was where all the big dogs worked. Gerard had never been there before and he looked around with amazed eyes at the many cartoon network art work on the walls as he was led to a conference room. His heart felt as if it was trying to drum right out of his chest as the work experience kid left him outside a door and walked away after telling him to go inside.
Gerard waited a moment to compose before knocking on the door and stepping inside when a voice told him to do so. Standing in the middle of the room was a group of men in suits. Gerard recognised his boss and supervisor, the head of the marketing team, head of the animation team, and then the big guy... The president himself... Stuart Snyder.

“Ah, Gerard! Glad you could make it.” He beamed, thrusting out a hand for Gerard to shake, his fat fingers tightening around Gerard’s palm like a clamp. Gerard forced a nervous smile and mumbled a ‘nice to meet you, sir’ before nodding politely at the others. He felt about ready to throw up, he certainly didn’t feel like taking part in the small talk around him.

“I hope we haven’t interrupted you from anything important. I’m sure you were working hard.” Snyder beamed, scratching his chin and Gerard was momentarily distracted by the large, expensive looking rings on all of his fingers.

“Uh... I was erm... Nothing t – too important.” He mumbled in response, not sure what he should say. He had heard plenty about Stuart Snyder, as everyone who worked here had, but he had never met him before. It was considered a high honour to be in his presence.

“Good, good.” Snyder grinned, looking Gerard up and down. “Well, I’m sure you’d like to know why we’ve brought you here...”

“Yes sir.” Gerard nodded, biting his lip as he gazed at the man before him. This guy was about to make or break his dream, Gerard only hoped he wasn’t cruel enough to come all this was from the main headquarters in California just to tell him he hadn’t got the cartoon deal.

“Well Gerard, we’re thrilled to tell you that we’ve considered your Breakfast monkey idea and we love it! We want to offer you the opportunity of making a pilot episode and if it goes well we’ll give you a full series contract.”


By the time Saturday came Gerard felt far too exhausted to go out on a date with Brian. He hoped the younger man would appreciate the fact that he hadn’t cancelled. Hell, he’d even made an effort. Getting his hair styled and buying a whole new outfit before he made his way back into the city to meet Brian outside the Cartoon Network building where Brian would take him to whatever restaurant he’d picked.

Since getting the news that his cartoon was being accepted Gerard had spent the past two days at work doing so much he’d barely had time to think. Things were being pushed forward sickeningly fast and Gerard had been busy meeting the different people who would be involved with making the show, the animators and the marketers and the sound crew. He’d had to show all the artists how he wanted things drawn, the style they needed to replicate and the characterization he was after.

They had been given a deadline for when the pilot show needed to be aired and Gerard knew that if they were late or unprepared then he could lose his dream forever. Already he was panicking about getting everything finished on time but they had a month yet and the team he was working with were incredible. They just needed to make one episode, Gerard was sure they would have it done in no time.

Gerard sighed and glanced at his watch, wondering where Brian was. He hadn’t had chance to see him at work but they had text each other that morning to confirm they were both still on for the date. Gerard was feeling sick with nerves, but he told himself he deserved to go out and celebrate the good news. He should just enjoy himself... even if it was Brian he was with and not Frankie.

Gerard still hadn’t managed to summon the courage to text the porn star. He told himself he simply hadn’t had the time now he was working so hard, but of course he knew that was ridiculous. He could have text him on the way home from work each night, or even when he got home. It would only have taken him a second, but despite Mikey’s pep talk he just didn’t know what to say.

He hadn’t even watched any of his porn videos for a week. After meeting him he just couldn’t stand to watch him having sex with other men, or even going solo. Not when he knew now that it was often fake and something he only did because it was his job.

Gerard sighed and stared down the street, spotting someone tall and handsome strolling towards him and he smiled in relief. Brian had finally arrived and Gerard hated to admit it, but he really did look stunning. He smirked as he caught sight of the older man and held his arms out, laughing as he embraced Gerard and pressed a camp kiss to his cheek.

“Hey man! Sorry I’m late, fucking trains suck.” Brian smirked at Gerard as he stepped back and looked him up and down, his eyes sweeping over his body with an approving look. “You’re looking gorgeous tonight Gee, I have to say.”

“Thanks... You’re not too bad yourself.” Gerard blushed, his heart racing a little. He knew he needed to be careful tonight, he couldn’t let Brian think that he was more interested in him than he was. He was a little excited to be going out with him, but mostly he just wanted them to end the night as good friends. He wasn’t interested in a relationship... Not when he still had Frank’s number in his phone.

“Shall we get going?” Brian beamed, offering Gerard his hand before leading him down the streets towards the restaurant he had picked. Gerard obediently nestled his palm against Brian’s, but he knew he shouldn’t. He just didn’t know how to politely let the guy down.

“By the way, congratulations on getting your cartoon. I knew you’d make it.” Brian grinned, and when Gerard looked at him his eyes were sparkling with genuine pleasure, his smile soft and warm unlike his usual seductive smirks. Gerard felt his stomach lurch a little. He wasn’t used to seeing a genuine, friendly side to Brian. Only the playful, sexy side and Gerard wasn’t sure he wanted to see anything more than that. It would just make it even harder to hurt him.

“Thanks...” Gerard sighed, forcing a smile and chatting to Brian about it as they walked together. New York was busy as ever and they squeezed through the crowds managing to hold only minimum conversation. Brian seemed happy enough with that though, clearly ecstatic to be out in public with Gerard’s hand in his, talking to him with such excitement that Gerard felt awful for not returning his feelings. If only he wasn’t so obsessed with Frankie... and since going to the convention Brian just stood no chance. Not now Gerard knew Frank was just as perfect as he had assumed, and even maybe liked him...

“So I picked a Chinese restaurant, I thought ya know... Something different maybe? If you don’t like that though we can go somewhere else.” Brian looked at Gerard with sparkling eyes, beaming when Gerard assured him Chinese was fine. “Awesome. Well it’s just that one up there.” Brian pointed out the building, Gerard nodding as he spotted the Chinese lanterns glowing on either side of the doorway. It looked nice enough.

The two men crossed the street and headed towards the door. Most people walked past it, a few ducked inside, but just as Gerard and Brian arrived someone caught Gerard’s eye and his heart missed a beat.

“Oh no...” He whispered, Brian glancing at him with worried eyes as the person spotted Gerard too and gasped, charging towards him whilst Gerard’s stomach did flip flops.

“Gerard! Oh my God, hey!” Frank’s grin went from ear to ear as he hurried to Gerard, looking as though he might dive on him and hug him tight but he stopped and hesitated when his eyes landed on Gerard’s hand laced with Brian’s.

“Oh erm...” Frank met Gerard’s gaze with confusion swirling in his eyes, Gerard’s heart racing in horror. He had the sudden urge to blurt out that it wasn’t what it looked like, but it wasn’t as if he was doing anything bad or cheating or something. He had only met Frank once.

“Hi Frankie, what are you doing here?” Gerard forced a casual smile and tried not to look horrified at the sight of the porn star, Brian smiling with gentle curiosity as he looked Frank over. Suddenly a man appeared at his side, his hand resting on Frank’s shoulder making Gerard’s stomach clench up with jealousy. Was Frank on a date too? So soon after their amazing weekend together?

“I’m here for a couple interviews and stuff...” Frank said softly, meeting Gerard’s eyes and Gerard could see behind his smile he was looking wounded. “We were just going out for a bite to eat... Erm, who’s this?” Frank glanced at Brian again who took it upon himself to shake Frank’s hand.

“Hi, I’m Brian. I work with Gerard.” He grinned, Frank smiling warmly at him as Gerard tried to compose himself and think of something to say. “You a friend of his?”

“Yeah, we met in Las Vegas last weekend.” Frank smiled, ignoring Gerard who opened his mouth before promptly closing it again. “Are you guys eating in here? We could join you, I mean, that’s if you don’t mind.” Frank smiled, Brian glancing at Gerard for his verdict. Gerard knew Brian probably wanted it to be just themselves, but he wasn’t about to turn down Frankie.

“Hm? Oh we don’t mind, do we Bri? Sure, it’d be great to eat with you guys.” Gerard beamed, before glancing nervously at the man still resting his hand on Frank’s shoulder. He was tall and broad, his biceps huge. Gerard got the feeling he could probably crush him in a second.

“Great, let’s go.” Frank smiled, leading the way into the restaurant. “Oh, and that’s Matt by the way.” He added as if an afterthought, gesturing vaguely at the man with him. Gerard looked at him again and gulped, Matt nodding politely at him and Brian. Brian himself looked fairly astounded too, gawping at the muscular man with eyes as wide as saucers before he turned to frown slightly at Gerard.

Whilst Frank got bust talking to one of the waiters to arrange a table for them all Brian took the moment to secure Gerard’s attention back to himself.

“Hey... I thought tonight was just about us.” He whispered, his disappointment clear in his voice, his face pulled into a scowl as Gerard blushed and bit his lip.

“I know, I’m sorry. I just... He’s my friend, I couldn’t say no.” He whispered, Brian scoffing and rolling his eyes, turning away in a huff. Gerard sighed and touched his hand, wanting to make him happy again.

“Hey... I really am sorry. I’ll make it up to you.” He promised, not sure what possessed him to say it but he instantly regretted it as Brian looked at him with hopeful eyes and smiled. He slipped his arm around Gerard’s waist and whispered ‘can’t wait’ into his ear before following Frank and Matt to a table at the back of the restaurant.

Frank sat down with a carefully emotionless face, his eyes flicking between Gerard and Brian whilst his stomach swirled with irritation. He hadn’t been expecting to see Gerard tonight, but he certainly wouldn’t have believed he would be seeing him out on a date with another man. He had seemed so sweet and naive in Vegas, Frank hadn’t put him down as the type of person to bounce from one man to the next. He couldn’t believe he had been blown off like this.

“So... You guys met in Vegas huh?” Brian asked conversationally once the silence had stretched too far. Frank looked at him and nodded, Gerard keeping his head bowed as Frank explained that they had met outside the hotel on the Saturday and then spent the whole of Sunday together. He noted the way Gerard’s cheeks slowly turned more and more pink, Brian turning to slowly scowl at Gerard.

“Oh... Gerard never mentioned he’d met anyone.” Brian’s voice was soft but Gerard could hear the venom and he slid his chair back with a racing heart. God, he couldn’t handle this, he should have refused to let Frank join them.

“I err... Bathroom.” He said quickly at the confused looks he was getting, telling Brian to just order him whatever before he rushed away from the table and into the tiny restaurant toilets at the other end of the room.

Once inside the small bathroom Gerard stood at the sinks and splashed cold water on his face, taking a deep breath before he leant against the sink and bowed his head. This night was going to be awful, he just wished it could end right now.

He couldn’t believe Frank was here, right here in New York. Shit, right here in the same restaurant. He had been desperate to see him again but not like this, not when he was on a date with Brian. At this rate Frank was going to lose all interest in him by thinking that Brian already had him, and Brian was going to be pissed off about Gerard not telling him that he had met someone else whilst in Vegas. Gerard couldn’t believe things could work out so badly... He just knew that by the end of the night he was going to lose both Frank and Brian and he was actually going to end up dying fat and alone with a million cats.


“Shit!” Gerard jumped violently and gasped as he spun round to face Frank, the younger man staring at him with wide eyes from the bathroom door. He gave Gerard a ‘are you crazy?’ look before slowly walking across the tiled floor to stand directly infront of him, his face pulling into a small frown, his lips pouting.

“What you doing hiding in here?” He asked softly, Gerard staring at him like a rabbit caught in headlights. His eyes wide and his hands trembling.

“I – I wasn’t hiding.” He giggled nervously, Frank quirking an eyebrow at him.

“You’re a terrible liar.” He scoffed, leaning his weight onto one hip as he crossed his arms. “Listen, don’t get all flustered because I’m here. I’m sorry I’m interrupting your date... to be honest I wasn’t expecting you to agree to letting us join you.” He sighed, bowing his head and scuffing his toe against a mark on the floor.

“I... I wasn’t expecting you to ask.” Gerard admitted lamely, Frank scowling at him through his eyelashes.

“Do you want us to just leave? We’ve only just ordered our food, we could cancel it and just leave you guys alone.” He offered sulkily, Gerard raising his eyebrows at him and blushing deeply as he realised he was just making the whole situation worse.

“What? No! No, God... I’m sorry I... What I meant was, I wasn’t expecting you to ask but I’m glad you did. I... I wanted to see you again.” He quickly explained, Frank looking at him sceptically. Gerard struggled to hold his gaze, his heart beating so fast he felt sick. The sight of Frank’s gorgeous face was almost too much, especially when he was looking at him with such anger.

“If you wanted to see me that badly why didn’t you call me?” He asked icily, Gerard biting his lip hard as he mentally beat himself up. He knew he should have messaged him... “You know, this entire past week I’ve been looking at my phone every two minutes hoping you’ll have text or called or something. I’ve been driving everyone nuts.”

“I wanted to call.” Gerard quickly insisted, Frank scoffing and rolling his eyes.


“I did!” Gerard whimpered, reaching out to grab one of Frank’s hands, just wanting to make him smile again. “I’ve been trying to text you all week. I... God, I even asked my brother to help me think of what to say but I... I’m really bad with stuff like this. I haven’t had to chase a guy up in years. I’m just... I was afraid you wouldn’t want to hear from me.” He whispered quietly, Frank’s face softening slightly though he looked unconvinced.

“Why would you think that?” He asked sceptically, gazing into Gerard’s eyes. “I told you I wanted to hear from you. I... I wouldn’t have kissed you if I didn’t want to hear from you... Why, after the weekend we had, would you think I wouldn’t want that?”

“I just...” Gerard sighed and shrugged, not sure how to explain. He didn’t want to come across as a socially retarded idiot, even though he was. He wanted to be suave and sexy. He wanted Frank to want him. “I just don’t see why you’d want me when you could have anyone you wanted.”

“Anyone I wanted!?” Frank repeated incredulously, giving a bark like laugh of horror. “You can’t be serious? Why would you even think that?”

“Well you’re... famous.” Gerard mumbled stupidly, blushing at the way Frank was slowly shaking his head at him.

“Yeah, famous for porn. I don’t want any of my fans. I want a guy who wants me because he likes me, not because he’s seen me having sex on camera and thinks it might be fun to try his luck.” Frank scoffed, Gerard blushing even more and feeling a mingling sense of relief and guilt for lying to Frank about knowing who he was.

“Anyway, I obviously can’t have anyone I want if I wanted you and you wouldn’t even text me.” Frank pointed out, quirking his eyebrow at Gerard who was looking at him in utter horror.

“I... I’m sorry. Frank I really am, I... I swear I wanted to call you. I thought maybe I would do it tomorrow or something I just... God. I’m just useless.” He whined, desperately trying to think of something he could say that would make everything better. He couldn’t lose this chance with Frank, he’d never forgive himself.

“If you wanted to see me again so much why are you on a date with that guy?” Frank continued, gesturing vaguely at the door to indicate Brian outside in the restaurant. “I mean, I’m not mad. It’s not like we’re going out or anything, see whoever you like, I don’t care.” He added, his jealousy obvious despite how he was trying to deny it. “I just... if I want a specific guy I stop dating until I get him.”

“But... you’re on a date too.” Gerard pointed out, finding it a little unfair that Frank was complaining at him about being on a date when he had a drop dead gorgeous hunk right outside too. “Brian asked me on this date before I even went to Vegas, I’ve been trying to think of a way to let him down gently, but he’s insistent. Every time I push him away he comes on stronger, it’s been killing me.” He sighed, Frank’s lips twitching a little as if he was trying not to smile.

“Really?” He asked softly, biting back a giggle. “Well... I guess I should be grateful to him. If you weren’t out with him tonight we might never have met again.” He sighed, finally relaxing and smiling as Gerard gazed at him in slight surprise.

“I guess...”

“And for the record, I’m not on a date. Matt is my agent, he’s been taking me to my interviews and helping arrange a few shoots around here.” Frank shrugged, chuckling at the way Gerard’s fading blush intensified again.

“Oh...” Gerard mumbled, suddenly feeling extremely stupid. He was making an idiot out of himself and there was no way Frank was going to ever find him seductive now. “I’m sorry...” He sighed, not knowing what else to say.

Frank chuckled softly and shook his head, smiling curiously at Gerard. He didn’t know why he liked the guy so much. Frank could be spoilt at times, and he had to admit he’d spent his week sulking when Gerard hadn’t contacted him. No one he’d given his number to had failed to contact him before, he had really thought Gerard just wasn’t interested. It was a relief to find he was, despite the fact the man was clearly a social idiot and completely oblivious to how gorgeous he was. Frank supposed it was kind of endearing though...

“Listen, do you really not want to be on a date with this guy?” Frank sighed, referring to Brian. Gerard looked at the younger man with slightly confused eyes, shrugging vaguely.

“I... Not really. I mean, I’m sure we could be great friends but... Well... He’s not who I want.” He mumbled shyly, Frank smiling as he stepped closer to Gerard, draping his arms around his neck. Gerard almost forgot to breathe as the scent of Frank’s cologne intoxicated him, his playful hazel eyes making his head spin.

“Do you want me to help him get the point he doesn’t stand a chance?” Frank asked innocently, Gerard opening his mouth to reply only to find he didn’t really know how to answer that. He supposed it all depended on what Frank was planning to do.

“Well err... Yes?” He shrugged, Frank chuckling at his uncertainty and leaning closer. Gerard felt his head spin faster, making him feel certain he was going to faint. Even Frank’s heart was racing as he leant in close, his breath sailing over Gerard’s lips.

“Mm... Trust me.” He whispered, Gerard’s breathing growing heavy and his eyes almost closing. “And next time I say I want you to contact me, fucking do it okay?” Frank added before closing the gap and pressing his lips gently to Gerard’s.

Gerard felt like he was going to faint as he pouted against Frank’s lips, his heart having palpitations as he nervously laid his hands on Frank’s waist and kissed him tenderly, the door opening causing them both to jump and pull back. Gerard was blushing furiously but Frank just smiled cheekily at Matt who was quirking an eyebrow at them from the doorway.

“Erm... Brian’s wondering where you are.” He said softly to Gerard, the older man nodding quickly and rubbing the back of his neck. His heart was going mad in his chest but Frank looked calm as anything as he nodded and gestured for Gerard to follow him.

“Alright, we’re coming.” He smiled, holding the door open for Gerard to walk past him, playfully squeezing his ass as he walked by, causing Gerard to squeak and jump, blushing furiously as Frank walked past with laughter he was failing to stifle.

Hey guys,
This chapter was going to be longer but I’ve had to end it here because I’m going to get my boyfriend from the train station. He’s coming down for the week so I won’t be able to write until next week now, which is why I wanted to get this up today. Sorry it’s not complete but hopefully it wont disappoint and I’ll be back soon :]
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