Categories > Original > Romance

My Beautiful Rescue

by catchingmadness 1 review

She fell from the sky and into Joe Jonas' life. Literally.

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2012-07-02 - Updated: 2012-07-03 - 1310 words


I took in a staggering breath, only to let it out at once. Was I breathing? Oh god, I was breathing. Why was I breathing?

It was cold, so very cold. And…wet? Was that the right word? I think I was wet. But why was I wet?

“Can you hear me?”

Where did that voice come from? And why was I moving? No…I was being pulled. Something was pulling me, but I didn’t know what. Everything was dark.

“Just hang on, I got you.”

Who has me? And hang on to what exactly? I felt the need to breathe again, so I did, still unaccustomed to the feeling. Something was scraping against me, making my skin feel rough. It wasn’t a good feeling, to say the least.

“Just one more second and we’re there.”

Where was there? And who was we? Nothing made sense, but suddenly I had stopped moving, or rather, someone (something?) had stopped pulling me. It was still dark though, and I couldn’t see any of my surroundings.

“Jesus, are you fucking suicidal?” The voice asked, taking on a different tone. I didn’t like this tone as much. A second ago he had seemed panicked. And now, he seemed almost…well, I wasn’t sure what the word for it was, but he didn’t sound happy with me. “Can you open your eyes?”
Ah, that explained the darkness. I opened my eyes, only to immediately shut them again. The light had been blinding, and I didn’t want to face it again. The voice had other thoughts though. “Can you hear me? Do you realize you could have drowned?”

I really didn’t like this tone.

“I know you aren’t dead. I can see you breathing. Come on, answer me.” The voice demanded. I peeked an eye open, letting my gaze get used to the light before opening them all the way. My vision was swimming, and it took me a minute to start seeing shapes. There was a face above me, and when it came into focus, I noted it was a man. “Do you know how to talk, or are you just getting a kick out of messing with me?”

I glanced down at my feet when he mentioned kicking, confused. I wasn’t ‘getting a kick’ out of anything. My feet were still, no where near kicking him. I wiggled my toes to make sure I could even move them, and smiled when they complied. “I can talk.” I finally responded, still smiling at my feet.

He didn’t seem as happy about my movable appendages though. “What the fuck is your problem?”
“You know, that really isn’t a nice word.” I informed him, glancing up at him with a frown. He seemed taken aback and moved a few inches away from me. “You’re kidding me, right? You jumped off a cliff, would have drowned if I hadn’t of saved you, and then you try to get on me about saying fuck?”

I frowned when he said again, but decided not to press it. It seemed to make him upset. “I didn’t jump off a cliff.” I said instead, turning my attention back to my wiggling toes happily. “I fell.”

“Someone pushed you?” He squinted up at a nearby cliff, as if trying to spot some stray person up there.

“No. I just fell.” I said with a shrug.

“You’re so weird,” He muttered, though it wasn’t quiet enough for me not to hear. “I think you hit your head underwater or something.” With that, he stood up, brushing some sand off his hands. “Let’s take you to the hospital.”

“The what?” I asked, squinting up at him in confusion.

“The hospital.” He repeated, sounding frustrated. He sounded like that a lot with me, I think. “So come on.” He offered me a hand then, and after a second, I reached up with one of mine and let him haul me up. The movement threw me off, and I teetered for a second, on the verge of falling. He steadied me though, a concerned look crossing his face. I took a hesitant step forward, trying to get used to this whole ‘walking’ thing. It felt so weird, but I found that I liked it once I got the hang of it. Soon enough I was walking back and forth, the man following behind me uncertainly.

“What are you doing? We need to go to my car.” He said loudly, the noise ringing in my ears. It was so loud here. I wasn’t used to it. “What’s a car?” I asked, turning to look back at him. He just shook his head, muttering something under his breath that I didn’t hear. “Can we walk? I like walking. I haven’t done it in a while.” I explained, taking a few more unsteady steps.
“For the love of…okay, listen. My car is right over there. You stay here, and I’m going to come back for you, okay? Then we’re going to the hospital.” I didn’t understand what half of those things were – namely car and hospital, but I nodded. He looked at me for a second before taking off at a jog. I wanted to try that – running. Maybe not now though. He had said to stay here after all.

He stuck by his word, and soon enough he was back, though this time with his…car? That was what he had called it, wasn’t it? “What is that?” I breathed, eyes wide as he exited the thing and made his way over to me. He glanced between the object and me, looking more confused by the second. “My car?” The word seemed to familiar, and yet it seemed like everything was still coming back to me.

“Wow, it’s beautiful.” I said, moving closer to it and running a gentle hand along the side. I was still stroking it when the man came up behind me and gently, but firmly, grabbed my arm and moved it away from his car. “Please don’t stroke my car.” He said, shaking his head before sighing and letting me go. “Just hop in and we’ll get going.”

I did as he had instructed and got into the car, still amazed at everything inside of it. Suddenly we were moving, and it was almost as weird as when he had dragged me through the sand. But this was a different kind of moving. I almost did feel it this time, though I could see places pass us by through the windows.

“What’s your name?” I piped up from my seat, bouncing slightly as I watched trees rush past us.
“Joe.” He answered, slowing down as we reached a curve. “What about you?”

“Hm…” I paused, unsure. What was my name? He rolled his eyes, but didn’t question it further. I guess he was used to me not knowing stuff by now.

We didn’t talk much after that, and Joe seemed more content with the silence than trying to explain everything to me.

“Finally,” He muttered as we pulled up to some huge building. I pressed my face excitedly against the window, trying to take it all in. “This is the hospital?” I asked, turning to face him. He only nodded, stopping the car and getting out before opening my door. I practically hopped out of it, more than excited to actually go inside.

“You’re so weird.” He muttered for the second time, shaking his head before going inside.

I scoffed to myself before following him in. He thought I was weird? He should get a load of himself. Humans weren’t all they were cracked up to be, either.
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