Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > No Heroes Allowed

Chapter 3

by StormVandal 26 reviews

Three years later, something happens in an alleyway.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2012-07-03 - Updated: 2012-07-04 - 843 words

I rather like this chapter! ^____^ I hope you guys enjoy it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE rate and review! I want to know what you guys think!

Three years passed slowly; days and weeks and months blurred into each other in their mundanity. Nothing in their town ever changed- the kids at school were assholes, their parents weren't much better and nothing ever changed. Gerard and Frank escaped to Gerard's room in thir spare time and sprawled on his bed with their legs entangled as they talked about nothing and everything. They took refuge in music and comics, things that they had always understood. Gerard's fine-boned hands splayed the inside of his head across sketchbook pages and his hair got long and sometimes, rarely, he flew just to feel a moment of freedom. Frank changed his appearance to compensate for the lack of any other changes in his life and so things got pierced and hair got cut and dyed and disapproving looks got thrown by his mother. His fingers coaxed music from the beat-up old guitar he'd salvaged from a yard sale in hopes of salvaging himself too, of filling in the persistent hollowness that kept him up at night.

Sometimes Gerard would call Frank at two in the morning, when both of them should have been sleeping but weren't, and tell him that he felt empty, and Frank would lie in the darkness and feel the same way and listen to Gerard's soft, tired voice.

He could feel the emptiness inside of him more strongly than he could feel anything else- another thing to add to the list of things he didn't understand.


Frank rounded a corner, walking as quickly as he could. School had been hell, as usual, except today he'd been held back fifteen minutes at the end of last period and Gerard had left without him. He was in a bad mood, okay, end of.

He yanked his iPod out of his pocket and was about to jam his headphones over his ears when he heard it.

Laughter. The bad kind. The cruel, taunting kind that left you feeling shredded. And below the laughter, barely audible, were broken whimpers.

Frank knew that sound.

He stopped dead in his tracks, almost causing someone behind him to crash into him, but he couldn't have cared less. He quickly realized where the sounds were coming from- an alleyway a couple of feet away from him.

He ran over, careening around the corner. His breath caught in his throat when he took in the scene in front of him. Six guys, each more than twice his size, were crowded around a smaller figure on the ground, and even from his distance, Frank could tell who it was.

He ran forward, unable to formulate a plan or even a coherent thought over his brain screaming Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee. There was a strange pressure building in his body, pressing behind his eyes and accumulating in his hands, but he paid no attention, just kept running.

"Hey! Assholes!" he yelled. "Leave him alone!"

The attackers turned to look at him and he froze, cursing himself for not stopping to think before rushing in to help. He did it every single time and it always just led to both of them getting hurt, but it was an automatic reaction. He waited for one of the jocks to come at him instead, but none of them did. In fact, they were all frozen in place, staring at him, terror on their faces. Frank frowned, glancing behind him to see if maybe there was something scary standing there- something that would cause six thugs to freeze up like that.

The alleyway behind him was empty.

Frank looked back, frowning, to see all six of the attackers hightailing it in the opposite direction. He stood in confusion for a moment, wondering what the hell had scared them off, before running to his best friend's side.

"Gee!" he said, dropping to his knees beside him. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you? Is anything broken? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

Gerard just stared up at him, eyes wide and moth hanging open slightly.

"What?" Frank frowned.

"Frankie?" Gerard sounded awed. "Look at your hands..."

He looked down and promptly yelped. "What the fuck?"

His hands were glowing. A soft, white light radiated from his palms, enveloping his fingers. He gaped at them, trembling slightly.

"What... How am I doing that?" he whispered "Am I even the one doing that? What the hell is going on?"

"Your eyes are glowing too..." Gerard pushed himself into a sitting position, wincing slightly. "Holy shit, Frankie... you've got them as well. It isn't just me."

"But... I..." Frank sat down heavily, still staring at his hands. "...How?"

"Frankie, you've got them too!" Gerard sounded ecstatic. "Superpowers!"

The glow slowly dissapated. Frank gave Gerard a shaky grin.

"Oh," he said giddily. "Oh...", and he couldn't find any other words.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! :) Please let me know what you think!
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