Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Profile of a FicWaddian: HotWings

by HotWings 2 reviews

Everyone did these awhile back, and I got bored and made one.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2012-07-10 - Updated: 2012-07-11 - 1057 words

Real name
I have many names. You may call me:
The Ellie
Kimmy Possible
Kimmy Cat (Actually no, it's reserved for my boyfriend)
Chemmy LaQuiev
Yo bitch
Isobel Laveir.
But my name is really Kim Richards.

I have two accounts, but the one I actually use anymore, is HotWings.

673 years of age (dead serious)



St. Louis

Relationship Status
As I previously stated, I have a boyfriend and his name's Christian. He's roughly my age, and we bond over similar tastes in everything.

Picture of Yourself
Here's a picture of my best friend and I calmly trying to kill each other:

A better one of me:

An even better one:

But this one's the best:

Favorite Musicans/Bands
I Fight Dragons
My Chemical Romance
Florence + The Machine
Mindless Self Indulgence
Pink Floyd
Black Sabbath
Lady Gaga
The White Stripes

Favorite Movies
Memoirs of a Geisha
Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Malice in Wonderland
Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
Spirited Away
Mona Lisa Smile
The Help
Easy A
The Breakfast Club
Rocky Horror Picture Show
500 Days of Summer
Shawshank Redemption
Phantom Menace
Harold and Maude
The Color Purple
The Shining
Mean Girls

Favorite TV Shows
That 70's Show
Family Guy
Regular Show
Adventure Time
Amazing World of Gumball
Tom and Jerry
Big Bang Theory

I used to read all the damn time, but I can't remember anything I read besides The Outsiders and Animal Farm.

Dolly Parton (don't ask)
Mikey Way
My friend, Ariyah
Lady Gaga
My best friend, Leanna
My mom
My sister, Amanda
Strong, independent black women who don't need no man
Whoever invented the word "dysentery"

Hair dye
Running through my yard, barefoot
Inventing new food combinations
Killing my Sims

Justin Bieber
One Direction
Lil Wayne
Nicki Minaj
Sometimes, Katy Perry
The term "emo"
Your mom.

Rape culture
Whatever the fuck is outside at three in the morning

Telling jokes
Singing, I guess
Drinking and not throwing up
Tying cherry stems in my mouth

What is the one movie that will/did mess with your mind?
The Strangers

Bandoms You Write For
Strictly MCR

Pairings You Ship
Mostly Frerard and Waycest- don't judge me.

In your opinion, what is your best story?
It's one of my old ones, on my other account.
It went green.

Your Favorite Authors On FicWad
CosmicZombie, Cookie_monster, Mikeys_Glasses

Your Favorite Fics on FicWad
Probably, "Translations of Blood", "Trying To Escape The Inevitable", and "Can Happiness Be Arranged?"

Sample of Your Writing

"You didn't tell me you were getting a person", Poison bitches. Oh, bother.

"You didn't tell me that you were a famous Killjoy."

"You didn't ask."

"Neither did you. I told you I needed to get something, then led you to the Killjoy daycare; it was your responsibility to predict what I was getting. His name is Mordecai, by the way. He's Violence's kid." Screech. The car jolts to a sudden stop and he just looks at me.

"Look, I'm fine with you being with us. I'm even cool with you having this boy with you and giving birth at some point. But I need you to be a little conscious of names, okay? Even Blasta Violence is covering up hers, so I expect you to give a damn about your name, as well as his. Got that?" He's pissing me off now. I try to swallow the anger, but it's too much. I'm gonna do it.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but don't you dare read me the Killjoy right act. I helped lead this rebellion and I will call myself whatever the fuck I want. You seriously think I gave your brother my real name? I'm not a dumbass, like you. I don't drive a flamboyant car or dye my hair bright red, or wear a jacket with my symbol on it. I make choices that will keep me safe, like giving people a name that doesn't sound absurd."
He gives me a look of understanding, like he knows me inside and out; like he's got me all figured out. I'm not sure why, but I regret saying everything that came out of my mouth.

"You're Ellie London, aren't you?"

"Breathe, okay? It's almost over", Gee tells me gently. He grips my hand tenderly, and despite the fact that I threatened his life less than an hour ago, I know he's my friend. I take a deep breath and push again, this time with even my face. I feel the being rip it's way out of me and Frank calls for Ray. They clear the tiny life's airways, have Gerard cut the cord with my pocket knife (the shoelace was apparently for clamping it), and wash it off before handing me the small figure, swaddled in a white pillowcase.

I look at the baby and I feel that for the first time in my life, somebody genuinely needs me. She's fresh out of the womb, and she's already got freckles. Her curly black hair is in a wet mess on top of her head, which I hold to my breast as she sleeps silently. It's been two hours, and Gerard still hasn't left my side. And I'm so thankful for that.

"You know Poison, I think you were right. Those were contractions", I smile.

I'm Czechoslovokian, Native American, possibly Italian, and German.
I have a chronic condition called Epilepsy, which causes me to have seizures.
My grandmother was schizophrenic.
My mom is a medium, whether or not I believe in the supernatural is irrelevant. She sees things before they happen all the time and it freaks me the fuck out.
I have two different instruments that I can't play.
I cried during Brave. Fuck, I cried during the opening trailers!
I shaved my head for cancer research.
I eat jars of pickles for no apparent reason.
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