Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drama on the Second Page!

Million dollar deal

by tmbfucks 5 reviews

Getting Cait back

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-07-14 - Updated: 2012-07-14 - 756 words - Complete

I couldn't get Cait out of my mind the whole time. I had to take sleeping pills in order for today to go well. In a few minutes, I'd have to go back to the place where Andy and I almost died 2 years ago. I hated it yesterday, but the love I have for my sister overpowers everything. My love for anyone overpowers anything I hate or I'm scared of.

'Are you ready sweetheart?' Dad asked. I shook my head.

'No, but I'm gonna have to be. Where's the bag?' I asked. He handed over a small backpack. Who would've thought that so much money could be carried in something so little?

'If anything goes wrong, you call the police immediately. Then you call us.' He reminded me. I nodded my head.

'I know dad.' I said. I went out of the house, and got to the cliff as soon as possible. I was a few minutes early. This place creeps me out. When Andy first showed me the place, I was mesmerized by it's beauty. Now I can't help but think of it as a deathbed.

'Have you got the money?' A man asked. I jumped. There was a van parked close to us. I nodded my head. The man was wearing a balaclava, and all I could tell was that he had blue eyes, and that he must have been about 20?

'It's in here. But you're not getting a single penny until I see my sister.' I said. He shrugged, and opened the van's back doors. She was gagged and tied up. She was grunting.

'There, now give me the cash.' He said holding his hands out expectantly. But there was a noise, both of us turned to look. It was a siren.

'I said no cops!' He said angrily. He pulled a gun out of his pocked and held it against Cait's head.

'I didn't call them. I swear. Please. Don't kill her!' I begged.

'Fuck that.' He said. He jumped in the back of the van, closed the doors, and the van drove off. No! I need Cait!

'Excuse me Ma'am, is everything okay?' A policeman asked. I nodded my head.

'Sorry, I'm not trespassing on private property am I?' I asked in my most convincing voice. He shook his head.

'We got a call, saying that there was some sort of hostage situation going on here? About £5 million worth.' He said. Luckily I managed to hide the bag. It was on a twig growing out of the cliff.

'Well, there isn't. No money, unfortunately. Who called you?' I asked.

'She said her name was Ashley Harlequin. Do you know her?' He asked. I shook my head.

'Probably someone wasting police time. Perhaps the name of the wrong cliff. Sorry.' I said. Damn, I'm a great liar.

'It's okay. These things happen, even though they're moronic and they shouldn't. Have a nice day.' He said.

'You too.' I replied. He went back in his car and drove off. I sighed in relief, and grabbed the bag. My phone buzzed again. It was a phone call. I picked it up.

'Give me one reason why I shouldn't shoot your sister right now!' Someone said through a distorted voice. I could tell it wasn't the man from before.

'I swear I didn't call them! Please! I'll do the deal again. I'll make sure the police don't come! It was my cousin! It was an accident! Don't kill her! Please!?!' I begged. The distorted voice sighed in defeat.

'Fine, I won't kill her. But I'd like something in return. There's something of value at Richard and Susie's house in London. You go there with your boyfriend, and you find it. You then bring it to me when I tell you. You mustn't breath a word about this to anyone else.' It said before hanging up. Shit! Don't worry Cait! I'm coming for you!

I hope this is lengthier than the other three chapters! And I hope you enjoyed it! But for now, let me show you guys something absolutely incredible! It's artwork! S-C-A-R-E-C-R-O-W, being the awesome person she is, drew some fan art. This is Mikey and Hollie ----> Everyone go thank her and congratulate her on her fanspastic skills! Seriously, it's amazing, and I love you! I hope you enjoy this chapter! XD xx
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