Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > you know what to expect becuse you made it be expected

Im pregnant(edited chapter)

by TeddyGotKnife 0 reviews

*I noticed some errors in this chapter so I fixed them* Gerard is shocked but not only because of frankies pregnancy

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-07-26 - Updated: 2012-07-27 - 443 words - Complete

hey so stil no luck :/ but I'll keep trying to ask my cousin!

"Im pregnant" Gerard blinked he then stared a frankie. Frankie looked down bracing herself for what she thinks will happen. "Frankie...I" "I know" frankie said. "You don't want the baby and you don't love me anymore I understand" Frankie stood up "What? No frankie I" Gerard reached out and took ahold of frankies wrist. Frankie looked at gerard with her tear filled hazel eyes. Gerard could feel his heart breaking he always hated seeing her cry "Sugar, don't cry, I never said that I did't love you" Gerard pulled frankie onto his lap. Frankie wrapped her arms around gerards shoulders and buried her face in his neck. He wrapped his arms around her, he could feel her tears on his neck. "Im sorry gerard I....was..scared" frankie said between sobs "I thought you would hate me" Gerard was confused "Frankie I thought you wanted this" "What?" Frankie Looked at gerard "I... "gerard started. "The other night...don't you remember?" Now Frankie was confused, she shook her head "Well that night, when we got home, you kept jumping on me and saying weird things" Frankie was trying to dig though her memory to see if she remembered doing this but none. "And when we got to the bedroom you then started to tell me how much you loved me" Gerard closed his eyes "When we were about to make love, I got the condom but you grabbed it from me, you then told me that you loved me enough to have my child." Gerard opened his eyes "I freaked out a little bit then asked if you if you were sure. You then went into a long explanation" Gerard looked at frankie "The fact was you were drunk but you looked so serious it didn't even cross my mind" Frankie felt so dumb she doesn't remember anything from what gerard told her "What happened next?" Gerard smiled "I think you can guess" Frankie blushed. Gerard then put his hand on her flat stomach. "What matters now is this" Frankie smiled. They then resumed what they did awhile ago, laying on the bed. They didn't do much just talked for the rest of the evening. Sayings of "what if its a girl?" or "what if its a Boy?" and "how about twins?" even baby names Until night came and sleep came.

Hi so yeah I hope this chapter was better. So I wanna know do you want me to time lapse? Or go through the months of pregnancy? Like I said reviews and rates would be nice :) thanks for reading
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