Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts

Coming to Terms

by fireun 0 reviews

KH2. Maybe it was all going to work out after all.

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Roxas, Sora - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2006-07-10 - Updated: 2006-07-11 - 197 words - Complete

disclaimer- dont own the boys. merely borrowing for a bit. no profit made.

"I'm sorry." Sora cracked his trademark grin, his discomfort visible only in the way the corners of his mouth seemed to be engaged in a desperate attempt to reach his eyes.

"For what?" Roxas shrugged, the gesture eloquently reminding Sora that Nobodies didn't feel, not in any recognizable way. A fey sort of humor glittered in Roxas' eyes. "You were here first."

"We were here." Sora leaned forward, trying so hard to get his point across, trying to explain...

"Yeah, yeah." Roxas brushed away a superfluous bit of unease. Nobodies didn't feel. He was just reading too much in Sora's wide eyes. Nobodies definitely didn't get embarrassed over too much attention. Roxas smirked, a bid to dispel the awkward tension. "Just don't screw up and get us killed."

Anxiety dropped out of Sora's eyes, and he straightened, striking a rather cocky pose, one hand on his hip, the other resting in his pocket. "As if I would actually lose."

"Not with me backing you up."

The casual insolence radiating from Roxas made Sora laugh.

Maybe it was all going to work out after all.
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