Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

All of your fears are anything but imaginary.

by PosionKiss 1 review

It's Frank's birthday and halloween night. And Gerard's decided that he wants to go looking for "The Slender Man" with Frank.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Horror - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-07-28 - Updated: 2012-07-29 - 1572 words - Complete

“Gerard!” I called as I cupped my hands around my mouth. “Come back! I don’t want to play this game anymore! You’re scaring me!”
Gerard didn’t call back.
“Gerard! Baby?”
I was getting really scared now. Dark woods at night aren’t really my thing.
“He’s gonna get you...” I heard Gerard say. But his voice was faint and rough. It was defiantly Gerard though; no doubt about that.
“Gerard?” I squeaked. “I’m scared. It’s Halloween night and my birthday. Can we just go to your place for the night?”
There was no sound besides the sound of me pushing dead tree branches out of the way as I walked. And my beating heart of course.
My eyes were watering. But it wasn’t from fear, it was from suspense.
“Slender man... Slender man...” I could hear him chanting. “All the children try to run...”
Shivers ran through my body and Goosebumps formed on my arms.
“Slender man... Slender man... To him it’s part of the fun...”
“Slender man... Slender man... Dressed in darkness. Suit and tie. Slender man... Slender man... You most certainly will die.”
“GERARD STOP IT!” I shouted, looking around. Including over my shoulder.
I was terrified now.
“Slender man... Slender man... His reaching arms are for collecting...” His voice was getting further and further now. “Slender man... Slender man... His face is empty of expressing.”
Afraid that he might be leaving me, I caught up speed.
“I should have never let you take me out here this late!” I said with fear in my voice.
Yep. That’s right. I let HIM take me out into the woods on MY birthday in the middle of the night. And then he fucking ran away.
He told me in the car that we’re going looking for the ‘slender man’.
The Slender Man is something that Gerard has been obsessed with since he was my age. And I’m sixteen this year. Well today. And Gerard’s twenty.
He took a while to convince me at first, but eventually I gave in. And then as soon as we got here the fucking dick head ran off into the woods without me.
“The Slender Man isn’t real!” I shouted. “You’re fucking stupid Gerard!”
“Don’t make him angry...” I hear him call back in a sing song type of voice. “Remember he likes children. You’re still a child, little Frankie.”
Normally I melt when Gerard calls me Frankie, but this time I think I did the opposite. I turned into a block of freezing ice from fear.
I stood there like a statue.
I was frozen on the spot. Hyperventilating slightly.
“You’re still a child Frankie.” was what ran through my mind. Over and Over. Non-stop.
The trees blew and rustled in the wind, snapping me slightly out of my trance.
“The Slender Man isn’t real.” I whispered to myself. “Gerard’s just playing with you...”
I began to walk.
“If the Slender Man is so fucking real, why doesn’t he come take me? Right here! Right fucking now!” I yelled to show Gerard that I hadn’t given into his stupid prank yet.
“In the dark he’s hard to see...” I heard Gerard chanting from afar.
I looked around a bit.
“He’s going to get you Frank.” It sounded like Gerard had said it plainly into my ear from besides me so I spun around. He wasn’t there.
I was alone in the darkness of the woods.
“And he’s going to have his fun.” It now sounded like Gerard was in the trees above me.
I looked up.
“GERARD!” I almost cried from fear. “Please. Take me home!”
There was no reply. Not even the wind blew in reply. Everything was still.
Literally everything.
The only sound that filled the air was my shaky breathing.
My heart pounded in my chest and I felt cold. Very cold. I knew it was from fear.
Gerard had won.
He’s gotten my totally afraid and helpless.
“Gerard! I’m scared! Ok! You fucking win!” I yelled. “Just take me home!”
I felt a tapping on my shoulder.
I spun around.
Still nothing.
Something had fucking tapped my shoulder! It was such a vivid feeling! I hadn’t imagined it!
But there’s nothing here...
A gush of wind came from behind me and whipped my hair in my face. It blew the tress and I watched as dead leaves fell to the dirt ground.
I shivered and then saw a light from behind me.
I turned around.
It looked like a dim amber fire light. And it was coming from an opening in the middle of the woods.
I finally decided that it would be Gerard.
“Gerard?” I called, talking a few steps towards the opening.
“I’m in here baby...” I heard him say confidently.
“Oh thank fucking god.” I slightly laughed relieved, “Gerard, you’ve had me so scared! For a minute there I actually thought the Slender Man was re--”
What I saw in the opening make me weak.
Gerard was there. Oh he was there alright.
He was standing there with his arms limp besides his side and his head tilted to the right. A psychotic smile ran across his lips and soon he showed his teeth in his smile.
His smiled wasn’t what scared me.
The thing that scared me was the fact that he wasn’t alone.
There was a thing behind him.
It had a very abnormally slim body. It was pale and it was in a suit.
I looked at its legs. They stretched out two meters taller than Gerard and one of its limp arms was resting on the ground because its massive stick like hand was on Gerard’s shoulder. It fingers sharp and pointy; ripping into any fabrics of Gerard’s shirt that they touched.
He had extra limbs sticking out of his back. They looked like black expressionless snakes.
When I finally looked at his face I fell to my knees. It was emotionless.
Not emotionless.
It was white. Just white. No facial features at all. No eyes. No ears. No nose. No nothing.
It was him. The slender man.
I looked at him helplessly as he reached out his arm. It seemed to stretch as he reached it out.
He placed his hand underneath my chin and made me look at his face
It was so... So blank...
I felt myself going under some sort of trace. Like hypnotism.
“Gerard...” I whispered, flicking my eyes to Gerard, “Help me.”
Gerard just opened his mouth with the psychotic smile still on his face.
I watched wide eyed as one of those extra snake like limbs came out through his mouth.
The Slender Man lifted Gerard from the ground.
He turned my head back into the direction of his.
He placed his hand around my throat as his extra limb sat Gerard up straight on a seat of them. Like he was making Gerard watch.
Gerard had no problem watching. The thing disappeared down his throat and his eyes went black as he tilted his head and smiled that same psychotic smile.
The Slender Man then wrapped his long, pointing fingers around my neck and lifted me from the ground.
He brought me upto his face and, even though he had no eyes, it felt like he was staring into my soul.
Gerard started chanting, “Slender man, Slender man. He won’t let you say goodbye. Slender man, Slender man. You most certainly will die.”
I tried to let out a scream but it just wasn’t going to happen.
“Baby! Baby wake up!” Gerard said, lightly tapping my cheeks.
When I awoke I wrapped my arms around Gerard’s neck and cried.
“Oh Gerard I had the most terrible dream!” I cried with my eyes shut as I rested my chin on his shoulder.
“I figured. You were kicking a screaming.” He said hushly, stroking my hair.
Gerard and I were half lying down on the ground. The dirt ground.
“What happened?” I whispered, staring into his eyes.
“You slipped and fell on a rock.” He whispered. “But it’s ok. You’re safe now.”
I kissed him out of relief and as we kissed I looked around.
We were in the woods and over Gerard’s shoulder I saw him.
Staring down at us.
His face vacant. His limbs long.
I teared up and let out a little yelp only loud enough for Gerard to hear.
Gerard pulled out of the kiss and cupped my face in his hands.
“Gerard...” I whispered. “You aren’t going to believe me, but the Slender--”
“I know...” Gerard’s eyes went fully black like they had in my dream and he pulled me into a kiss.
He grabbed my wrists and pinned me to the ground.
I felt something slithering down my throat. And it wasn’t Gerard’s tongue.

A/n: The last part sounds really wrong, but if you were paying attetnion to the story, the Slender Man put one of his extra long limb things in Gerard in Frank's "Dream". That's what was in Gerard's mouth.
Bascially Gerard killed Frank. Gerard was already dead because he Slender Man was using Gerard to kill both Gerard and Frank.
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