Categories > Original > Poetry


by ToLost2FollowMyHeart 0 reviews

A old poem

Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-08-10 - Updated: 2012-08-10 - 195 words - Complete

Always together, forever and all times;
One mistake, fun we had;
Condemned by the mistake, apologize we try;
The forces greater than use do not listen, together never;
Struggle to stay by each other, still fade away to nothing;
Feeble try we give, only every now and then;
Hope would flare many times, die back down with a weak promises to get better;
We stop, just move apart with not reason not to but a settle hi;
Then suddenly things seems to grow hope, try to make things up;
Try to start over, old forces still won't move though;
They tell me things about you, I wouldn't listen if it for not that you do give me reason to listen to their mean words;
All I have close is you; but we are still far from each other;
Are their nasty words true about you, or did you mean your sorry;
Will you try again for real, or just play on my hope;
You are all I have to work with, but you not the only person around;
Please mean your words, prove the forces wrong; 
Go back to what we were; be together forever.
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