Categories > Original > Romance > Rescuing Dan

Rescuing Dan

by nici160 0 reviews

Dan watches Phil's live show and confesses his feelings. Phil flies to Australia and rescues Dan. Rating for content

Category: Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-08-14 - Updated: 2012-08-14 - 980 words

Dan falls out of his chair. He had fallen asleep again. This was the third time he had done this within the last 15 minutes. He should go to bed. But he was waiting for AmazingPhil's live show to start, desperate to see that adorable face again.
Phil turned his computer on and smiled into the camera. "Hey guys!"
Dan is ecstatic, he has been waiting hours for this. The cute guy with choppy black hair and ice blue eyes way talking to him. Just him, or that’s what it felt like anyway. Now Dan has always been too shy to post comments and things on Phil's live shows but he has spammed Phil's twitter, dailybooth, tumblr and video comments trying to be noticed.
Phil smiled and giggled at all the comments. "Awww! Yes! I'll marry you Zooey." He giggles, his tongue sticking out slightly. "So how have your weeks been? Mine have been amazing! I realize how amazing my fans are. Yes, I'm talking to you!"
Dan fangirled a little inside as Phil said he was amazing. He had hoped Phil would say something about his spamming but alas he didn't. Dan decided to brave up and type one little comment into the billions of comments flying past his eyes. It probably wouldn't get noticed but he decided to try anyway. he typed into the little box 'Thank you, for everything. You saved my life. Literally saved my life. I love you' and hit send.
Phil noticed this one comment. He froze. It was from the boy that spammed him all week, the cute one. Phil read it over and over. He smiled sadly. He looks up at the camera. "I saw your comment, and I wanna thank you. Really, you saved my life too. Doing this makes me happy. Thank you. I love you, more maybe backs of the stuff you have helped me through." Phil smiles sadly. "I notice you, and I care," he whispers.
Dan heart skipped a beat. Did Phil just really say that he, Dan, saved his life? He noticed? He cared? Dan shook his head coming back to reality and tweeted Phil. '@AmazingPhil thank you for noticing me. You have given me something to smile about. Before I started watching your videos I hadn't smiled in a long time.' He sent that off before returning to Phil's happy usual self as he started to draw cat whiskers on his face.
Phil meowed as his phone went off. "How popular am I?!" He looks at his phone. A tweet. The cute boy. "Wow." Phil whispers. "That's deep." Phil looks at the camera. "Wow."
Dan wondered what moved Phil so much. Can't have been him. No way. He continues to watch Phil, but as he always does, Dan also draws cat whiskers on his face. It made him feel closer to Phil somehow. How he didn't know, it just did.
Phil smiled. "Drawing Game!" Phil smirks and describes a drawing, losing his train of thought a couple of times, thinking of the boy. The inspiring boy.
Phil had announced a drawing game. Dan got out his paper and marker, like he always did, and started drawing what Phil was describing. A couple of circles and triangles later and he ended up with a unicorn blowing bubbles. He had no idea what Phil's drawing was meant to be, but that was all part of the fun.
Phil showed his drawing. "What even is this?! Sorry, a tweet I got before has made me a little, out of it..." Phil smiles. "I know! PEEJ! COME HERE!"
PeeJ? Who was PeeJ? When the boy came out I recognised him as Phil's flatmate. They had made a couple of videos together but I didn't really remember him because Phil had my attention the whole time. Phil, he was my hero. No wonder I couldn't remember PeeJ. I watched on as they were chatting with the rest of Phil's fans.
Peej took Phil's hand, out of sight of the camera. Phil smiled. "You all remember Peej? My boy-flatmate?" Peej smiles and gets Phil to draw cat whiskers on Peej. Phil looks at the comments. "You want us to kiss?!" Phil giggles and turns slightly red.
Kiss? And was Phil going to say boyfriend? Those two little things made Dan tear up. He understood how Phil had to have a life but at the moment Phil's life took a piece of Dan's heart with it. But he couldn't tell Phil that he just broke Dan's heart now could he? Dan did, however, type one more comment into the little dialogue box. 'I look up to you. You are my role model. But you just tore a little bit of my heart away :(' He sent the comment, then instantly regretted it as he saw the end of PeeJ and Phil's kiss.
Phil smirks as he pulls away from Peej. He was grinning when he sees that comment. "Don't be sad," he whispers. Peej hugs him close. "You are perfect. I can still be a role model. I prove that you can be anything and be with anyone you want," Phil smiles at Peej. "You just gotta never give up. Stay strong for me. Only for me, Dan."
Dan knew then that even though Phil had other things in his life right now, he stilled cared. Dan had thought about harming himself before. Hell, before he stumbled upon Phil he had cut myself. Thinking this Dan typed 'Words hurt, but actions hurt more. I have the scars to prove it' and hit enter before he changed my mind. After he sent that brief message Dan picked up his trusty old friend and sat it flat on his wrist. He wasn't going to harm himself yet. But the feel of the cold metal against his skin comforted him for the moment.
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