Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Phoenix Child

The Phoenix Child

by Lady_Jules 3 reviews

AU: Give Harry a motherly type friend at a young age, and just where would he be now?

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Dumbledore, Harry, Lily, Lupin, Petunia Dursley, Professor McGonagall, Snape - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2005-06-02 - Updated: 2005-06-03 - 269 words

The Phoenix Child - Prologue

Disclaimer: It’s not mine no matter how much I wish. ‘Course this disclaimer probably isn’t either.

A/N: This is a rewrite of my story as it was posted at FanFiction.Net. I’m editing it for length (the chapters that is, not the prologue. I happen to like it this way.)


She looked down at her beloved offspring, heart bursting with joy. Young as he was, he had built himself a miniature nest around him. She quietly chuckled at the irony of that. She brushed his ruffled hair out of his face, careful not to wake her treasured little one. The baby started to toss and turn as if stuck in a nightmare. She frowned a bit, rubbing his back, trying to ease him out of it. It was when she felt pressure between her shoulder blades that she began to become concerned. She slowly stood and turned in the direction that the pressure came from. The pressure moved as she turned, she stopped as it centred in her chest. She closed her eyes and followed it back to its source. The source was entirely too close.

She opened her eyes in shock. dear. It’s begun. She frowned to herself as she went to go gather her and her family’s belongings and to alert her husband; she knew they didn’t have much time remaining. But at least she did know what she had to do.

I won’t beg for reviews because I’m writing for my own enjoyment, but I won’t lie. I love reviews.
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