Categories > Original > Fantasy

what a guardian angel's cloud monkey can do: short stories from my secret masterpiece

by PlasmaPhoenix 0 reviews

just short stories really...

Category: Fantasy - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-09-03 - Updated: 2012-09-03 - 70 words

Kacelynn: Phoenix, we must go... there is a "Donut-Dorothoe's" bag... please make sure Orlo--
Orloyee jumps on my head, i scream, run randomly into the golden door, almost slipping on Cloud-DishyFish Floor Wash.
Orloyee: Wheeeeee! I wanna flyyyyyyyy....
Orloyee, my gold-and-random cloud monkey, obviously ate the 5-pound pack of donuts, just fell out our window through heaven floors and continuously fell from above, only to fall again repeatedly. - _ -
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