Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Ghost In The Mirror

The Suicide

by Broken_Feathers 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2012-09-11 - Updated: 2012-09-12 - 193 words

Ghost In The Mirror

The Suicide

It started in May.
People were still whispering about the incident that happened the month before.
Some people were happy, 'cause there is one less 'faggot' in the world.
Some, that weren't even his friends, the boy didn't have any, were crying because he did what he did.
No one felt guilty though, they didn't have to, Gerard should.

He tortured the poor boy.
But He didn't know, he honestly didn't know how the boy really felt.
He thought the boy was a Gothic rich kid looking for attention.
So he hurt him.
Sure, it wasn't a rational reason but he just needed to hurt him.
Anyway possible.
He would beat him, call him names, stuff him in lockers.

Gerard never thought twice though.
He never thought about the consequences.
He kept hurting him.
He never thought about his victim's feelings.
He just kept going.

But that is no longer.
The boy broke.
His life ended.
By his own hand.

And it's Gerard's fault.

Gerard sent his to the edge.
Gerard broke him down.
Gerard's responsible for Frank Iero's suicide.

...And now he's stuck with his ghost
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