Categories > Celebrities > Harry Potter > What could of been

Chapter One

by chibi-potter-of-doom 0 reviews

What would have happened if Kreacher had died at the Black lake Instead Of Regulus? My first Fanfic, full of mistakes sorry! I own Nothing! Rated T for Safety. I'm rubbish at summaries so just clic...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-09-16 - Updated: 2012-09-16 - 380 words

Dear diary,

Today I have to finally do it. The dark lord has already sent Death eaters after me. I'm going to be killed anyway so I might as well take down as many horcruxes as possible with me. I haven't told my mother but I don't think she would be able to take it after Sirius left, even though he was blasted off the family tree and disowned she still loved him, deep down. I am taking kreacher with me though; he is a very loyal house elf and practically begged for me to take him.

The risks are unbelievable; Kreacher has been before and was nearly killed by the Inferi that lurk in the Black Lake and I heard a rumour that the potion on the island makes you go mad, I have no idea how kreacher got out, whenever I try and ask him he just goes pale and shaky and won't speak for the rest of the day. It doesn't exactly put my mind at ease.

We both know the risks of this trip but as I said before, I give myself a month before the death eaters find me, it doesn't help that I still have the dark mark, once a death eater always a death eater. I would rather die in battle then in a pathetic fight with the people I used to call friends. I wouldn't win a fight with the death eaters anyway, they're too strong.

If my diary ends here I am probably dead. I will be the one drinking the potion and chances are I won't get out alive; there is no point wasting Kreacher's soul as mine is already cursed. I hope to leave a fake locket in place of the real one with a note inside stating "I have the real locket and plan to destroy it as soon as possible, R.A.B." I decided to put R.A.B because no one will initially know who it is except for the Dark Lord, who the note is aimed at and it stops the Dark Lord killing anyone innocent, not that it will stop him if he wants someone dead.

Fingers crossed we both get back alive and if this is the end, goodbye.

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