Categories > Anime/Manga > Rin! > the reunion

Chapter 10

by keavaghmckenna 0 reviews

Category: Rin! - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-09-22 - Updated: 2012-09-22 - 499 words - Complete

It had been a year since they saw each other, Ash was always away with Bethany, visiting people. They'd decided to take a tour of England looking at ancient monuments. Stefan and Olivia were still packing up to move back to London. Keavagh had only just decided to start dating again after she realized that Dru wasn't coming back. He had only visited Jamie twice through the year. Dru hadn't seen him a lot as he'd been trying to get Hannah into school and fostered. He'd not long just finished getting Hannah sorted. He needed to decide whether he wanted someone new or Keavagh. He made sure Jamie was now number one in his life.

Keavagh was sat at home watching the telly when she got a text from someone she'd been dating for a couple days. She rushed to get ready, he hadn't seen her yet on one of her days when she didn't have make-up on. Again Dru came to collect Jamie whilst she was getting ready, he asked her who her date was. She told him and his heart sunk, he didn't want to think she was seeing somebody else. Later after Keavagh had been out, she met Dru to pick Jaime up.
"Mommy, guess what?! Daddy wants yo back." He giggled. Keavagh smiled and said nothing, she felt happy about what she just heard until she remembered that Jaime was only a child.

A couple of weeks later, Keavagh's doorbell rang, she opened it and saw three people there. She pulled a huge grin. It was Ash, Bethany and their child Lucy. She let them in and told them to tell her about her holiday. She was so happy to see them but she couldn't stop thinking about Dru. Then her doorbell rang again, Keavagh was hoping to see Dru but instead she saw Olivia, Stefan and Madeline. Keavagh's face lit up, she had no idea that they was coming to visit.
"Guys! I didn't know you were visiting?!" Keavagh said hugging them all.
"Keav, we aren't here to visit, we have moved over here, we've just been moving in these past few weeks so we are all done now. Come over next week?" Olivia explained to her laughing. Keavagh began to cry she was so happy that they were all back together, she was so happy. They all sat down and Olivia looked around waiting to see Dru walk in, Keavagh knew what she was thinking and shook her head. Keavagh's door knocked, she looked confused, Olivia got it for her. She saw someone at the other end which made her smile. They both left it as a surprise and they sat down in the living room. Keavagh walked back in a saw Dru sitting there. She smiled and her stood up and wrapped his arms around her, he'd missed her so much. They kissed eachother and sat down.

A month later, Stefan Abingdon, Ashley Horne and Dru Wakely formed The Midnight Beast.... AGAIN!
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