Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Please Don't Leave

by Chemicalle 2 reviews

(Frerard) Frank is a much of a typical teenager who is trying to live his way through High School. Although as harsh and as difficult it may be to survive through it, through pain, bullying and dep...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [R] [?] - Published: 2012-09-28 - Updated: 2012-09-28 - 621 words

Please Don't Leave
Chapter 1

I lay there, on the cold, dump ground. Rain pouring down from the dark, grey skies. I wouldn't stand up. I didn't have the power to and, I just couldn't be bothered to do so.

Time passed by, people walked past and wind blew back and forth. I was just, laying there, with no regrets, I was a fail. I wouldn't care what others would think.
The sun broke its way through the clouds, blinding my eyes as I looked up into the sky. The dark, grey clouds started to fade away into a snow-white shade and the wind calmed down.

I was in some way enjoying the sun shing down on me, the sun was a rare occurence in Belleville.
There was a sudden shadow which I wasn't happy of.

"Are you okay there?" a voice came from behind me. As I opened my eyes, I saw a tall, pale, black haired figure standing next to me. I nodded. The male's hair wasn't short but it wasn't long either.

"You don't seem to be okay," he raised an eyebrow.

"I'm fine," I finally spoke up. My voice harsh and dry.

The stranger pulled out a hand from his pocket and waved it in front of me, lending me a hand. I accepted his hand and he pushed me up. I shook the dust and rain drops off my hoodie and troussers and looked up to face the stranger.

"Thank You," I shot a grin.

"You're welcome," the stranger smiled and shook my hand. "My name is Gerard by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Gerard. My name's Frank," I replied, shocked by the sudden ache of my throat.

The stranger gave me another smile and headed off, past behind me.

This was like, the rarest occurence that could ever happen here. A stranger offering a hand to a random person laying on the pavement.

I was thankful to Gerard for that. If I only knew who he really was, I think he's a real nice person.


The alarm clock rang, breaking my morning silence and stealing my sleep.
I raised my hand up and explored for the 'Snooze' button, not bothered to open my eyes and make it was easier for me.

The alarm clock wouldn't stop rinhing as I couldn't find the 'Snooze' button, I just threw the alarm clock down and it stopped ringing itself. While I got back to falling asleep. I didn't care much for waking up and going to school. Not like anyone cared anyway.


"Frank! Wake up! You're gonna be late for school!" My mum grabbed the soft, comfy quilts off of me and the sudden wave of cold air made me shiver.

"I don't care" I mumbled.

"Get up or I'm gonna throw you off the bed, right now," she threatened.

I got up and grabbed my quilt from her hands angrily, pointing to the door.

I wasn't a polite person. Not even to my mother. I just couldn't be nice or polite to anyone if they were all totally against me.

I got all dressed for school, grabbed my bag and headed off to school. Jumping into rain puddles on my way, wetting my new Coverse shoes.

Walking right at the edge of the pavement was something I always did. I loved it when a fast speeding car passed by and splashed cold, dirty, rain water all over me. It was just the way I liked it.

[Okaaay, so, this was the first Chapter, I guess this fic is just a disaster already. Thanks for spending your time reading this by the way and PLEASE let me know what you think. Critiques and positive comments are all welcome]
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