Categories > Original > Drama


by cherrybombness131 1 review

A percy jackson and the olympians Nico fanfic. A story about finding you're self even if you're far from being normal.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-09-30 - Updated: 2012-10-01 - 1329 words

The repulsive furies came electric, shifting their bat like wing with full force. Their bloodthirsty, grim faces changed into a blood-curdling sneer as they can sense the panic in my expression. I can sence my eye showing pure despair and torment. I hear the clasp of Nico’s weapon. I gaze at his piercing black eyes, and he is showing me he is willing to protect me at any cost. But I cannot let him risk his life for me. I need to step up and restrain all this terrible violence from arriving. This happens to be all my fault for even existing. I need to defend Nico as he battles for me in the beginning. It's an urgency to protect him, he is the most significant and amazing person who has ever came into my life. I have to secure his protection even if my life get lost in the process.

Prologue: Deeply Disturbed.

{ Pov: Violet }

Grover does another helpless attempt to make me show a diminutive amount of emotion by revealing the final line of his horribly unfunny story. "Then he came back and I was like, How did you get here? Did someone leave your cage open?'' a group of students beam with chuckles and all I do is look at him dully and turn my head toward my desk. He looks at me like a dying puppy and then bangs the palm of his hands like a hammer into his wide forehead. With one rush breath he shout out "Violet, do you know how frustrated you are?! I give you gold and you give me a NOTHING NOTHING...NOTHING I'm FUNNY! you see all these people laugh at my awesome funniness and all you do is give me a blank face!" he states, breathless, his face even turns a crimson red. I just look at him like what he just said is pointless. "That good for you," I murmur, not even looking into his eyes, trying to sound like I care but my voice fails me.

It's not my fault I have a rocky time even showing anyone I have what you call 'feelings'. I'm overly shy, and I have a hard time even being willing to talk to people. My voice or my face will never show how I feel. I have such hollow checks and a pale abnormally skinny body. If I lose any more weight you would be able to count my ribs one by one. I look more like a beast than a human. I'm really hideous looking, besides my wavy red hair and thin lips where the only traditional looking thing about me. My teeth are weirdly sharp, but straight. When I bite my lip blood would be drawn immediately. I'm tiny, my feet don't touch the ground when I sit in a chair. When I carry my backpack with a ton of stuff my backpack looks better than me.

Grover is shaking his arms up in the air uncontrollably, whispering rude comments under his breath and he looks pretty idiotic. I just shake it off and slowly walk away. Step by step awkwardly, as Grover gives me a irritated face like he is saying, 'I really want to beat you to death with my crutches' until I'm near the hall door just watching the main entrance. I gaze at the open window near the door ahead of me. Just one more bell and freedom is only inches aways from my grasp. I turn back at Grover banging his head brutally at the table. I don't think he should do that because he needs all the brain power he needs to think of better jokes.

Today has been going typically rough as always. My Mom had a new 'Friend' have a dirty sleep over last night. I saw him take a beer from our refrigerator and give me a seducing smile before I rushed away in a panic out the door. I thank the fact that I'm dreadful looking that nothing dangerous has ever happen to me by one of her strange men. When my older brother’s lived with me he was horrified that one of them may try to touch me in an inappropriate way. So he makes me sleep in his room every night and added double locks to our door. His name is Aj and it clear to see we have different Dad. He as dark as midnight and I'm as pale as egg shells. I haven't seen my brother in years after he got so fed up with my mother’s behavior and left me behind searching for a better life.

He never even promised to come back for me. He did not even say goodbye to me, all he did was left me a note saying 'I have to do this, for me'. He was my role model, and my hero. Until he disappeared and escaped leaving me here to riot. This is why I do not trust people or try to let people in my life. No matter how Grover has tried and become my friend I don't let him. The only friend I have is the homeless guy, Bill, who lives by the dumpster. I always give him my food and take him to the free clinic any time be becomes ill.

He is a has a dissociative identity disorder, a mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes and by poor emotional responsiveness. The way he deals with it by becoming different people depending on his mood. When he is happy, he is Amber, a cheerleader in high school who never fails to smile. When he is upset he is Jake, a depressive alcoholic with four kids. This makes it hard for him to hold a job. I never eat my lunch so I can give it to him. I haven't distinguished the reason why I care so deeply about him but I do.

Maybe he fills the miserable hole Aj left in my heart, but it's something stronger than that. If it was not for his cheerful smile and need to be taken care of like I never had, I would have run aways years ago. First to vanish from school and never come back, due to my dyslexia and rare panic attacks. I loath my panic attacks my heart beat at a fierce rate and my vision becomes blurs and I see red. I can't breathe, it like I'm drowning in my despair.

I get them when I see the dead ghost like figures all around my town My town is built over a thousand year old battle site. I see the ghost of soldiers being burned alive, flesh being brutally cut, and cries of woman in grief. I would run away from all of this. I know I'm far from normal. Something is deeply disturbed about me I question if I'm even human or even supposed to be alive.

{ Pov: No body's }

Grover ferociously calls Chiron, and near the second ring he picks up and kindly answers.


Grover talks in a rush. "I can't be her guardian, she’s so cold and emotionless and I have no idea whose child she is. She has human qualities but looks creature. I just can't deal with her." Grover shake his head in sorrow. He has never given up on a child. But this girl seem to have taken him to the edge.

Chiron remain clam but is very taken aback by Grover quitting. It is very unlike him.

"This seem serious, Grover. You're not one to walk away from a battle. Let’s meet up so we can discuss this matter further." Chiron affirms, and they both plan on where to meet .

Grover hangs up, disappointed in himself and looking forward to talking more to Chiron. However, unaware of what will happen ahead later on this evening. Nobody knows blood will be soon shed and identify known.
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