Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Think Happy Thoughts And We'll Fly Back Home

Think Happy Thoughts And We'll Fly Back Home

by mychemicalpony 1 review

A sort of war that's going on splits up a group of friends and they find themselves in a position that they never thought they'd find themselves in.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2012-06-27 - Updated: 2012-06-27 - 1626 words

This is just the first chapter and it's an introduction, so all future chapters will be a lot more interesting. This one is getting to know the characters, the scene, etc. Please review at the end because I'm really interested in knowing what you guys think. Oh, and this is set in an entirely fictional country (my own) called Falimenta, and there are totally fictional countries. I would provide you with a map but since I can't figure out how to attach a picture or anything, you'll have to use your imagination. Temperature and climate is different in each country, regardless of how far south or north they are. And yes, I have named the countries after albums but you should try to name 35 fucking countries...

Frank Iero - Height: 5'4"
Age: 21
Origin: Danger Days - tested thoroughly mentally for any alliance with said
Base: The Black Parade
Rank: Liuetenant

Mikey Way - Height: 5'11"
Age: 21
Origin: Danger Days - tested thoroughly mentally for any alliance with said
Base: Liberation Transmission
Rank: 2nd Liuetenant

Gerard Way - Height: 5'9"
Age: 25
Origin: Danger Days - tested thoroughly mentally for any alliance with said
Base: Fools and Worthless Liars
Rank: Officer Cadet

Ray Toro - Height: 6'1"
Age: 24
Origin: Danger Days - tested thoroughly for any alliance with said country.
Base: Masterpiece Theatre
Rank:Sergeant Major

Bob Bryar - Height: 6'3"
Age: 23
Origin: Danger Days - tested thoroughly mentally for any alliance with said
Base: Meet Me Halfway, At Least
Rank: Sergeant


Frank could still remember clearly the day it all began. They had all been sitting in his basement, playing Early Sunsets Over Monroeville and just relaxing, having just ran away from the 'hard' guys, who were dressed up in white masks and pretending to be in a company called Bl/Ind. They had got out some beers and were goofing around, doing impressions of the jocks in the costumes.

"Hahaha, you know what?" Gerard had half shouted, drunk.

"What the fucking hell have you been drinking?" Ray giggled under his fro.

"I don't think we're EVER gonna get split up. And if we do, they'll have to put up with my fucking protests and shit before that..." Gerard slurred away, putting emphasise on the 'ever'. Looking back, Frank realised that it was just tempting fate. Gerard should have never said that, or would it have happened anyway, regardless of what Gerard had unknowingly said? It didn't matter, because right now, Frank was about 80 kilometres from Ray, and even further away from all of the others.

A knock came at the door. Linda, Frank's mother, opened it and gave a small shriek of surprise, and a muffled sound, like she always trying to protest but couldn't wafted down the stairs. They all exchanged a glance, and Mikey cautiously got up and opened the door to the stairs. When they reached the top, they found a few men, all in army uniform, standing with one of them holding Linda like she was a rag doll, and a hand over her mouth to stop her from crying out.

"We've come to take you away to fight the war, that's recently broken out. I'm sure you're all familiar with the story." What seemed to be the leader told them pompously.

Frank explained that, being in the middle of nowhere, they didn't receive any television signal and it was very rare that anyone went into the big city to find out the latest news. This was the first they'd heard about a war.

"Ah well, I'd better fill you in then. Basically, the war with Liberation Transmission and The Black Parade has gone very badly for the latter, and they've called on old alliegances. The amount of countries drawn in has risen hugely and due to the recent bombing of Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, we have had to step in and offer our forces for the allies. We're in a very dangerous position now that we're at war, because all around us - apart from Dirty Work - we're surrounded by our enemies and we're very vunerable, due to the vast desert landscape. We're calling on all men from 18 to 45 years of age to fight for us, and to be quite frank, we need all the soldiers we can get."

Frank and the others processed the information and then, simultaneously, started backing up to go down to the basement again. Before they had even got halfway to the stairs though, bodyguards had seized them and held them with their hands behind their backs.

"Looks like we have some boys who don't know what their priorities are." The General boomed, and the bodyguards understood, who started to twist Mikey's arms painfully so he screamed in pain.

"SHUT UP AND LET HIM GO! WE'LL GO AS LONG AS YOU DON'T SPLIT US UP! JUST PLEASE LET MY BROTHER GO!" Gerard screamed, and the General nodded his head, at which the bodyguard let Mikey's arms return to normal. They let themselves be led out the door, with Linda crying hysterically behind them.

"What about our stuff? Like toothbrushes, and stuff like that?" Bob wandered out loud, and to his surprise he got a reply.

"In the army, we give you new things, so you can't use anything to secretly communicate. We know how clever people can be these days. We don't take any chances."

What happened in the months after that was the following: They were all fighting in combat in Meet Me Halfway, At Least and Liberation Transmission had captured Mikey. He had been taken prisoner and been subjected to several tests, both mentally and physically to check that he was fit to fight and had been given a new uniform, that was designed to protect against alpha radiation, which apparently no other country had. He wasn't allowed to die his hair any more, so it went back to being a mousey brown mess, due to the fact that he couldn't straighten it like he used to.

Frank had been sent to The Black Parade, to help with the damage done by the atomic bombs 9 years ago. His hair had been shaved off and he'd been given a heavy suit with massive shields of lead to protect himself with and he couldn't help but hope that either this was a dream or that the radiation would mutate his DNA so badly that he'd be given leave.

Ray had shipped out to the only civilised island that was it's own country, Masterpiece Theatre. He had to shave his fro off because the heat was so overwhelming, and the uniform was designed to keep the wearer cool. He struggled to adjust to the environment, which was a jungle type island with lots of red trees and flowers, which seemed to be a recurring theme. Most of the animals were varying shades of red. The work was hard, which was cutting down trees and turning them into useful machinery and weaponery for The Black Parade and Meet Me Halfway, At Least. Ray became very thin during the first couple of months because the labour was difficult and the food was a sort of gruel for breakfast, lunch and dinner which wasn't enough to keep a man doing that amount of work from losing weight.

Gerard, on the other hand, was having a good time in Fools and Worthless Liars. His job was to try and recruit more people, which was quite easy because all the young boys and men had been trained to be fighters, because of the nuclear war that was right next to them. It was nice scenery as well, because most of it was meadows and grasslands with the people living in little huts like the Celtics did, but it was more civilised that that. The only thing wrong was that he was away from Frank and Mikey, whom he missed the most, but he told himself that if he helped with the war, it would be over quicker and he could see them sooner.

Bob was in the least fortunate position of them. In the battle that got them all split up, he had somehow got lost and climbed over one too many ridges of mountains, so he got lost. He wasn't just lost. He was lost in a freezing cold environment with no prospects of food or water and his uniform was barely keeping his body temperature steady. A few days after he'd got lost, he'd shoved through the snow and stumbled across a cave that seemed to offer a bit more shelter than outside. The next day, he'd got a surprise when he woke up because the cave was inhabited by eskimo type people, who took pity on him and welcomed him into their 'family'.

So that's it. It's just an introduction, and it will get more exciting. Promise. Plus, we will meet LOADS more people and each chapter will be from a different point of veiw. Also, people who know the album that the chapter is set in will have an easier time imagining it because the countries are based on the albums. For instance, The Black Parade is a place that has loads of rubble because of bombing like in the video for Welcome To The Black Parade. And Set The World On Fire is mainly rock and it's very hot, with lots of fire and shit. Anyway, that's for the chapters to come :) I'm putting all my other stories on hold because I've for writers block for them and I have so many chapters planned for this and it seems original (I think) so yeah. I suggest you listen to the album that the chapter is based in, it's a lot better.
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