Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > LOVE!!!

Ch. 2

by lalaland123456 0 reviews

another update fiiiiinnnallyy

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-10-01 - Updated: 2012-10-01 - 255 words

I woke up in a sweat, remembering the first time my step-dad abused me. I was only 12. I still had the damn scar and everytime i changed for GYM all the guys would call me emo and tell me to go cry to my mother. My mother died three years ago. A year before my step-father started the abuse. She was driving home from work one late night and some teenager was smoking a ciggerette and he wasnt paying attention. He drove through a red light and hit her side of the car. She was instantly killed. Even though it was a horrible way to go, I'm glad she wasn't suffering. I was glad she wasn't here. Or else she might be induring the same abuse I am.

I got up and walked into the bathroom looking at my (disgusting) reflection. My hair was sticking up in all directions imaginable. I had angry bags under my eyes, indicating I got no sleep at all the night before. I looked back at my clock and it said 5:30 a.m. Ok so i had an hour to get ready.


After i finished getting ready, I went to the kitchen and popped a piece of bread inside the toaster. Then out of nowhere my step-father was behind me. (His name is John by the way) I think he noticed i was trembling in his presence so he grabbed my shoulder and i bolted out the front door. I stayed on the porch waiting for mikey to come out.

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