Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Once Upon A December

"I've been thinking about it." I said to Frank "I don't think Miranda set the house on fire on purpose."

"What do you mean?" Frank asked, looking at the sofa's "How else could the house have caught on fire?"

"Accident's happen all the time Frank. And Miranda was the one who phoned for the fire brigade almost straightaway. She banged on Gerard's door and stuff to save me. Surely she'd have waited until it was too late if she truly wanted to get rid of me." I bit my lip "You're her Dad. You need to find out what happened."

"Penina, I love you. And I love Miranda but do you really think it was just coincidence that she told you she wanted you dead just moments before the house caught on fire?" Frank looked from the sofa's to me "I don't think so. Anyway, I like this sofa. I'm gonna buy it."

"Come on, go upstairs and talk to Miranda!" I begged "You didn't let her explain her side of the story at all!"

"Neither did you."

"Well I've been busy and everything what with going to the hospital and stuff. And I feel a little awkward around her. I don't know how to act around her Frank. You're her Dad-"

"So you keep saying."

"I keep saying because it's true." I sighed "Please talk to her Frankie. We need to know the truth."

"Okay, fine." Frank groaned, going up the stairs. Why was he so reluctant to talk to his own daughter?

I went into the living room. Frank had tried to clean it up as best as he could "Penina!" Frank yelled from upstairs "Penina, Miranda's gone missing!"

[A/N] - Short chapter, sorry :( And sorry for not updating in ages D:
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